
Matter 2 MTR2 Wingsuit- Wait to Fly it?.. or Sell it?

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I just came across what I think was a good deal on a never jumped MTR2 Wingsuit. I know that I need another 100 jumps logged before I try it out, as that would put me around 200 jumps total (most suitmakers' require 200+ to sell you one). My small Cessna DZ makes it very difficult to get many jumps in any day (weekends only).
It could take me another year or more to get to that point as I'm in the Midwest & winter makes for no jumping weather for months at a time.
I also have the problem around here that there's hardly ANY wingsuit flyers to get advice from, and I don't personally know or see any of them. Never even seen anyone fly one around here, nor do I know anyone who knows someone who does.
Should I just sell the wingsuit now? Or should I strive to deal w/ the DZ's inability to get me up more often/frequently & have the patience to hit that mark?

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I am going to assume that means Kentucky which doesn't seem all that far from Chicago DZs although I am sure there some closer options


:: When I wanted to learn about flying in formation and performance flying I travelled to Florida and the northeast of the US to meet with people that could talk to me about and teach me to do what I wanted. If you ask me there is no better way than going to the pros with your questions

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Kansas City. Thx for the suggestions. I'll check into that.

ByTheWay- I see lots of views on this post, but only 1 (thank you) reply. So, if there's anyone who reads this post and is interested in buying it, that would solve my dilemma really fast I guess. PM me and make an offer if you're interested.

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"Description: All black Matter II wing fits 5'7" person, nicily. Biggish leg wing, inflating bum, base pouch. The suit is large on me at 5'5". I typically only get to jump from cessnas and I find it TOO awkward to use."

Is that your ad?

Nice job selling it! I'd happily pay money for your TOO awkward wingsuit with inflating bum! :P


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I wouldn't buy any wingsuit right now that you don't intend to fly. Designs are continuing to progress rapidly.

Ditto on the travel advice. My first serious year of wingsuiting was spent bouncing around the country with the "tribe". You learn a lot quickly by leaving the local pond.
Summer Rental special, 5 weeks for the price of 4! That is $160 a month.

Try before You Buy with Wicked Wingsuits - WingsuitRental.com

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Dear Bluhdow:
Regarding your post/reply- No... Mine's never been jumped (nor have I ever jumped one). I'm from Kansas City & we don't use the term 'bum' for our butts on this side of the Atlantic! lol - Notice the different 'poster i.d.'? BS

Dear Jakee:
Regarding your post- Please find something BETTER to do w/ your time than messing w/ people who are posting thing that are basically serious... like the 'other' person who happens to be selling a MTR2 suit, or like me trying to get some advice on wether to hold on to mine or flip it. In easier terms for some... bid it or zip it :)

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You said you thought you'd found what might be a good deal on an MTR2. $500 is an insanely awful deal for an MTR2 and, if it's the one you're thinking of buying, it is useful for you to know that.

If on the other hand you've already bought it and now that's you selling it, or it's a completely unrelated suit, then it's helpful for other clueless newbies to find out that it's a bad deal before they get ripped off.

So simmer down, princess.;)

Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I spy a turbine dropzone just south of KC, that will help you get more jumps faster.

Perhaps you should be jumping there instead of waiting all day for the rare open slot on a cessna dz that is probably more interested in tandems?

Attend boogies, travel, meet more people, and network. Redemption Boogie isn't too far from you (but already happened this year) has had wingsuit coaches at it two years in a row now. I know Couchfreaks (Dollar Daze) has wingsuiters that attend it, but am not sure if there will be coaches there. Boogies (and turbine dropzones) are great places to make lots of jumps quickly and safely, as long as you know and abide by your own limits.

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