
Why not put a vertical stabilizer on a wing suit?

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I'd be happy to try it, but nickels to nuggets, it would probably either:
A-do nothing except induce drag
B-induce greater instability due to constantly shifting position.

Legs aren't like horizontal stabs where they're rigid, they're constantly moving, so the vertical "stabilizer" would be anything but stable.

Remember the old XS wingsuits with the "winglets" made out of half a pancake turner? They didn't accomplish anything except looking goofy.

Worth playing with tho. Flatspins are the order of the day at E right now anyway.

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I feel that the material between knee and toe when stretched acts the same as an inverted V tail. It can be used both in macro and micro movements for all sorts of control inputs.


I also think it is good to try new and crazy ideas...because you never know what little nugget of revolution you will get from it.
Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month.

Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com

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In case of asymetry or bent legs, I could also see a stabilizer like that powering/adding to instability/turn direction. Seeing as most big surface wingsuits don't have full airflow over the lower legwing, the only place where such a tail/rudder would have effect would be the bottom section. Which is the exact place where it would mostly contribute to drag as well (judging how thick it would have to be, if you want it to be made of inflating materials).

The only suits seemingly needing such a stabilizer would be the 'square' shaped ones that are known for stability issues. Why not look other directions than 'upsizing' and creating 'fixes' for the instability such upscaling gives us?
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Why modify the suit at all?
For 50.00, we could have strap on fins!

Certainly worth playing with, but I'd hold my bet that any additional, vertical drag on the back end is only going to add to/instigate instability.

I know that Yuri and Jarno are totally into strap-ons...
These'll sell big! A new place to put skydiving stickers, too!

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:D Looks great.B|

Joking aside, I know when I fly wings (r/c planes) with no fins, the roll rate is great until the unrecoverable flat spin happens.

Try using coroplast for prototypes then cover them in cloth. Hardly any drag at all.

Maybe your fin idea on the feet would work good if they faced the bottom side of the wing suit.

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Maybe your fin idea on the feet would work good if they faced the bottom side of the wing suit.

my fin of the bottom side makes me turn left a bit, plus with the cold of the jumps, it is subject to shrinkage :D
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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So flat spins aren't an issue... even for beginners?

Noop...they are not. When they are not put in a huge wingsuit, and when they get an actual proper briefing on what to do. No issue at all.

Similar to a line-over for an AFF student. Its for sure an annoying thing to happen. But its not an issue that warents a change in gear design. It just means students need good training.

Similar to big suits. When you fly a big suit, make sure you have the training AND experience, and you should be able to deal with anything.

If you can't. uhm...jump a smaller wingsuit?:ph34r:
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Rather than looking at fish / sharks / planes with a vertical stabiliser above the body where the optimal positioning for a vertical stabeliser would be comprimised by the placement of our rigs perhaps we should be looking at yacht design where the stabiliser is under the body of the vessel?

From a functional point of view it would be unlikely to become a problem on deployment regardless of size allowing for different configurations/larger sizes etc

Thoughts ?
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if you are unstable in your wingsuits, get some serious coaching, and smaller suits.[:/]

No man! Upsize for safety!
and wear a weightbelt for speed :D (which I would need to consider to fly more comfortably at 90-100km/h vertical)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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From a functional point of view it would be unlikely to become a problem on deployment

The legwing and asymetry can already cause linetwist/spinning around of the body. Now imagine this with another added surface..

Or just imagine that it was called a cod piece....

I may not have been taking the thread entirely seriously ;);)
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Rather than looking at fish / sharks / planes with a vertical stabiliser above the body where the optimal positioning for a vertical stabeliser would be comprimised by the placement of our rigs perhaps we should be looking at yacht design where the stabiliser is under the body of the vessel?

From a functional point of view it would be unlikely to become a problem on deployment regardless of size allowing for different configurations/larger sizes etc

Thoughts ?

that would give us guys a place to put our huge cocks too; and the girls a place to store their strap-ons! :P
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