
    What are the Forum Rules

    The rules of the Dropzone Forums are pretty simple. There's not many of them, but they'll be enforced. Click here to read the Forum Rules.

    By admin, in Forums,

    How do I add an icon or avatar to my posts

    You can add an icon or avatar to be displayed with all your posts. To add an icon go to "Edit Profile" and click on "User Profile" You can upload an icon and select it to be displayed. Icons can be JPG files only with a maximum file size of 10 KB and maximum dimensions of 65x75 pixels. Just like your signature this changes on all your posts - including past ones - every time you change it.
    Note:If you have done the above and your old avatar is still being displayed then you are seeing a browser cached version of the image. Refresh your browser (F5) or remove the "temporary internet files" from your system.
    For more information search for "avatar" in the Bugs and Errors forum or click here.

    By admin, in Forums,

    How do I know when I have a Private Message

    If you have an unread message a red link with the number of "New" messages waiting for you will appear in the forum navigation bar next to the messages link. You have the option of being notified by email as soon as someone sends you a message. You can turn this option on and off in your User Profile.

    By admin, in Forums,

    How do I view or manage my Private Messages

    While viewing the “Messages” menu, you will see two menus while viewing your messages: one containing all messages that have been sent to you, another containing all messages that you have sent. You can view messages from either of these menus by clicking on the subject of the message you want, or delete them by checking the boxes beside them and clicking the “Delete” button. While viewing a message, you can delete it, or send a reply to the user who sent the message to you.

    By admin, in Forums,

    How do I send Private Messages to other users

    There are two ways of sending messages:

    While viewing the “Messages” menu, click the “Send Private Message” button. You will be brought to a message composition menu similar to the Post menu. Enter the username of the person you wish to send the message to in the “Recipient” field and compose a message the way you would a post.
    Messages can also be sent by clicking on the username of the desired recipient and then clicking the “Send Private Message” button.
    Note that some users may have disabled private messages in their User Profile. You will not be able to send messages to any such user.

    By admin, in Forums,

    What are Private Messages or PMs

    Private Messages (PMs) are not unlike email. You can send PMs to other registered forum users by simply using their usernames. PM communication can only take place between registered Dropzone.com users. Because the Dropzone.com PM system is not open to outside messages it is totally spam-free! Click here to find out how to send a PM.

    By admin, in Forums,

    What are Subscriptions

    You can subscribe to receive an email notification with a summary of the last 10 posts made in the last day. To subscribe and unsubscribe to receive forum email notifications click on "Edit Profile" and follow the link to "Subscriptions".

    By admin, in Forums,

    What are Watched Threads

    You can flag any thread as a Watched Thread by clicking on the "Watch Thread" botton at the top of the post. You will receive and email notification when someone makes a post to one of your Watched Threads. You can view and manage your Watched Threads by clicking on "My Posts" in the top left and scrolling down to "Watched Threads".

    By admin, in Forums,

    What is email notification

    When you make a post, you have the option of being notified by email as soon as a user replies to your post. You can turn this option on and off in individual posts with the “email notification” checkbox and choose whether or not to have the option enabled by default in your User Profile. Make sure you have entered an email address in your User Profile where your notifications can be sent to!

    By admin, in Forums,

    What is my signature - How do I use or modify it

    A signature is a small amount of text that can be automatically included at the end of all of your posts. It can be your name, your email address, a link, a slogan, a quote, etc.
    You can define and modify your signature in your User Profile. Note that if you modify your signature, posts you made before modifying your signature will be updated to contain the new signature.
    Each time you make a post, you have the option of including your signature by checking or unchecking the “Append signature to post” box.

    By admin, in Forums,