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SkyVenture Colorado Ground Breaking

By adminon - Read 3185 times

Lone Tree Colorado - Norm Rosendale, CEO of SkyVenture Colorado, during ground breaking ceremonies announced the opening of SkyVenture at Lone tree near the end of the year.

The facility design is a 1200 Hp. vertical wind tunnel for the entertainment and training of skydivers of all ages. The Colorado sky diving community has been waiting for construction and completion of the tunnel for approx. three years.

Mayor Jack O'Boyle, Mayor of Lone Tree, believes the addition of SkyVenture along with Brunswick bowling and miniature golf in the Entertainment District of Lone Tree will bolster the plan for district development

SkyVenture Colorado is looking forward to becoming a full fledge member of the skydiving community. For those divers wondering about the high altitude and the cold weather of Colorado, don't worry. The recirculating 1200 Hp will provide all the climate and wind necessary for excellent flying.

SkyVenture will employ both full and part time instructors along with support staff.



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