Chris-Ottawa 0 #101 April 19, 2014 Honestly, I don't have enough jumps on the suit to tell you anything you probably don't already know if you've had a chance to read Squirrel's marketing material. I'm just too new with it. That being said, I'd recommend asking Bludhow or JBag. They have fewer jumps than I do on wingsuits as a whole, as well as fewer on Auras, but they are much more skilled pilots according to their posts in this thread. They can certainly help you out. (Note: This was not by any means a snarky response to you. I am taking digs at Bludhow and JBag from earlier posts in this thread)"When once you have tasted flight..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LyraM45 0 #102 April 19, 2014 Chris-Ottawa Interesting...I have to respond to his post, but he doesn't have to respond to the question I posed to him first? You don't see a flaw in that logic? Is this the way you normally talk to people too? Ignore their questions, but demand answers to your own? Well, I didn't even catch what question you're referring to, so maybe he didn't either if it was buried in a long post. Sometimes that happens and it does help to re-post the question directly if you're going to call the poster out on ignoring you. I usually do it and it works well sometimes if they honestly missed it. RE: your reply above talking about all the shit in this thread and the focus on your numbers. If you're afraid your numbers are going to be an issue and they are going to hammer on it, shouldn't you step back and ask yourself if you have the jump numbers to be doing what you're asking about? Experience/numbers are part of the assessment of what happened on this jump. It's legitimate to be concerned with it and ask it as part of the assessment, critique what went down, and hopefully in the end you're provided with some constructive criticism. You didn't even let anybody get to the constructive criticism part because you shut everybody down and started acting childish when they asked you a simple question as part of the assessment. I know if I went into the swooping forum and posted a video of me eating it on a small/fast canopy and asked for feedback, I would expect people to ask me my jump numbers if it wasn't in my profile or I didn't post them as part of the whole run down of what happened. Why would I not post them? And why would I be offended if somebody asked me to post them? If I was in fact doing something wrong with respect to my numbers and being on a canopy that the experts felt I shouldn't be on and I thought otherwise, I would be open to their opinions on it for sure. I wouldn't call their advice shit and belittle their expert experience (which I have no place doing as the novice coming for advice) because they were not telling me what I expected or wanted to hear. You've got to stay a little more open minded if you want to learn in this sport.... and not be dead too. Seriously, listen to the example I just posted in this paragraph and step out of the box for a second to see the bigger picture with this thread.Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris-Ottawa 0 #103 April 19, 2014 I've actually explained why I felt the jump numbers were irrelevant in previous posts, but now that my jump numbers are posted, there was no value added as I suspected. No one wanted it for the value of the thread or the incident, they wanted it to crucify me if I wasn't up to their requirements in jump experience. As for the question everyone missed. I'm pretty sure a couple people saw it at the least, and rest assured that if there was ANYTHING in there that they had on me, you can bet your ass that I would have heard about it. There's not a chance in hell that something that easy would go unresponded to if it was able to take a jab at me, the noob. So, sure...maybe The111 didn't see it, but someone did. Still, no one has addressed the question. Coincidence...I think not. Oh, and just to ensure you understand, Matt (The111) doesn't actually understand what caused the spin and I can prove that. Just because he's a friend, doesn't mean that he knows what he's talking about."When once you have tasted flight..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LyraM45 0 #104 April 19, 2014 Quote I've actually explained why I felt the jump numbers were irrelevant in previous posts, but now that my jump numbers are posted, there was no value added as I suspected. No one wanted it for the value of the thread or the incident, they wanted it to crucify me if I wasn't up to their requirements in jump experience. I don't think there was value at the point you posted it because at that point the people who were legitimately interested in helping you were already done responding to you since you shut them down and belittle them for a few pages of posts before it. If you had posted them to begin with instead of getting nasty with people, do you think they would have ignored you still? I don't think they would have. I know quite a few of these guys personally, and they're not assholes. At the point you finally posted the numbers, these people were done with you because of the way you acted in the thread instead of them not touching it because they couldn't use your numbers to crucify you like you want to believe is the reason.Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LyraM45 0 #105 April 19, 2014 Quote Oh, and just to ensure you understand, Matt (The111) doesn't actually understand what caused the spin and I can prove that. Just because he's a friend, doesn't mean that he knows what he's talking about. Really? Matt is a pretty experienced wingsuiter, wingsuit videographer/photographer, AND an aeronautical engineer. I'm pretty sure not only does he understand what caused a simple spin on exit as a wingsuiter, but he can break the aerodynamics of it down too. You should quit while you're ahead. I'm pretty sure there are some other people on this forum right now laughing behind their keyboards because you said Matt (and other experienced people like Matt for that matter) doesn't understand your simple spin Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris-Ottawa 0 #106 April 19, 2014 You know, it's funny. People that know me in person don't think I'm an asshole either (well, as far as I can tell anyways). The problem with the first few posters was that they were either repeating what I had already said, like it was some sort of revelation, or their advice was moronic, considering that I'm jumping an Aura. If I was on a P2...totally different. If we were at the DZ tomorrow and you asked me (pretend I'm your coach for a second), "how do I swoop", and I told you this: "So, to swoop, you need to steer the canopy. To steer the canopy, you need to use those yellow handle like thingies. The left one makes you turn left, and the right one makes you turn right". Considering you have 300 some odd jumps, would you be a little insulted that this person is trying to teach you how to do something you learnt in your first few jumps? Every piece of advice posted early on in the thread was like this. If they didn't post dumb advice, I would have given them more respect, but telling me to present into the wind more. Yeah, I NEVER would have figured that one out. Experiment for you: Go walk up to Jay Moledski next time you see him. In a very serious conversation, explain to him that he needs to work on his front riser technique because it's inadequate. If he doesn't get defensive or snap back at you (or laugh and walk away)...then maybe I was wrong for doing so earlier to the others. Fact is, don't insult someone and think that they're going to respond politely. Respect works both ways. Also, Just in case you didn't notice the tidbit I added at the bottom of my last post, I wanted to draw your attention to it in case you're curious to know more."When once you have tasted flight..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris-Ottawa 0 #107 April 19, 2014 I wouldn't throw something out there that I couldn't back, because then I would look like an idiot. I'll even compare Matt's shitty exit (Let's be honest, that's what it is, not that my shitty exit is any better - we all make mistakes) with mine to show why he doesn't understand what caused the "roll" as he called it. That being said, for such an experienced wingsuiter exiting with his back/side to the wind like doesn't lend him as much credibility as you give him. His exit was on a smaller suit, exiting on his back/side and because he recovered quicker, he's better and I'm terrible. That's the best part and proves that he doesn't understand that our exits weren't "nearly identical" as he put it, and my exit certainly wasn't a "roll". So, if I go put on my P2 and recover quicker than him, does that make me better now? If Matt was in my identical scenario (and of course didn't expect it), I'd bet that his recovery would be just as long, or longer than mine. That being said, the "time" it took is irrelevant unless we're comparing the size of our packages."When once you have tasted flight..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeemax 0 #108 April 19, 2014 Chris-Ottawa Experiment for you: Go walk up to Jay Moledski next time you see him. In a very serious conversation, explain to him that he needs to work on his front riser technique because it's inadequate. I thought I was done with this thread, but this one really got me. To make a comparison between your wingsuit experience and Jay Mo's canopy experience genuinely made me laugh. You posted a video of you fucking up and said: Quote Anyways, just posting to share if anyone can learn something from it, or if anyone has any critique etc. You were given critique, in what I think at the start was actually a very polite manner. I firmly believe the issues you had stem from being un-current and then strapping on the big new suit, jumping from an aircraft with a tight, tricky door that you'd only jumped a handful of times previous. You had a botched exit due to the above, were caught out and lost control, before regaining stability. The suit flew you, as big suits can tend to do if you're not 100% in control of it. I suspect a more student-esque exit, keeping everything closed a bit longer, would possibly have prevented this. Certainly as you go used to the new suit. You know this is what I think, i've said it a few times in this thread now. Yes, you mentioned being un-current, but also asked for critique. There's your critique, as based on your following posts, I don't think you've learned from it. I say this, as surely, being in the sport long enough, you know not to change too many variables at once. You should know that it's not a wise idea to throw a big new suit on for the first jump of the season. If you didn't, I really hope you have learned this now. The tirade of posts afterwards are truly bizarre and I genuinely don't understand what the problem is. Your post has been replied to, as asked, and now you're just launching in to some very experienced wingsuit pilots that have been around the sport for years. Please, step away from the computer, go drink a beer, hang out with your buddies at the DZ and move on.Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bluhdow 31 #109 April 19, 2014 Chris-Ottawa (Note: This was not by any means a snarky response to you. I am taking digs at Bludhow and JBag from earlier posts in this thread) You win dude. You're smarter, you're a better flyer, and your dick is bigger. Good job. Edited to say that arguing with an idiot makes one an even larger idiot. For that I am guilty. Lesson learned, and I'm out of here.Apex BASE #1816 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airbornesid 0 #110 April 19, 2014 Hi Chris just recieved your private message , very nice well done. I knew it was a mistake to post in this thread seeing how its progressed since then gives a good indication , see people like you here in europe all the time and im sure its your intention to come across , given that youve got the biggest suit you can straight away so ill be on the look out for a douchebag called chris and make sure im never on the same point as you because your an accident waiting to happen. P.S. im not a coach , never claimed to be but ive never experianced anything of this sort in 300 ws skydives and 300 wsBase jumps , flying phantom and vampires (obviously far from the most experianced flyer either , just someone having fun flying) and i know at least one well known base flyer had posted in this forum because he obviously has the same concern. Obviously someone has to be a big name coach for you to take notice , oh no you fxxcked them off as well . PPS i havnt read through the posts thourghly enough to see if you actually did post your jump numbers as well but i actually think its irelevant you could have 2000 ws jumps for all i care if you spent them planking , you may as well have stayed in bed . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DSE 5 #111 April 21, 2014 I "flipped out?" "Freaked out?" Wow. You have an exceptionally high opinion of yourself. Your exit is challenged. It sucks for flock or acrobatic efficiency. It presents more to the relative wind and prop wash. But you know better. Oops, I "flipped out" again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shakey 0 #112 April 26, 2014 Chris, First off, I totally support you attacking The111. That dude sucks. I've never seen him fly stable for more that 10 seconds, he's always spinning off in some odd direction and claiming he was "carving" or "trying to get the shot". Right buddy, sure you are. :-) It's funny you bring up Jason b/c I've had the dubious honor of f&*king up a landing right in front of him. I did the "dust myself off and quickly look around" routine, hoping nobody saw me, to see a blue mohawk headed my way. Crap. We ended up having a productive discussion about better ways to do that kind of landing in those conditions. And yeah, I did criticize his swooping technique and he laughed. Cool guy. Knows his way around a WS, too. That interaction would have been different if I dealt with him the way you dealt with people on this thread. Some pretty good people tried to give you advice (other than The111, who sucks) and you blow them off (Zeemax) or demonstrate you have no idea who they are (hjumper33 has 212 WS jumps? Hilarious!). When you ask for comments you don't get to control the results. -Shakey PS: It's probably better to exit with your head upwind of your feet and not the other way around. Or not. Whatever. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnmatrix 21 #113 May 1, 2014 I just skimmed through this entire thing and this thread has spiralled out of control almost as fast as you did in the video. Thanks for posting the video though. I just don't get why you're so butthurt about getting the advice that you yourself asked for. The sad thing is, when I opened this thread up I thought "Oh cool, someone actually started a productive thread in the wingsuit forum!" but then when I looked down and saw I had 5 more pages to read I knew what had happened. Oh well. Here's one of my own, when I had less than 20 WS jumps. Shitty sideways exit followed by 'trying to fly out of it'. Make of it what you will. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmkellett 0 #114 May 1, 2014 its arguments like this thread that caused almost all serious WS pilots to ditch posting and even reading this forum anymore. It used to be fun and informative, now its just comedy and ego. The few gems in the community that still post are deluged with crap from silly people who cant even exit a plane. ill be back in another month to read the next few ego threads and laugh a little more Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites