
Recon HUD for wing-suits

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I'm pretty disappointed with Recon. I pre-ordered my goggles before the end of november and therefore i was supposed to get the damn thing before the end of december...then was pushed to January. But that's not the worst, now everyone seems to be getting their goggles lately but not me. Instead i got an email from Recon saying that they just realized that when i pre-ordered the Flight HUD they somehow didn't charge me tax causing a delay in the shipment of the package for an additional 2 weeks!!!!

What's the point of pre-ordering as soon as the project started if their not even paying attention to the details. They had well over 3 months to catch on to this mistake.....

Not impressed!

Having similar problem here...
Just received an email from italian custom asking 103 euro's for VAT, custom charges and a 34,00 eur fine because they declared a lower value and the custom asked me to send them a copy of the HUD order, of my CC receipt, of my ID and a long series of declarations about my purchase...
And my package is locked at the custom since 12 days...
Totally disappointed!!! >:(B|

BASE #1075 / BMI #I-002 / PFI #042 / EGI #104

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If anyone figures out who the contact is at Recon please let me know. I emailed Tom a few times but no response.

I want to understand if there is a customer feedback plan to the firmware updates.
Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month.

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Okay, I am stupidly tired right now, but for anyone who wants to try converting their data, the following may be useful.

ZIP file: https://github.com/evilwombat/flight-converter/archive/master.zip

Github: https://github.com/evilwombat/flight-converter

That should convert the Recon DAYxxxx.RIB files into GPX files that you can load into Google Earth and see your flight. Just uncheck "Adjust altitude to ground level" when importing, or it won't be very exciting.

Don't forget to install java.

I'll write better documentation later ;). Also, I'll try to get drag-and-drop conversion for Mac working later (I don't actually own one). But if you're handy with Terminal, you should be able to do something like
java -jar FlightConverter.jar DAYxx.RIB (Just copy the file off the HUD first).

Windows users can drag-and-drop files onto Convert_Win and it should "do the right thing".

Linux users - just launch the JAR file with RIB files as arguments.

Maybe I'll turn this into a new thread later, but sleep is really getting the best of me right now.


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so, does recon deliver their promise
"If you’re a skydiver, wingsuit pilot, or BASE jumper, this project has the potential to change your time in the air, forever. A heads-up display will provide an instrument cluster of Forward Speed, Glide Ratio, and Altitude that is accessible at just a glance. The most subtle of movements – a twist of the wrist, a roll of the shoulder, a slight forward lean – have tremendous effects on human flight. By having a HUD, not only will you be able to see how you’re flying, but you will also be able to tweak and adjust your movements in real-time so that you can fly better."


or its useless in the air?

u can make google earth pic u posted with a $60 taiwanese matchbox size gps

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Ok, third time lucky - I've been trying to submit a reply to this thread since saturday..

Jumped the HUD on saturday afternoon.

I synced the altitude in on the ground and then left the remote in my kit bag. It was fun heading up in the plane watching the speed and altitude climb :)

I changed my mind about where to have the goggle strap - I had been planning on putting it on the outside of my helmet but decided in the end to wear my helmet over the strap.

Exited the plane, goggles lifted, eyes watered, liquid pooled in the bottom of my eye - couldn't see the HUD = unable to fly like Jeb.

Oh well. Uploaded the tracks to recon easily enough (except for the fact that the win 8 metro version of IE does not support the recon plugin)

1. Next time I will wear them on the outside of my helmet.
2. Can you see your handles?? With difficulty is my answer.

Awesomeness? Totally. Everyone who saw them said they looked weird. Everyone then got told to put them on. Everyone then couldn't believe it.

Gimic or not - they do have one hell of a "wow" factor amongst skydivers...
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I know someone who lost his while wearing them outside of the helmet, so make sure they are strapped down well. There may be a helmet clip you can use.

Have not had issues with goggles flipping up, but they can shift around and make the screen hard to see. There needs to be an option to make glide the bigger of the two numbers.

Seeing handles? With difficulty indeed. I pull higher to get extra time to deal with things. Arguably "flying like jeb" would make this program not applicable ;)

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Windows users can drag-and-drop files onto Convert_Win and it should "do the right thing".

Maybe I'll turn this into a new thread later, but sleep is really getting the best of me right now.


Awesome program - worked very nicely. Thanks :)
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Gimic or not - they do have one hell of a "wow" factor amongst skydivers...

so its just to look cool
to look like u know what ur doin'

No one thought they were cool until they put them on. So they don't make you look cool - mind you being a wingsuiter full stop makes you pretty dam cool !!

But I've kind of thought about this and perhaps we are missing something here. These goggles are incredible. Yep, they could be a bit better in a few ways but how was I missing that "wow" factor that everyone else seemed to get?

In reality they are seriously super trick and do show how far technology has progressed.
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I wouldn't get my hopes up high on Recon fixing or updating this unit. I offered to give my input on how to make the product a better one (not needing the remote to start and not displaying the cumulative feet fallen in a large popup). Their customer service basically said tough luck and they are not able to tell me when and if they will make any updates. It makes me not only not want to buy another one of their products, but actually tell everyone else how bad their customer service is.

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to look like u know what ur doin'

On the contrary. If you know what you are doing then you don't need the goggles.
The purpose of the device is to LEARN about what effects your flight.

And MrCat, Why the f**k do you use Internet Explorer?! B|
IE is the absolute worst Internet browser on the market today. Ask any computer tech.

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And MrCat, Why the f**k do you use Internet Explorer?! B|
IE is the absolute worst Internet browser on the market today. Ask any computer tech.

In your opinion.

I'd suggest you ask a computer tech "What is the one thing that the metro version of IE does that no other PC based browser currently will do??"
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It's a great device, with or without jeb. Of course since he is involved, though, everyone is going to bash it :S

Handles under the suit?
Some people prefer f**king fat chicks.
Some people prefer believing there is a god.
Some people prefer to BASE jump.

When you have over 2000 BASE jumps, suddenly jumping a BASE rig out of a plane isn't a big deal.

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