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  1. Today
  2. Blevins posted this.. Cooper sleuth Meyer Louie passes away...
  3. Not sure if they rejected suspects only based on prints. I never used DNA or print results as the sole reason for elimination. It was probably more of a fishing expedition,,,
  4. Even better - how can they keep processing and rejecting suspects on prints ? Unless, there are more prints collected after Reno that have never been revealed so far ?
  5. Yesterday
  6. Time Left: 29 days and 14 hours

    • FOR SALE
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    FXC Test Chamber, also have 10 FXC's


  7. Very astute.. If the DNA is a dead end and the prints have no value,,, How do we put a suspect on the plane and solve this 100%?? This is the dilemma I have been working on..
  8. Prints are a big issue in this case. The FBI has used prints to evaluate suspects endlessly, except we are told the prints collected were of no value! It cant be both. Have value but were of no value! If the prints had no value then every single case of using them, had no value - over and over again endlessly!
  9. Time Left: 29 days and 11 hours

    • FOR SALE
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    Sidewinder DOM 1998 Reserve PDR 193 DOM 1998 Vigil 2 2009 Main PD 210


  10. Time Left: 29 days and 11 hours

    • FOR SALE
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    Dolphin DOM 2000 Reserve: Tempo 170 DOM 2000 Vigil II 2014 Main Falcon 215


  11. Time Left: 29 days and 11 hours

    • FOR SALE
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    Infinity DOM 2009 Reserve: PD 193 DOM 2009 Vigil II 2011 Solo 2


  12. Time Left: 29 days and 11 hours

    • FOR SALE
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    Strong Qusaar DOM Sept 2000 Reserve: Stellar 160 DOM June 2000 Vigil Quatro 2015 Monarch 175


  13. Time Left: 29 days and 11 hours

    • FOR SALE
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    Strong Pilot Para-Cushion with baby cobra. DOM Rig July 1992 DOM Baby Cobra 1984 This is TSO'd


  14. Time Left: 29 days and 10 hours

    • FOR SALE
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    6 sets of student rigs Sidewinders, DOM 2005, Tempo Reserves, Vigils and Solo Mains


    - CA

  15. Time Left: 29 days and 10 hours

    • FOR SALE
    • USED

    1: Blue Wings container, DOM Jan 2022. Resverve: Maverick. Vigil II 2015 2. Red Wings container , DOM Jan 2022. Reserve Maverick. Vigil II 2007


    Lowbanks, Ontario - CA

  16. BIGUN


    Back up under a different name?
  17. Apparently the whole site still lives, but very few people are aware of it. I wonder who's running it and why they didn't say anything. Looks like you won last post, and despite my ribbing, Ian won first post back.
  18. Last week
  19. my neighbor with the big boobs is mowing the lawn naked again. I wish his wife would do the same sometimes
  20. The CEO of IKEA was just elected Prime Minister in Sweden... He should have his cabinet together by the end of the weekend.
  21. That is a washed out photo and he looks younger there, no turkey neck.. I posted images that accurately show his forehead details.. Get real Ryan. No way those EXTREME forehead lines were NOT noticed by witnesses.. not one. Just those extreme forehead lines alone eliminates him. His nose is irrelevant. This is closer to the hijacking...
  22. I don't have to find anything,, The FBI stated Sketch B is the most accurate. Your argument is speculative. The actual construction of your argument is flawed. It is nonsense and ignores the context. Your premise's are bad. The error is the ONLY reason for B,, nonsense You claim that 3 witnesses sitting together is somehow more reliable. False. This is never done, they can influence each other. Witnesses should be interviewed separately. and Murphy was liked by witnesses, he matches B very well below the sunglasses, sketch A does not. You have an opinion with nothing to back it up. B is more accurate, the evidence indicates it, the FBI said it and the process was more comprehensive. Murphy sketch A vs B... B is much better.
  23. You're picking out photos of him with his eyebrows raised. His forehead lines weren't normally that dramatic in any other photos I've seen of him. And his hair is super short in those photos you posted. What mainly eliminates him in my mind is his nose. He has a nose like your guy Bill.
  24. Find someone WITHOUT a suspect who actually agrees with you that a sketch drawn from scratch two days after an event is somehow LESS accurate than an identikit sketch created 9 to 12 months after an event. The main witnesses liked A days after the event The main witnesses liked B a year after the event Because these two look like different individuals, they can't both be right, so I'll go with the earliest sketch as being the more accurate of the two. And hey, if your supposed photo of Cooper looks like B, then more power to you. I have no dog in this fight. I could care less if my opinion on which sketch is better is realized one day or not. I'm just being logical and logic suggests that a memory two days after an event is better than one a year later.
  25. Cooper jumped at 8:11, I have new data and it is irrefutable. He did not jump later. I always felt it may have been as far south as Battleground but no longer. I won't post the data because it wouldn't matter to most and I am using it for my project. This is NOT Cooper's forehead Ryan.. These are not average forehead lines, these are extreme deep lines that go right down the temple. No Cooper witness mentioned forehead lines like this. Skip was not Cooper. Any objective person can understand this. This is the equivalent of Reca's nose.... and he doesn't have wavy, curly, marcelled hair... Skip may be an interesting guy but he clearly was NOT Cooper. Sketch A vs B... more nonsense.. Sketch B is the best likeness... It is essentially a widened version of A with the nose also proportionally widened. It is also aged and coloured. I have lots of evidence to support this maybe one day I'll post it but I don't think people really understand it with the misinformation out there.. sketch B was not created ONLY because of an error, that was incidental not causative. Ryan's argument that the error caused B and therefore B is not accurate is unfounded speculation. It is a logical non-sequitur. The FBI said B is the most accurate and I have undisclosed evidence that proves B is more accurate.. though still a composite sketch. The idea that a Cooper suspect must match A and not B is actually insane.
  26. I have zero interest in Tosaw's opinions and actions... His contribution to the case is his book because he interviewed so many relevant people,, It is very accurate in that context, of course Cossey lied to him and there are some minor errors here and there... even Alice liked the book.. but overall it is a very important Cooper book.
  27. You and FJ have such a total grasp of these files - its a pleasure to just come here to read!
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