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What makes similar sized suits like a venom and x-bird pressurize so differently. It is the thickness of the actual inflated baffle, the air lock itself, the material? Shutting down an s-bird requires a decent squeeze of the legs, while shutting down a V4 requires much less effort, but they are similar in overall size. Wondering if I modify the airlocks in my V4 if ill get a big more float and a faster start on base exits, but wanted to get the wingsuit worlds opinion first.

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If the start time is what you're focused on I would venture to guess it depends more on stall speed of the suit than inlet or airlock mechanics.
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. " -John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, 1957

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i have flown quite a lot of suits.. and finded out that even similar suits, same model,size... can act totally differently. pressurization can be different.. it depends still a lot which version you got. unfortunately :P
and it's not manufacturer related....

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