
    How do I post a photo with my ad

    When listing your ad you will see a area where you can upload an image. Click on the "Browse" button and browse to the image on your hard drive. Select the image. When you submit your ad the image will be automatically uploaded and a thumbnail image created for your ad.

    By admin, in Classifieds,

    How to I post a Classified

    If you have not done so already you need to register a new Dropzone.com user account. To post an ad, login to Dropzone.com and click on the "Classifieds" link in the top navigation bar on any page to go to the Classified Ads section. Click on the "Post an Ad" link at the bottom or on the left side of the Classifieds page.
    On the next screen select a category that best fits the item you're trying to sell. You can post an item to one category only. Spam will be deleted.
    Enter your item information as accurately and complete as possible in the form provided and click the "Post Ad" button at the bottom.

    By admin, in Classifieds,