
Best rig for V4 Wingsuit

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Hi guys, quick question:

To all experienced wingsuit flyers out there, what is the best rig combination that would go with a vampire 4 by pheonix-fly? Im speaking about container, main and reserve. What's the critical point here if im about to order all new...

Thanks for your time, appreciate it


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any modern container that would hold a Flik Ultralite 225 (freepacked packs around a 135-150) and a PD optimum 126 would be my choice for a wingsuit rig.

never flew a V4 (fly V2).

what about V4 think there is something unique about it different from other larger wingsuits???

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Hi guys, quick question:

To all experienced wingsuit flyers out there, what is the best rig combination that would go with a vampire 4 by pheonix-fly? Im speaking about container, main and reserve. What's the critical point here if im about to order all new...

Thanks for your time, appreciate it


Any modern rig will work well with the suit. I have a Vector V3 container and absolutely love it. This I match with a PD Storm and a PD Optimum reserve, both of which are excellent canopies.
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies

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One that deploys the skydiving canopy you fly with? Really, your rig is going to LONG outlast several wingsuits up to the V9. Ive flown my 1993 Javelin with everything from a classic to apache with every version of the vampire included without any problem.

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