USPA membership Required
AADs Required
Hook turns Allowed
What it costs
AFF courses available at 359 USD
Tandem jumps from 149* USD
Jump tickets at 25 USDto 13000ft
Video available at 139 USD
Skydive San Diego is located next to beautiful Otay Lake reservoir. On the climb to altitude, you will see the Pacific Ocean, downtown San Diego and Mexico. The winds here are some of the most consistent in the world, usually 4-8 out of the west. Perhaps this is one of the reasons the United States Navy, United States Air Force and the United States Marine Corps conduct their training here. Block discount tickets are also available. If you're looking to do a tandem jump, you'll find yourself paired with a licensed, professional instructor. No experience required and after completing the training program, you can expect a 13,000 foot exit followed by a magnificent freefall and parachute flight which looks over the Pacific Ocean and Baja California. Fun jumpers can acquire jump tickets at competitive prices while enjoying the Super Twin Otters and Blackhawk Caravan.
Skydive San Diego is a full-service skydiving facility with multiple training buildings, deluxe packing lofts, a grass landing area, a BBQ deck and patio, and incredible scenery to match! Unlike some outfits that will depart a public airport and land you in a field miles away requiring a van ride back to your friends, Skydive San Diego is set up to takeoff and land right in the same place, where your friends can watch!
Super Twin Otters, Blackhawk Caravan
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