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  2. It seems unlikely because you made a false assumption.. These were areas marked on a map in the River. Not the beach, shore or banks.. I assume they clamshell dredged then barged to the Fazio's... but that was not explained. The next line of thought is,, did the sand from the river for their operation contain the money. Extremely unlikely, the money would have had to go into the river then get scooped, deposited back onto the Fazio's then get washed back into the River to land a half mile downstream.. all while maintaining its integrity. Nope.
  3. Where did you get the info that the Fazio’s had permits to obtain sand from specific locations on the river? Any documentation for this? This seems unlikely. Even though ocean beaches in Washington state are publicly owned, river banks are privately owned. They would need approval from the local landowners, as well as a permit from the government for each location they wanted to use.
  4. Not yours, mine... Wendy P.
  5. An Orchards landing is speculation, there is no evidence for it... It is a product of groupthink 50+ years later.. It is very common and rational in this case for people to look for things that were missed or wrong initially to explain the failure to resolve the case.. to do that 50+ years later requires some good evidence, that does not exist for Orchards. Some error or misunderstanding must have occurred for the case to be unsolved.. so there is a bias to extreme speculation. Problem is... it is a high bar to prove these things and too many people are using speculation.. A handful of influencers are driving the narrative and mislead people by expressing opinions, not facts. To claim it is now settled that Cooper jumped at Orchards is an expression of an opinion, it is not fact and has no supporting evidence.. Be very suspicious of opinions masquerading as fact.. No evidence Cooper jumped at Orchards, the evidence supports 8:11. No evidence for Cunningham's revised path times,, evidence supports original times. No evidence to corroberate Cossey's NB6 claim.. evidence contradicts Cossey's description and we can't confirm the model of the military rig Cooper used. No evidence Cooper was 6' tall. This is an opinion. FBI used 5'8" as the lower bound for suspects and witnesses had him from 5'9". No evidence sketch A is more accurate than B.. That is an opinion. FBI said B is more accurate. Sketch B is an almost perfect match for Murphy and many witnesses liked Murphy (below glasses w hat on). This is key because Murphy was viewed by witnesses well before sketch B was created.
  6. Do you support intelligence officials who are supposed to be non partisan distributing propaganda for one party over another? What about drumming up support for a war on false pretenses, ala Iraq?
  7. There's a lot of talk about this in conservative circles online. It's referred to sometimes as "ideologies" fulfilling the void left by "God is Dead" of the postmodern era. Veganism, transgenderism, CrossFit and even skydiving fill the void. Skydiving has real sacrifice and sometimes the angry sky gods punish indescriminitely for no reason, despite doing everything correctly. The punishment for the sin of 200 jump wonder on a cross braced canopy can be swift as well. Always thought it mapped nicely as a religion replacement when I was younger.
  8. Is there some new info on the flight path, jump time, winds, etc. that I missed hearing about to conclusively put the jump or landing over Orchards? I remember that being the southern most point for some theories, but that was just a range.
  9. Early morning typing on my phone
  10. Hi Wendy, Then there is this: Jerry Baumchen PS) Just watched 'Join or Die,' quite interesting. Don't agree with a lot of it; but, at least he tries.
  11. Is that a non economist or a nonconforming economist? [runs]
  12. My signature line used to read, "Everyone is trying so hard to be heard that no one is listening." It fell on deaf ears.
  13. Thanks I will look into that. The Economist if probably US centric though Unfortunately the party that I like isn’t fielding candidates in my area. It’s run by a great medical doctor and he challenges the status quo. I’ve caught up with him one on one a few times now.
  14. Debate and disagreement is definitely a dying skill. I’m tired and grumpy from kids being up till 2am screaming at each other To bring it closer to home you only need to look at discussions in SC from 20 years ago and how there was heated debate, but still substance. It probably gradually declined rather than fell off a cliff, but the last couple of years there was not much debate as people shouting their viewpoints.
  15. Thanks I’ll be watch it. I really don’t like religion, but honestly one of the benefits is community spirit. Covid and working from home hasn’t helped either. I mostly work from home and only recently realised how little I leave the house and socialise these days.
  16. Yesterday
  17. Yeah. To me, talking WITH someone is kind of like playing catch WITH them. You want to stretch both of you, but if you make it impossible, they lose interest very fast. It takes little kids awhile to learn that (they think it's a riot to throw the ball so it's impossible to catch). Once they figure out that you keep playing with them as long as you can catch most of the balls (and they figure out you could, in fact, make it impossible for them, too), it gets to be a whole lot more fun, and better for both. Wendy P.
  18. Interesting. I'm gonna have to look into watchng that.. Yeah, the whole nature of communications now is not about sitting down and talking with someone that you have an issue with; I see it in my kid, explosion, noise, sharing of texts, block, ghost, etc. Honey, did you talk WITH them about it. No. OK Let's do that.
  19. Hi Keith, I could not agree more. However [ IMO ], it all goes back to Gingrich and his 'My way or the hiway," approach to politics. Jerry Baumchen
  20. I’m never donating blood again; it’s all an endless series of questions whenever I do. Like... - Where did you get it from? - Why are you carrying it in a bucket?
  21. Ryan's latest video is a disaster,, this is getting out if hand. Ryan has taken over the case from Ulis as an unofficial spokesman has become a misinformation machine with no challenges. He is still making false claims about Hahneman. These are not normal errors these are outright fabrications. Ryan is misrepresenting the evidence in the FBI files. Not opinions but facts.. Ryan said there was ID/initials in his baggage FALSE.. No ID or prints on the luggage/clothing was left behind. BVD is a brand. Ryan said Allentown was his hometown FALSE.. His family lived in Easton but Hahneman did not live with them though he paid the bills. He did stay there briefly on rare occasions sometimes not visiting for years. Ryan previously said he was missing half his teeth and now claims upper and lower teeth missing.. FALSE, the file says several upper sides.. I have discovered he was missing the upper bicuspids ( in front of molars ), common for people who need braces to straighten teeth. It was noticed by one person. I have a pic of his lower teeth, none missing. Ryan again said he had a large growth on his nose.. FALSE.. the files do not say "large" Ryan has added that. In fact, I discovered it was "slight" and reported by only one of about 50 witnesses and I can't find anything in pictures. He asked for 2000 Benson and Hedges not 3000.. Ryan thinks this means something regarding Cooper. It doesn't, B&H is a premium brand and there are no Raleigh's or coupons in Honduras.. Not asking for Raleigh's means nothing. People do smoke more than one brand or change. It is very easy to disseminate lies and misinformation but very hard to correct them.. DO NOT ACCEPT anything from Ryan without double checking. He seams to have a pattern of twisting and misrepresenting the facts while blending it with speculative bias.. Amazingly, Ryan admitted Murphy matches sketch B not A and most witnesses liked Murphy (in glasses and hat). That is what you call a "check mate". But Ryan still sticks with A,, why, because he used A for his book cover. So, it is apparent the evidence is irrelevant. The FBI claimed that B was the best likeness but if you agree with the FBI and the evidence you are biased.. Clearly, Ryan has a sketch A bias. Skip Hall's forehead. It is unreal that Ryan can't admit that Skip's forehead is not Cooper's. Skip's forehead lines are not normal they are severe, deep and wide, very unique. No Norjak witness ever mentioned those. Ryan minimizes and dismisses by saying they both had forehead lines.. this is so dishonest, they are not the same, not even close. Skip's SEVERE forehead lines eliminates him. Ryan accurately pointed out that men are better at sizing up other males. Mitchell and Gregory had Cooper at 5'9", it is also in the first description of Cooper (Ryan claims the first is the best). It was later bumped to 5'10" to reflect Tina's height estimate but that doesn't mean the guys were wrong. If Cooper was 6' is it reasonable that Mitchell would get that off by 3 inches even seated.. not likely. Ryan believes Mitchell was the last to board the plane, Gregory thought he was. If Mitchell was already seated then Cooper's only option was sit on the right side. Mitchell said he was "pretty close to the end, but didn't know that for a fact." Bill Mitchell: “ know I want to say...I mean I bought my ticket standby and, you know. It was like downstairs, and I’m looking at these flights to Seattle and Northwest has this one. It was like down and I’m looking...and so I bought the ticket, called my parents and, raced up. I want to say pretty close to the end, but I don’t know that for a fact.” Ryan claims that we now know that Cooper jumped about Orchards, the FBI now believes it and there was a several minute delay after the oscillations according to Anderson. THIS IS FALSE.. The FBI expanded the search after finding nothing, there is nothing that changed Soderlind's 8:11 jump time calculation. Anderson did not say there was a several minute delay between oscillations and bump, he said there was a delay before it was reported to NWA by Rataczak.. that would be the call to Soderlind which took place in the suburbs of Portland. That would put the bump minutes before Orchards. Ryan is misrepresenting Anderson's comment. The made up argument is that FBI conflated the oscillations and bump,, there is no evidence to support this, it is made up. The oscillations increased rapidly culminating in an abrupt "bump".. there was no several minute delay. an abrupt pressure change There is nothing from Anderson that confirms a delay between the oscillations and bump.. There were oscillations on going, they increased rapidly and at about 8:11 culminating in a physical bump. I have done a new analysis of data not done by Soderlind. The result was an anomaly at 8:10-11, that matched Soderlind and confirms Cooper left the plane right about 8:11. He could not have left after that. There were minor oscillations, then Cooper went to bottom of the stairs at 8:09 (late), mark on FDR and pitch correction. Oscillations increased and Cooper left at 8:11 causing the "bump". Cooper jumped right about 8:11 and with wind drift he could have landed N of the Lewis R... Claiming Cooper jumped at Orchards is not supported by any evidence. It is poor speculation. Also, a TBAR theory getting recycled is that sand was brought in to the Fazio's from elsewhere with the money in it, this is not possible. First, the money was found at the very Northern most point of the Fazio property, feet away from the next property. The sand operation was at the other end half a mile south. There was no sand operation near the money find spot. But, the Fazio's did not get sand from other operations, they got their sand from the river. They had permits to obtain sand from specific locations in the river. That sand was placed and processed at the south end of their property. The simplest TBAR explanation is that the money was tossed as one bundle into the Columbia River in Spring/Summer at Frenchman's Bar 2.5 miles upstream on the WA side. The money had become a liability to somebody.. Frenchman's is a public park with parking and easy beach access unlike TBAR. The bundle was likely in a bag or container to conceal it, either it floated long enough to reach TBAR (about 50 min) during a high water event or sank and was pushed along the bottom to its spot.. So, who would have a bundle.. A stew or family member, somebody paid for a ride or somebody found a bundle Cooper lost in the jump... There are other possibilities..
  22. Find out if there are organizations that vet candidates, as the League of Women Voters does in the US. It's getting less useful, because some politicians simply don't answer the questions any more, but it's still high on the "beats nothing" list. If there aren't, you have to start reading the slow news; personally I think that newspapers do a better job of running with what's a little more lasting, as opposed to whatever is going to get the most clicks instantly. And The Econonomist is a wonderful source for nationwide elections; conservative but external bent, dispassionate observers. Wendy P.
  23. Speaking of divided by extremism, I just finished watching the Netflix documentary "Join or Die," which is the movie-ization of the book Bowling Alone, about how the reduction in civic engagement (as evidenced by the smaller numbers in all kinds of fraternal organizations, as well as churches) is correlated quite convincingly with a rise in extremism. And how this also played out in a similar fashion during the Gilded Age. And it makes a certain amount of sense; if kids learn how to deal with each other by having siblings and friends, it seems as though adults could learn as much by having friends they kinda-sorta HAVE to deal with, as opposed to virtual "friends" who can be unfriended, ghosted, or simply ignored when they piss you off. Personally, I think the rise in suburbs and "every man is an individual" ethos also contributes, as does, of course, the rise of the internet. So I'll join a club or two. Wendy P.
  24. Barkley is known, no parachute, he was mentally ill. Cini gets attention because he was the first with a "parachute" but his plane was a DC-8 and couldn't be jumped. His chute was makeshift.. He couldn't jump and if he somehow managed to get out of the plane he would have died due to his makeshift rig.. Cini was not the inspiration for Cooper.
  25. Thanks Keith, I appreciate your reply. I agree the US seems insanely divided by extremism on both sides.
  26. I just came across Arthur Gates Barkley, who attempted a hijacking of a 727 in June of 1970. Could he have been the original inspiration for Cooper ? I have been inclined to think that Cooper was inspired by Cini, but the short time frame between Cini's attempt and Cooper always bother me a little bit. I don't recall seeing this in the vortex, but I am sure it's been discussed somewhere before. Here's a couple story links, what's missing from the Arthur Gates Barkley's story is whether he planned to jump from the plane or not or what his escape plan was. He was a world war 2 vet.
  27. Morning, Nigel. I am opposed to the Immigrant policy as presented. IMO, Trump could have taken a more phased approach. 1) A moratorium on new immigrants for 3 years. Have every undocumented go to INS and get an I-10 Card (Making that up, just an example), Spend the next three years vetting all thos new I-10 cards (Paying taxes, not criminals, etc. etc.) If there were children of undocumented born in the US, the 14th amendment says they are citizens, If one does not have an I-10 card, then a due process. During that 3 years, Bill & I had spoke of using BRAC bases as the "new" ellis island for new immigrants. I voted for Chris Garrity - Independent and voted for the person in each case, some moderate Democrat, some moderate Republican (Balance) . IMO, the chasm of division is too wide. We need a leadership that can bring both parties together, not push each other further apart.
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