
V4 leg wing fluttering/vibrating

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There was a small problem with a few production models due to some some small variations in how the leg-inlet was constructed by one of our workers.

Contact PF directly via info@phoenix-fly.com and we will fix/update your suit free of charge to the production standard that PF is known for.
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I've seen two different v4 suits that have had a legwing flapping issues, it looks like the legwing kind of deflates and starts flapping in a dive, but I just saw a brand new one that didn't do it, so I'm hoping they got the problem solved. still waiting on the arrival of mine :|

Flock University FWC / ZFlock
B.A.S.E. 1580
Aussie BASE 121

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Its not an issue on 99% of all V4s out there. But like any product, every once in a while there is one that doesnt behave as it should. In that case we try and get the issue resolved.

To the OP, Robert commented you had notified him previously the issue was fixed. If you can get back to him, and further elaborate we can sort out the issue directly with you. As direct contact with the manufacturer who can assist is always quicker than posts on a forum.
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I also found rolling your knees outwards and overly pointing toes (old habit from my previous wingsuit that was std sizing and didnt fit correctly) to tension the forward to mid part of the wing made things worse. conversly spreading my legs while keeping my knees facing forward without overly poining toes(though didnt feel like the legwing was held as tight) reduced the problem. may not be relevant to you but might be worth a try.
to me it always seemed like the flap was airspeed related, i would start flying a little steeper, no flap then after i reached a certain speed violet flap would start and would remain and get worse the faster i went if i flattened out it would remain until i slowed till i was below that certain speed, attitude was irrelevant. I could never see the legwing but it never felt like it was depressurised. good luck

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