
    Classifieds Ad Priorities

    There are currently three different levels of priority for dropzone.com's classified ads.
    Featured Ad Listing
    The featured ad listing is our highest priority listing, providing users with the most exposure and the largest amount of average views on an ad, naturally this will translate into a higher response numbers and more sale conversions. Featured ads are displayed prominently on both the classifieds main landing page, before the fold, as well as being displayed at the top of the category they are submitted to.
    View more information on how to feature your ad.
    Premier Member Ad Listing
    The Premier Membership is a feature where you are able to pay a membership fee for site-wide enhanced features and privileges. This option extends into the classifieds section of the site, where we provide a priority listing feature to all premier members. Premier member ads will be displayed on the classifieds main landing page, below the featured ad listings, as well as being placed above the free listings in the category they are submitted to.
    Premier members do not receive as high priority listings as featured ads, though all of the premier member's ads receive some form of priority, where as featured links work on a link to link basis.
    View more information on Premier Membership.
    Free Ad Listings
    A free listing is an ad submitted by any dropzone.com registered user who is not part of our premier membership option, nor has selected their links to be a featured link. Free links expire either after 30 or 60 days, depending on your choice when originally submitting the ad, but can be renewned free of charge once this period reaches the end.
    Free listings are the 'default' submission type, not being displayed on any other page than the category they were submitted to.

    By admin, in Classifieds,

    Featured Ad Listing

    While we offer a free listing service in our classifieds, we realize that some times you need to make a sale urgently and ideally you'd like to see your ad viewed by as many people as possible. This is why we have created our 'featured ad' option.
    You are now able to have your classified ad shown prominently on both the classifieds main landing page, as well as at the top of the category page it is submitted to. Furthermore, buyers will feel more comfortable in responding to featured ads because of the decreased risk of the seller being a scammer.
    We are dedicated to providing our paid link users with the best possible exposure for their ads.
    Payment can be made securely through paypal.
    To feature your ad, simply go through the process of adding a new classified ad and submitting. When your ad is submitted, you will be prompted as to whether or not you'd like to pay for the link, the payment amounts are then listed. You are then able to decide which payment option you'd prefer, select that option and then proceed with the link submission.
    Featured Ads Receive:

    Prominent placement on the classifieds main page.
    Priority listing at the top of the category page it is submitted to.
    'Stickied' position at the top of the regular listings on the classifieds page.
    Higher average view numbers.

    By admin, in Classifieds,

    Minimum Days Registered Requirement

    As part of our efforts to fight scams in the Classified section we have instituted a policy that requires users to be registered for a minimum of 3 days before you can either post an ad or contact a seller.
    If you can not see the contact information for an advertiser then you have not been registered for the minimum number of days required.
    This feature is simply designed to place an obstacle in the way of creating a quick username and spamming everyone in the classifieds or posting an ad ripped from EBay on the same day.
    We apologize to skydivers who are simply trying to list their gear or get in touch with a seller. We trust that you'll be back in a few days and wish you the best of luck with your dealings.

    By admin, in Classifieds,

    Why was my ad marked as a scam

    We use a number of criteria to determine whether we mark an ad as a SCAM or not. If you believe your ad was unjustly flagged, please send an email to abuse@dropzone.com and include the following information:
    Your USPA (or other licensing organization) number.
    How long you've been jumping, how many jumps you've done, the name of your home DZ.
    The name of your DZO or Instructor, and his/her contact info.
    When and who did you buy this gear from?
    Your phone number. We apologize in advance it your ad was wrongly identified as a scam. We are very serious about the security of our users and the integrity of our Classifieds, and prefer to err on the side of caution. Thank you for understanding.

    By admin, in Classifieds,

    Classifed Ad Listing Guidelines

    The Dropzone.com Skydiving Classifieds is a FREE service to the global skydiving community. It has grown to become one of the most popular places to buy and sell skydiving gear. We plan to keep it that way and will continue to add new features but we ask that you help us by following a few simple rules and guidelines to keep this place tidy.
    1) Your ad must be skydiving related
    The Dropzone.com Classifieds are for skydiving related ads. Any ads that does not relate to the sport or industry of skydiving will be removed.
    2) List your ad to a single category only
    Please pick the most appropriate category and list your ad in that. Any multiple posts will be removed - all of them, not only the duplicate. Ads that are in the wrong category may be moved or removed. No SPAM will be allowed.
    Do not post subject lines or ads in upper case letters. Upper case letters are rude and considered shouting.
    4) No HTML
    You are not allowed to use any HTML anywhere in your ad. Any ads containing HTML will be deleted.
    5) No ==>"Eye Catchers"<==
    Do not use "eye catchers" in your subject lines to try and draw attention to your ad. Examples are adding characters like ==> <== or ** ** around the subject. Please type a clear descriptive subject only. These characters make a classifieds board look tacky and is not in line with the Dropzone.com brand of providing clear un-cluttered content. Help us keep it tidy. Ads that use this practice will be removed.
    6) URL or Links only
    Your ad has to contain material and substantive information about the item you are selling. The Dropzone.com classifieds is a free service for people who want to list their gear for sale. It is not set up as a "links directory" to external sites where gear is being sold. Premier Members has the option to add an external link to their ads.
    7) Ebay links
    If you choose to sell your gear on Ebay then please do not place and ad on Dropzone.com with a link out to EBay only. See the guidelines above. Ads like this may be removed.
    8) Duplicate ads
    If you decide to post something that has already been posted again then you have delete your original post first. If a duplicate ad for the same item is found both will be removed.
    9) Companies advertising
    While skydiving gear sellers are at this stage welcome to list items in the classifieds we ask that you not abuse this privilege. Do not spam the classifieds with items and please list proper information about each item for sale, not just links to your site or a general "sales" announcement. If gear sellers abuse this privilege access to the classifieds for all companies may be suspended. please work with us on this. :-)
    10) PayPal Fee Compensation
    It is against the PayPal terms of service to request that the buyer compensate for PayPal fees included in the transaction. We recommend that the seller include any PayPal compensation he requires into the price of the actual product.
    That's it for now...
    We reserve the right to refuse service and remove any ad without providing a reason. Repeat offenders and spammers will have their usernames disabled.
    Thanks for supporting Dropzone.com and thank you for helping us keep the Classifieds tidy and easy to use for everyone.

    By admin, in Classifieds,

    How much does it cost to post an ad

    Nothing. Dropzone.com provide this classified ad service free of charge. Though you have the option, should you want more attention drawn to your ad, to purchase a paid link listing where your classified ad will be shown prominently on both the classifieds main landing page, as well as at the top of the category it was added to.

    By admin, in Classifieds,

    How do I modify an existing ad

    Log in and go to the Classified Ad section by clicking on the "Classifieds" link in the top navigation bar on any page. Click on the "Manage my Ads" link at the bottom or on the left side of the Classifieds page. You will be presented with a list of all your ads. Select that ad you wish to edit and click on the "Modify Ad" button. Your ad information will automatically be retrieved and displayed for editing.

    By admin, in Classifieds,

    How long will by ad be displayed

    When posting an ad you can choose to list the item for either 30 or 60 days. You will receive and email a week before your ad expires to let you know your ad is about to be removed. You can renew your ad or allow it to expire. The ad will be automatically removed from the system on the expiration date.

    By admin, in Classifieds,

    My item didn't sell. Can I renew my ad

    You can renew your ad up to 3 times for an additional 30 or 60 days without retyping the ad. To Renew your ad simple click on "manage my Ads" Select the ad you wish to renew. Select a new term and submit the ad again. Once you've renewed the ad 3 times you will need to submit a new ad if your item is still not sold.

    By admin, in Classifieds,