
GPS tracks analyzer

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And thats coming from a guy who usually avoids performance competitions, due to inability to fly a suit in a straight line with carving, backflying or doing flippy stuff for longer than 30 seconds...

We've got a great stage set for performance flying at FAI....hope we use it wisely...
I'm an Athlete?

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Jarno, I dont get your points here..what fight are you talking about? You are the only one here consider things as a fight.
Who are you talking about, unable to fly a suit straight line and how does it connect to the discussion about a software?

We are glad that some else is also doing a great job and put lots of effort to create a system which can be used for scoring results. Online and free of charge. Providing the system for ANY competitions free of charge.
FAI and official scoring things I think needs to have more discussuion. In my personal opinion not (only) a specific system should be used on official level, but a specified calculation method, to get same results with all available and proved systems, undepending the trademark. Comparision difference will dissapear.

Answering your question to me, I with my organisation obiously do not want to deviate from any rules accepted by FAI, I totally respect them and the work what you, Klaus and all others did for the cause. IF I will do FAI level/ranked competition, I will do and use whatever is needed according to those rules will be current that date...but untill that time, please let me choose what I use for our small fun competition here in Hungary, for 9th years now.
Btw, I could not even use Paralog, because my event was asked for money to may be the member of PPC series, what obviuosly I/we dont wanna pay. Not because of the ammount (I dont even know the cost), because of theoretic reasons.

No fight, peace...


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Huuuge thanks for Skyderby for professional and free support of the Hungarian WS National 2015, which was the first ever same suit flying event on planet (Intrudair Piranha series) !
Thanks for supporting the Boogie event too, both results can be found here:
HUN WS National 2015: https://skyderby.ru/en/events/14
Markó Mike's WS Boogie Hungary event in 5 different categories (naked tracking, tracking, ws rodeo, ws inter, ws open): https://skyderby.ru/en/events/12

Cya next year, we will go big for the 10th year anniversary, dont miss it!

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Huuuge thanks for Skyderby for professional and free support of the Hungarian WS National 2015, which was the first ever same suit flying event on planet

Not quite...:P
Skydive Elsinore hosted Phantom 2-only events in 2011 and 2012. I'm not certain they were the "first in the world" but that didn't matter at the time. I believe there were other Phantom boogies at other locations.

Congrats on a fun event.

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Hi folks,

there is a lot of changes were made since my last message. The most important is:
1. Competitions was rewritten from the ground and supports FAI (Speed/Distance/Time) and Hungarian Boogie rules.
[inline tracks_on_map.png]

2. Filters! Finally! You can now filter list with tracks by skydive/base, pilot, suit, place. Ability to ordering (by distance, speed, time, recorded at) list will come soon.
[inline filters.png]

3. Places now can be shown on map.


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