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Skydive Sibson re-launches as Skydive Airkix

By adminon - Read 4147 times

Skydive Sibson re-launches as Skydive Airkix for the 2008 season and offers £15 jump tickets for regular jumpers.

It’s all change at Skydive Sibson, now known as Skydive Airkix. 2008 promises to be an amazing season at the UK’s oldest and most respected drop zone where over half a million successful skydives have been made since it started as the Peterborough Parachute Centre at Sibson Airfield.

Joining the Meacock family, who founded the club in 1971, are two new partners. David Turner has purchased 50% of the centre and will manage the business. Airkix plc becomes a 20% partner, and will introduce new systems and coaching programmes to the drop zone (DZ) utilising skills learned in one of the most successful vertical wind tunnels in the World.

There will be cross-benefits for Skydive Airkix jumpers and customers of the Airkix wind tunnel in Milton Keynes.

There are also other major changes happening at Skydive Airkix. Following a fire that burned down the clubhouse in 2006, a brand new, purpose-built bar, restaurant and clubroom is planned to be open in time for Easter this year as the new season kicks off.

To haul jumpers, Skydive Airkix has a completely overhauled 16 place, fast climbing, turbine-powered, LET 410 that is permanently based at the DZ. The aircraft, which comes with a complete set of spares, is owned by two of the Skydive Airkix partners.

Best of all is the new simple pricing scheme for experienced jumpers who can purchase a ‘high’ (max altitude) ticket for just £15, this is considerably cheaper than at other UK drop zones.

New coaching programmes will make Skydive Sibson the centre of excellence for freefly as some of the best flyers in the UK work seamlessly between the Airkix wind tunnel and the drop zone.

First time students wishing to learn to skydive will also find the Skydive Airkix programme quite unique through a specially designed AFF (Accelerated Free Fall) programme that utilises effective wind tunnel simulation and training. A normal AFF course of 8 jumps currently offers about 6 minutes of freefall time, a Skydive Airkix course will start at a minimum of 16 minutes and the gold programme over 60.

The centre will be offering low price tickets in unrestricted airspace up to 15,000ft, allowing jumpers to get more airtime in a shorter period for less money.

In a new move to the skydiving industry, Skydive Airkix will be the first DZ to offer jumpers the opportunity to Carbon Offset. By adding a voluntary £2 to each jump ticket, Skydive Airkix will pay into a recognised established offset programme.

The new clubhouse complex will feature a restaurant serving meals at all times of the day, a fully stocked bar and comfortable areas for jumpers and visitors.

In addition, free Wi-Fi will be available as well as bunkhouse accommodation, camping and shower facilities.

For further information visit: www.skydiveairkix.com



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