
GPS tracks analyzer

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Hi, thanks for your reply

I'm going to add this features after I made user registration, so only track owner could do that.

Now all this features works:
- crop - automatically delete all points before maximum height and before vertical speed reaches 25 km/h; after height is 50 m from minimum height.
- ground sets as minimum height on track
- zoom - you can use altitude range selector for it

I'm going to do it this way - after track has uploaded you can manually crop it (mark points as inactive, not delete it) and select range what will be selected by default.

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Guys, I'm working on event organizing feature.

So I need more information about event organizing.

Now I develop it in this way:
1. Organizer creates new event, fills fields: name, place, dates range, altitude range
2. On an event page user can:
- add event organizers and choose roles for them (add/remove organizers, add/remove rounds, add/remove competitors, attach gps tracks)
- add/remove rounds
- accept/reject competitors requests (every user can send request for participating event)
3. When event starts user with role 'attach gps tracks' can upload and attach tracks
4. If somebody opens event page before event starts he will see page with event description and competitors.
5. When event starts default event page will be results page.
6. Also I'm developing dashboard for showing it on big display at dropzone

Sorry for screenshot on Russian.

I would like to receive any feedback to make it better.

And, what guys do you think about tracks commenting feature?

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There is big update.

The most useful feature - track's points are not deleting anymore, registered user can select free fall range as shown below:

[inline track_edit.png]

I've finished with competitions and now anybody can organize his own wingsuit competition in time/distance/speed format.
I've implemented all feature requests.
Main page now has new design
And finally service get it's name - SKY DERBY and it's domain:

And yes, it's completely free, just grab your tracker, fly, analyze and fly better, faster, longer.

Guys, your feedback is very important to me and would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi guys,

another small update - I've added google maps view with ground speed highlighting, you can check it out on recently uploaded track from Menzelinsk Sky Race: http://skyderby.ru/en/tracks/161

[inline google-maps.png]
Next feature in queue - private/public option for tracks for those who want just analysis and don't want to share anything with each other.

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News from last week:
1. English is pretty good, but native language much better. I'm happy to introduce Deutsch localization. Italian, Spanish, French will come soon.
2. For new tracks available Google earth page with highlight trajectory depends on speed.

[inline Unknown.png]

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Recent service's update

What were changed:
1. 90% of program code is refactored. The code is made easier to maintain and to deploy. Speed is increased throughout the portal.
2. We have a brand-new service logo now (designed by Yulia Makoveeva)
3. Guest users are allowed to trim their tracks after loading. Their are also allowed to remove track if it does not contain any useful information. These features were in restricted access (registered users) previously
4. Registered users are able to manage track's accessibility now: a track can be in public access, referenced only (the referenced track can be accessed but is not listed on the web site). A track can also be accessed only by its owner
5. User can set a track elevation range by providing the exact values (in a form). Previously the only option for setting the track elevation range were trackbars.

Link to service: http://skyderby.ru/en

[inline edit-en.png]
[inline show-en.png]
[inline show-range-en.png]

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Recent service's update. Changes:
1. Spanish localization. Made by Ekaterina Larina.
2. New track/range overview design.
[inline ov-en.png]
3. Data filtering with moving average.
4. Displaying raw data (G/R, speeds)
[inline raw-en.png]
5. Competitions: ability to add not-registered competitor.
6. A lot of small improvements.

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Hi, guys.
There is a lot features I'm working with now.
Let me introduce some new features:
Classic competitions
It's ready for testing and if you want to try it let me know.
Take a look at this one - it was one year ago:

Online competitions
One is going right now. It's Gridset 20 sec tracksuit race.

Online competition can be skydive or base.
In online competition can be specified:
- Place (exit)
- Wingsuit/tracksuit
- Period from ... to ...
- Task - now available distance/speed/time for skydive and only distance in specified time for base, but I'm working to provide more.
When registered pilot uploads track it looking for available online competition and if it suits one it automatically adds.

Link video and gps data
Just checkout the preview:

After testing it will be available for everyone.

Pilot profile
It's mine: https://skyderby.ru/en/user_profiles/3

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Professional work Alex, thanks a lot! We appreciate your support for the WS community.
The "official" part (FAI rules) of our annual Hungarian WS Event , the Original WS Boogie Hungary (25th of July-2nd of August) will be scored by using your system.

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With FAI judges being trained on paralog, that seems to be the official FAI judging system by which officials can't deviate. Any particular reason to want to deviate from that?

Also as various different software used for readout could mean FAI records set are actually interpreted different, hence making comparison impossible.
I'm an Athlete?

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With FAI judges being trained on paralog, that seems to be the official FAI judging system by which officials can't deviate. Any particular reason to want to deviate from that?

Also as various different software used for readout could mean FAI records set are actually interpreted different, hence making comparison impossible.

As much as I love ParaLog and Klaus does an outstanding job, competition is good. In the FS world I think Omniskore, CamScore and InTime have all been accepted at national (and intenational?) level.
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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As much as I love ParaLog and Klaus does an outstanding job, competition is good.

We finaly have a format in IPC/FAI without (though some did try) the usual politics and disagreements and loads and loads of bickering and fighting, with a tried and tested format and judging tools. In my oppinion, having the first attempt at judging instantly turn into fights and trying to change things is in no way in service of what a lot if people have been trying to do.

By all means, work on alternatives and test them for a few years. But does the first world cup/judges training etc really need instant fights and disagreements...can't that (for once) put the community center stage, and promote and condone that which was fought and worked hard for without instant conflict?
I'm an Athlete?

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