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Inches From Death - Near Plane Collision

By adminon - Read 23753 times

Despite having occurred late last year, a recently uploaded Youtube video showing an extremely close encounter between a tandem instructor, passenger and the jumpship they just exited from, has gone viral. The 4 minute long video (including editing) was shot in October 2014 and shows a tandem instructor, from what has been determined as a Thailand based skydiving operation at an estimated 13 000 feet (a typical exit altitude for tandem jumps).

Twelve seconds after the TI and passenger exit the plane, the plane comes into view of the camera and can be seen diving quickly in their direction. The camera speed is then slowed down and shows the plane moving closer, with one frame showing the bridle and drogue of the TI wrapped around the wing of the plane.

It appears as though the drogue bridle was cut when it wrapped over the wing and can be seen waving behind the TI in some of the frames. He then deploys the reserve shortly afterwards.

The passenger appears for the most part, unaware of exactly how close the pair came to death during the incident, with the video later cutting to text on screen suggesting that the TI had just explained what had happened, while they were under canopy.

There has been quite a bit of conversation around just how this happened, whether it was purely pilot negligence - or whether perhaps a close fly-by is something that is pre-arranged with the TI and pilot, in order to give the passengers a more thrilling experience. While there is no clear evidence to lead one to make such a damning assumption, several individuals have noted the TI's apparent eagerness to get the passenger to look in the direction of the descending aircraft, even before it has entered the frame of the video. Others are calling the TI a hero for the professional way in which he handled the incident, staying calm and getting both himself and the tandem passenger safely on the ground.

Regardless of the details behind the incident, it's clear that those involved are lucky to still be alive.

A discussion about the event is currently taking place in the forums in an incidents thread.



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Anyone suggesting that this was other than an intentional stunt, is smoking three "meals" per day. This is criminally negligent.
Steve Rafferty

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I do not smoke and for Steve Rafferty to say this was " an intentional Stunt " and "Anyone suggesting that this was other than an intentional stunt, is smoking three "meals" per day." is just an ignorant comment. As I know it was not intentional for the plane to make contact with the bridle.

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The TI posted a detailed response to the video:

This was NOT a planned stunt. As i have said before it is common for the pilot to dive the plane at a SAFE distance. On this jump the pilot messed up in a big big way. We all are very very lucky. If the wing did hit us it could have crippled us or killed us easily. The impact could have ripped the wing off possibly killing the pilots who also got very lucky.
Yes i saw the plane as it was diving. This is normal. I often point it out to my passengers for the visual effect if they have the awareness. When i did realize he was going to hit us all i had time for was to ball up for impact.
After the wing had ripped my drogue off i had no choice but to pull my reserve. With no drogue there is not enough drag to pull the main out of the container. I had to pull the reserve as soon as I realized this otherwise we would have accelerated past a safe opening speed...
As for the lady... This is my good friends wife. Her reactions are very normal for a first time jumper. She had sensory overload. She did realize that it seemed like a short free fall (which it was), but did not realize how close we were to death until i explained to her what happened. THIS IS NORMAL.... First time students are often oblivious to what is happening on their first jump...She did an awesome job and stayed calm thru the whole experience...
I will be removing and racial comments and any negative comments toward my friends wife... Also any irrelevant comments

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This dz is commercial tandem orientated. Every second the plane useless in the air is wasted money. The Thai pilot is just employed to sign because a foreigner can not get a work permit here to fly. In reality the plane is controlled by the owner or an other European. You can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yTF_nv8dg8

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A possible pilot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo9rQF-0Smk
Good Job Forrest!!!!!

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