decompresion 2 #1 July 27, 2012 Hello all, I am not sure if this is the right place to post this. It is videos of people flying wingsuits. Not a drama hissy fit. They are not good videos. The flying quality is rather low. The camera flyer sucks. The editing is amateurish. The video quality is low. No records are broken or attempted. The fliers are far from any clouds or cliffs or trees. There is no fancy back flying (or any fancy flying). The captions are not funny or informative. there is no music or sound. But, they have actual wingsuit flying. That is more than most of the recent discussions and in my personal humble opinion...I want more of these. I want to learn and improve my wingsuit flight. I want to learn and improve my videos of others flying. Do we need to elect better moderators? Is it our fault that these discussions are even allowed here? The soap box and bonfire exist for a reason. I want more wingsuit flying on the wingsuit forum. Ban me if you want. I rarely post so I won't be missed. I am not a troll so don't post a reply unless: 1) Suggestions on how to improve the video or flying. 2) Your own even crappier video Crappy flying 1 Crappy flying 2 Maybe for one week we can try this: any post must include a link or attachment that is even remotely connected to wingsuit flying. This way, the rest of us can at least enjoy some flying videos or pictures while the avid supporters of one cause or another tear each other to bits. No exceptionsThere are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSE 5 #2 July 27, 2012¬if_t=video_comment FWIW, not all moderators are mods in all fora, and occasionally moderators bully other moderators. In other words, try not to paint all mods with the same brush. We're all just people doin' the same thing from a different direction. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skwrl 56 #3 July 27, 2012 Because I'm heading to Summerfest, a video from last year's Summerfest: Productions - Wingsuit Photography Northeast Bird School - Chief Logistics Guy and Video Dork Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
normiss 816 #4 July 27, 2012 I'm green. Have a blast! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrCat 0 #5 July 28, 2012 Nice idea :) I'll be going through DSE's vids and links in a moment. Here is the beer flight of my phantom 3 :) more, post less. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
llloyd 0 #6 July 28, 2012 Quote 2) Your own even crappier video Whilst you present a tough act to follow I submit for critique... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
decompresion 2 #7 July 29, 2012 Good job spot!! I really wanted to reply but I want to keep to my own rule of only posting if I have a crappy video. (So I went out to the DZ to get some awful video of wingsuiting) I think...your videos do not meet the "crappier than mine" requirement. But there outside video of the barrel roll with the rodeo? that was hilarious. the training page: Since when has that been up? looks great. The "Downfall" subtitle spoof: I almost peed my pants I must apologize if it came across that the moderators are not doing a good job. I think WE are not doing a good job. Moderators are not kindergarten teachers, we are doing this to ourselves. And since I don't think the drama and flame wars will stop any time soon, I proposed a suggestion that like minded individuals can follow. I believe (with zero proof) that this will generate more content on the forum and might even side track the drama to positive discussion. Imagine this: Some newbie like me posts a crappy video of yesterdays jumps. The video sucks, (sound, editing, everything) and two people who are usually anti-posting each other, they start to argue technique and better body position and the details of how to achieve a better exit or docking and so on. Is good! Much success! Cookies for everyone! Skwrl: Human comets. how do the sparks not damage the suits? Jealousy. Mr. Cat: Sig line, nuff said. I am getting less than two minutes from 13,500 3,500 on a P2. I need to lose weight and fly better lloyd: Cool barrel roll. Dirty white mike? aren't all color coded mikes dirty? and he didn't even geek the camera! And the video: Another crappy videoThere are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSE 5 #8 July 29, 2012 here's another oldie, but funny one. Matt is working on backflying, and I get stuck on his chest (although it looks like something else). @ nearly 600 FFC's...there are some really bad ones up on the 'net. I'll dig to find some badder stuff. [edit] here's one; There is outside video of the rodeo barrel roll, but he was too far out for it to be useful. It's hard to chase a rodeo unless you're initiated; chasing a barrel rolling WS rodeo is even harder. You should try it with a condom-coated banana in your chest strap. The training videos are nearly 3 years old, been publically available for half that. We use them for students here at the school. There are others that aren't part of the blog. Flylikebrick has some outstanding training content too. FWIW, I'm a big fan of your suggestion; it's why you'll find proficiency cards, articles, etc published on WS that Jarno, myself, and a couple of others have posted. Sadly, they get viewed but no comments and it quickly gets back to the silly arguments (of which I've participated in a few, much to my embarrassment). All that said, I'm just a fat ole' mediocre wingsuiter that wants to dominate the world, getting filthy rich off the backs of unsuspecting wingsuit-wannabees, as I tour the country in my super awesome well-airconditioned wingsuit trailer that holds a huge number of demo suits that I don't sell.Glad you enjoyed the vids. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SteveSearle 0 #9 July 29, 2012 I’m still a newbie myself at flying and video but I like the sentiment of this thread, surely flying wingsuits and having fun with your mates is what it’s about. Here’s some footage from earlier this year. All positive critique and help welcome. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
llloyd 0 #10 July 29, 2012 Quote I’m still a newbie myself at flying and video but I like the sentiment of this thread, surely flying wingsuits and having fun with your mates is what it’s about. Here’s some footage from earlier this year. All positive critique and help welcome. Clickified for ya Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSE 5 #11 July 29, 2012 QuoteI’m still a newbie myself at flying and video but I like the sentiment of this thread, surely flying wingsuits and having fun with your mates is what it’s about. Here’s some footage from earlier this year. All positive critique and help welcome. I don't know which one is you, but the head-high position isn't helping forward speed and generating washy flight. Attached is a page from the SOP guide we use at Skydive Elsinore. It might help you change up the body position. Be aware of the leg, in a few of those scenes, legs are lazy, generating yaw. This link may have some suggestions for you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SteveSearle 0 #12 July 29, 2012 Quote Quote I’m still a newbie myself at flying and video but I like the sentiment of this thread, surely flying wingsuits and having fun with your mates is what it’s about. Here’s some footage from earlier this year. All positive critique and help welcome. I don't know which one is you, but the head-high position isn't helping forward speed and generating washy flight. Attached is a page from the SOP guide we use at Skydive Elsinore. It might help you change up the body position. Be aware of the leg, in a few of those scenes, legs are lazy, generating yaw. This link may have some suggestions for you. Thanks DSE for the link that's really useful. Quote Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
llloyd 0 #13 July 29, 2012 QuoteI don't know which one is you, but the head-high position isn't helping forward speed and generating washy flight. Attached is a page from the SOP guide we use at Skydive Elsinore. It might help you change up the body position. Be aware of the leg, in a few of those scenes, legs are lazy, generating yaw. This link may have some suggestions for you. Nice link DSE. I'm currently in an S-Fly Expert but waiting on a shiny new Tonysuit to arrive so that link should help a lot when it lands (we've no tri-wing flying coaches close to us). Just out of interest, are the other 'levels' available publicly or are they private for your schools use only? Thanks, llloyd. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mccordia 74 #14 July 29, 2012 Quotetri-wing flying coaches You can fly any suit with the exact same techniques. Big or small. Inputs may be bigger or smaller depending on the size of the suit and how the general wing area is devided. Any good coach will be able to help you with any suit. Regardless of brand or make.JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
llloyd 0 #15 July 29, 2012 Fair enough, I will be going in search of good coaching when my new suit turns up In the spirit of this thread, any tips for this guy? Old birdman something or other, about his 10th jump. Legs? Should I pass on DSE's link to him? Thanks, llloyd Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
decompresion 2 #16 July 31, 2012 The Elsinore wingsuit manual SEW is fantastic. I get the "Lanes" approach but how do you work with it with multiple aircraft? Wingsuits are not banned in Eloy. The S&TA has set some pretty clear rules that are fair and quite generous. The instructors are used to us doing our thing and when we misbehave we are very apologetic. There were even 3 wingsuiters doing night jumps when they had them. We don't ask for a "left 90" and instead do a flight pattern where we are responsible to offset from jump run. This being SkydiveAZ, the pilots are very well versed in dropping idiots in all shapes and sizes. It also helps that the entire desert is an out. I like the baton pass. I remember a couple of years ago there was some experimenting with paint rollers and wiffle balls. On this vein...leg grippers for WS? This is pretty much the most mind boggling, awesome video I have seen of wingsuit acro Holy crap awesome This is our feeble attempt at the same thing: Crappy video of acro flailing my wingsuit pal made this one from the same footage: A much higher quality video that makes us look slightly less moronic I am going to try to make it out to Chicks rocks to fly with some larger groups. Gotta get some flocking skills (all the cool kids are doing it). QuoteAll that said, I'm just a fat ole' mediocre wingsuiter that wants to dominate the world, getting filthy rich off the backs of unsuspecting wingsuit-wannabees, as I tour the country in my super awesome well-airconditioned wingsuit trailer that holds a huge number of demo suits that I don't sell. I can smell the sarcasm oozing out. But seriously...if anyone has a demo suit for us that is slightly larger than the Phantom 2 we are flying...please send it to us. We are both the same size 5'9" 175-180 Lbs. We both want to fly something with a bit more performance before we buy. We tried the Alien suit because there is a guy here who has one sitting in his gear. QuoteSadly, they get viewed but no comments and it quickly gets back to the silly arguments (of which I've participated in a few, much to my embarrassment). Agreed on the no comments. Nex time I am rooting in the old posts and find something cool...I will bump it up. If I get banned, so be it. On the silly arguments. They are unavoidable. Trolls and baiters aside: passionate people want to communicate and have an input into the future of this activity. We are all in the same boat (plane?). If we all adhere to the "Post anything you want just have a link to a crappy video". even the silly arguments will have some worth. Wow this post is really long. I will not have new footage for at least another week so I won't be able to comment or answer anything here. I will be lurking the forum until then. (My humble, soap box, preachy opinion: Most of us jump weekends. some of us are lucky enough that our day jobs allow us to lurk and maybe post here once in a while. But this forum belongs to us as much as it belongs to the moderators, manufacturers, professional fliers or USPA. It's up to us. Don't fuck it up) I am glad to see a couple of people who posted here who have an account for a loooooong time with like four posts ever , these are the videos I want to see. People just like me. Awesome stuff spot! you are doing a great service to Elsinore and the wingsuiters. Don't get baited by the drama! Jarno: The teaser you post are great. If i can just stay focused and-Oh look! a pony!There are no dangerous dives Only dangerous divers Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites