
Longest flight in a T-bird (or R-bird)

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I have repeated flights of 3:45 from c.13+ in my R. I have hit c.3:15/20+ (I have to refer to my log book for exact times) in my T, and I'm just in the process of playing with the range in my S, the initial data is looking really quite nice, however I have not yet gone balls out time searching on that yet, I am still finding my way around the suit by playing with it so I can get to that "second skin" feeling in flight. I'm 5'10" and 155lbs wet n naked.

Try get hold of Vincente, that man can fly a T like no one else I have seen.


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Wow! Those are all super impressive times. Gives me something to aspire to I guess; was feeling quite pleased with myself for a 2:42 flight over the weekend.

Very happy to hear 3:00 is eminently doable.



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Wow! Those are all super impressive times. Gives me something to aspire to I guess; was feeling quite pleased with myself for a 2:42 flight over the weekend.

Very happy to hear 3:00 is eminently doable.



I have seen Vincente getting the kind of times most guys can't even get in a monster suit! You can see some results here but remember the comp window is 1000m so you would have to multiple by 2.5ish to get an idea of a full altitude flight.


My opinion is distance is a way better indication of performance than time.
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it would be a waste of time, even the back fly vents that existed when I bought mine were insufficient for the Rbird (single in the center up high) and I ended up adding to more of my own more inline with the location on a P2. The mod improved the backflying abilities of the suit 10fold but i do feel i sacrificed some of its belly to earth performance....

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it would be a waste of time, even the back fly vents that existed when I bought mine were insufficient for the Rbird (single in the center up high) and I ended up adding to more of my own more inline with the location on a P2. The mod improved the backflying abilities of the suit 10fold but i do feel i sacrificed some of its belly to earth performance....

My R bird flies pretty nice on its back:S.
It's all about what you learn on. Every suit flies different
Flock University FWC / ZFlock
B.A.S.E. 1580
Aussie BASE 121

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Indeed, distance is more of a fine art of balancing and trading time and speed to find the best glide ratio, and takes more skill than time to make consistently longer runs. Maximizing distance in all the various conditions (downwind, crosswind, upwind) is also what will get you home when you misjudge your navigation, have less than ideal upper and groundwind combinations, or get distracted by some puffies.

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My R bird flies pretty nice on its back:S.

Post some pics! (It doesn't have to be you). Not sure I've ever seen a shot like that, but you're right it is possible with any suit.


It's all about what you learn on. Every suit flies different

As proven by the backfly king in an antique suit. But... this does not negate the fact that some suits are much better designed for it, and will do better in the long run no matter what you learned on. :)

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It flew on its back ok before (pressurisation in the lower half of the tail wing wasn't the best/it could be slow to re-inflate after a sloppy transition) but after the 2 new vents were added it was much better

Of course I could just suck ;)

below is a video after the mod - I don't have video from before (someone decided they needed my old laptop more than I did...) but is wouldn't inflate properly below the knee on my back


In the photo you can see the stock vent (I feel that air intake was restricted by the low pressure/burble created by the rig) and the two 'new' black ones

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