
Flock n Dock 11 - Apr 30 - May 3 2015

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I said I wouldn't do it again....but what the heck, it is just way too much fun seeing so many happy wingsuiters!

Registration for Flock n Dock 11 is OPEN!

Same price as last year, same limit (100) on participants to ensure a quality event and same place!

Party theme is Super Heroes so start planning!


Book your vacation and see you there!
Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month.

Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com

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It looks like we will have a Mini Performance Comp on Friday May 1st during Flock n Dock. An official registration will become available if there is enough interest. There would be coaching from Tony on Thursday with a comp on Friday. Who is interested?
Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month.

Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com

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Is ZHills still having their normal (well, same one they had this year) performance cup, or is this merging that Cup with F&D?

A cup almost seems like a conflicting interest with so many wingsuiters in one place. "There are 100 flockers here, but since it is still Friday, go make 6 solo jumps first." :S

That being said, as someone who had to pick between the cup and F&D this year, I'm interested.

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Just over 3 months to go and only 32 tickets left folks!

Also, we have made a small announcement that might be of help to those traveling from overseas:

"We are pleased to announce that Flock n Dock 11 will have some of the Big Way organizers at the event. This means that you can become "Big Way Qualified" during the festivities!

If you are interested in the big way qualification please complete this form ASAP so that we can plan accordingly. http://tinyurl.com/fnd11bigwayqual"

I want to be clear that Flock n Dock is not only a big way camp. We have some bigger ways there and normally a big sunset flock and we will leverage those for qualifying observation by the organizers that are there.

There are plenty of small, medium and dynamic things going on also.

Event tickets at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tonysuits-and-wicked-wingsuits-present-flock-and-dock-110-registration-12009152699
Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month.

Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com

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anyone else from georgia going down for this? was thinking of starting a carpool deal if i can to save some extra money

We also have a Facebook page that you could put that comment up on. I cleverly had it set to private for the last 6 months!

Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month.

Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com

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Well, I just registered, myself, so all you birdiepeople are gonna have to deal with me and my rampaging around hootin' and howling and flapping and perching and drinking and falling down and flying, AGAIN!
Hey, if you aren't gonna live colorfully, why bother?
Whoever leaves behind the biggest debris cloud, WINS!
Anybody wanna fly?

Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Well, I just registered, myself, so all you birdiepeople are gonna have to deal with me and my rampaging around hootin' and howling and flapping and perching and drinking and falling down and flying, AGAIN!
Hey, if you aren't gonna live colorfully, why bother?
Whoever leaves behind the biggest debris cloud, WINS!
Anybody wanna fly?

Me, me...
Instructor quote, “What's weird is that you're older than my dad!”

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Flock n Dock 11 is now SOLD OUT!

This means a couple of things happen:

- I have opened up the waitlist, if it happens to hit 20 I can see if we can find more organizers but I am not hopeful of that.

- We tend to have some folks that booked a long time ago that find they cannot make the event. We don't do refunds but we are able to exchange existing tickets over to someone else. I will just need to know the names of both parties and T Shirt Size.
Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month.

Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com

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