
Venom Power first flight

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Waiting sucks for sure. But supply and demand mismatch happens everywhere. I can't count how many times I've seen major international auto manufacturers (Toyota, Honda) unable to supply a new car fast enough to meet consumer demand, the end result being people wait 6+ months for the car they want, or pay 20% above MSRP. Hell I remember for almost two years it was next to impossible to buy the Nintendo Wii.

I know wingsuit manufacturing is a very different scale than cars or even electronics, so it is not intended to be a perfect comparison. But in general, waiting is something we needy human consumers have to suffer through every now and then, to get what we want. ;)


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Come on, Charley. :P

"Happiness guarantee"... I am not the only person Matt ripped off. I just happened to be the most vocal.

In fact, I know there are still a few of those trash pile Colugo prototypes out there that they refuse to replace with a working model. Lip service and marketing don't equal legit customer service.

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Hey guys,

yesterday i got my new venom power. After 15 weeks, so what.

My problem is, that there should be at least one phone pocket at the chest area, as standard feature mentioned in the order form and feature list.

But i can't find them. Do anyone of you have this pocket and can post a picture, where it should be located?


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"Smart Phone Chest Pockets
Standard dual chest pockets for stashing of (smart)phone and other misc items.
Available on our range of small/intermediate suits. On Vampire Race and Venom Power only when ordered with BASE only harness, as dual zipper setup doesn’t allow for pocket placement."

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4 years ago you couldn't get a suit to go 3:1

Seeing the competition scores and taking wind and flare out of the equation, we still don't get a higher sustained glide ratio in any suit or brand these days still....

That aside...plenty of storrage space in the Venom in the other big-ass pockets. Though I think the new Iphone6+ will have all manufacturers going back to the drawing table..;)
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To be fair this is one of scottys top priorities in suits. Ive never seen someone so addicted to facebook in my life.

Jarno its also always interesting to me that 3:1 is a number people have been claiming to do for probably 7+years. Suits are getting better, we are flying much farther, but yet when we measure it we are still around 3:1. Makes me think that people might have been exagerating before :)

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Suits are getting better, we are flying much farther, but yet when we measure it we are still around 3:1. Makes me think that people might have been exagerating before :)

Lack of measuring devices and people quoting 'furthest distance flown' instead of actual performance probably contribute to that. Current best glide ratio in stormy winds listed now are close to 5:1. But looking at avg scoring, 3:1 is where it levels out across the board for current high end suits. In the past that was probably closer to 2:1 sustained, with peak performance quoted as the bragging number.
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To be fair this is one of scottys top priorities in suits. Ive never seen someone so addicted to facebook in my life.

Jarno its also always interesting to me that 3:1 is a number people have been claiming to do for probably 7+years. Suits are getting better, we are flying much farther, but yet when we measure it we are still around 3:1. Makes me think that people might have been exagerating before :)

What are you guys talking about? We all know that 7:1 has been done already 8 years ago!


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My V-Power came in last week, lead time was about 16 weeks. It looks f*cking amazing. Fits perfect, looks great, I'm very happy with it on the ground.

I'll fly it for the first time this weekend and report back. Everything I've heard about them has been very positive though.

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Got a few flights in. Not enough to give a review of the flight performance, but enough to say that it's crazy fast and has a lot of power (no pun intended). Pretty easy to fly for me transitioning from a Havok and V4 but it's definitely a much bigger suit. I'll be flying it pretty conservatively for a while, it deserves respect.

Some notes on it:

1. Having both BASE soles and fins makes the feet relatively heavy. It's not an issue until you land. I found that the buttons frequently unsnapped which left my tailwing dragging as I ran out landings.

2. I have no issues with handles getting sucked into the suit. I tried and I tried, but to no avail. PF uses a non-stretchy lanyard to connect the zippers which holds very nicely. I think some of the "hole expansion" is a result of other guys using bungees. Intuitively, that seems like a bad choice as it could allow the hole to grow.

3. That said the innie-outtie system seems like more trouble than it's worth, for me personally. I'll skydive this suit way more frequently than I'll BASE jump it so it's not that important to me. Maybe I'll get religion and fall in love with it after I hook it up to a BASE rig, but for now I wish it had a normal PF one-zipper system. To my knowledge, PF doesn't offer the normal system on this suit although I think it would be a good option to add.

4. My first flight felt a little wonky and I had some rightward slide. I felt like my bootie wasn't completely on so I tried to compensate and managed to make it work. When I landed my friend told me my bootie was crooked and the fin was completely horizontal. My conclusion is that the fins will effect your flight if not aligned properly. Make sure your booties are well fitted and in place before exiting! Second flight with proper bootie position was noticeably smoother and easier.

Overall I think the suit has a lot of promise for me. It's built like a tank (I got the parapack version) and I'm very happy with the purchase!

Also, it looks super radical.

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the suit looks great!

I know you've only got a couple of flights on the suit but I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on flying style differences between the power and v4. I'm also transitioning from a v4 havok and would love hear about the differences in the effort required, in terms of muscle fatigue, when flying the power compared to the v4.

also have you tried flying without the fins? if so any comment?
Mine will be here soon and I'm just stoked to hear what folks have to say.


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Fatigue, for me, is similar to V4. I think the V4 took more effort to fly at best glide than the Venom, but the Venom will keep you in the air longer.

I've only flown it with fins. The fins are a little inconvenient in our small-ish plane (PAC 750), but not so much so that I've taken them off. I intend to fly with them until I'm comfortable in the suit and then I'll experiment with taking them off.

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