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SkyVenture Colorado on Track

By adminon - Read 3453 times

I'm sure by now you have heard the buzz in the Skydiving community about the newest SkyVenture wind tunnel being built in Lone Tree, Colorado. Well, the buzz is true; finally Colorado will have its very own indoor flight chamber. All of SkyVenture's latest technology wrapped in a single spectacular package and placed in the middle of The Entertainment District next to Park Meadows Mall located at 9230 Park Meadows Drive, in Lone Tree, Colorado.

SkyVenture Colorado tunnel has all the latest improvements in design. The first thing you'll notice is the building is a single fully contained facility. Behind the unique architecture you will find a massive amount of very sophisticated components making up what is referred to as a "re-circulating tunnel". This technology has many advantages. By re-circulating the air they can maintain a very comfortable 70 degrees in the tunnel even when it is snowing outside. By virtually eliminating all influence from outside wind gusts and channeling the air early on it gives the ultimate smooth as silk air. Combining extremely tight tolerances on aerodynamic design and 1200 hp they have created the finest, smoothest 160mph+ air available in the industry.

SkyVenture Colorado LLC is a private Colorado based company formed to own and operate the most technologically advance and realistic skydiving simulator in the world. A group of investors headed up by Norm Rosendale are not new to the world of entertainment. Norm was involved in the SkyCoaster amusement ride business and served on the Board for Sky Fun 1. He has flown hang gliders for over 25 years and owned and operated his own hang gliding business. Norm's mission is to create a comfortable atmosphere for the skydivers and non-skydivers to relax and interact with each other and share their dreams and experiences of flight. "If we all don't walk away with a smile on our face then we are not doing it right".

Construction is going very well for a late December early January opening. Please sign up for e-mail updates or buy now and make your reservations to be one of the first fliers at www.SkyVentureColorado.com



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