
wingsuit pilot chute comparison

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Wanted to open some dialog about collapsible versus non-collapsible pilot chutes for wing suit configurations. I have been testing both and have consistent video supporting better, on heading openings with a non-collapsible. Check out the video and tell us what you think. Keep it POSITIVE and make our community a better, safer place- which ever side you pick to support!


Gear is a Javelin container, Sabre 150 main, Squirrel Aura wingsuit, Squirrel Snatch 32" pilot chute, and a Skydiving Services 30" collapsible pilot with pvc handle. Both pilot chutes have a 9' bridle.

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Yup, but I have consistent information and data that non-collapseable pilot chutes make your canopy fly worse, and deflect the center cell. If youre using a big canopy, not too bad, smaller canopies it becomes more and more noticeable.

The pilot chute if cocked properly should work fine. Looks like theres some oscillation happening that pulled off heading as well. I find that bridle length seems to make more of a difference. For reference, I use a 32 inch asylum pilot chute that i converted to a kill line with an 11ft bridle.

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Sorry dude, but that's pretty useless for figuring out if a kill line makes a difference because the Snatch is a totally different pilot chute to the other one.

If you tested the snatch against any other non collapsible pilot chute you'd probably get the same result as testing against the collapsible one.

If you want to isolate the effect of the kill line you have to test everything else like for like.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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As others have said, too many changes to isolate the role that one change played -- in one video of one opening each.

Were those 'typical' openings? Would the evidence be different over more jumps? (If that was a balloon overhead seen in one jump, yeah maybe the jumper wasn't knocking out 10 jumps a day.)

Was the better opening with the 32" PC better because it was both larger and of a pulled down apex design presumably adding more drag? And thus because it extracted the bag more positively so that it didn't partially twist before the canopy extracted? Or did a perhaps slower extraction allow the bag to hang lower relative to the jumper and have the canopy actually open worse when perhaps towards the edges of the burble rather than more in the center?

Or was the one opening somehow better because by not using a kill line, it maintained drag on the center cell even after the canopy was out of the bag?

The second opening was an interesting view of one of those cases of a canopy inflation being really unsteady when in the burble (or edges of it) of a large wingsuit.

But it is still an interesting video to see and better than none at all. (At least for those of us like me who haven't watched tons of back facing wingsuit jump deployment videos.)

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This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks guys! There are many variables that would need to be limited to make a "true" comparison. I also agree that the non-collapsible has a big influence on flight characteristics post deployment.... I'd just like to get people's gears turning on the hows and whys of a successful deployment sequence.

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i will say the Snatch works as advertised... I'm pretty happy with it. There are many things out there in the wing suit world that make our lives a little safer and I'd like to see us all talking about them and have some progression. Knowledge is power!

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I have been using a 32" non collapsible with a kill cone on my Storm 150. The kill cone needs a bit of work because it only half collapses the PC! ;) I think if the canopy were any smaller then the drag would start to become a bigger issue, it is probably borderline as it is.

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here's the Snatch with an mPod stowless dbag... really nice openings...


I applaud the effort that you're putting into this - but if you keep going with it then for the love of god please tilt your camera 20 degrees forwards!
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I jumped a 245 Troll MDV while wearing pink underpants and had a nice on-heading opening, then i jumped a Stiletto 107 while wearing fluoro green knickers and got spun up.

That proves that wearing pink pants will improve heading performance and opening characteristics and fluoro green knickers are death on a stick.

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LOL! My thoughts too.

Seems like someone is trying to solve a problem that doesn't really exist - stows, PC porosity, bridle line length, good PC throw technique and body position are far more important.

Agree with all of the above, how about main container configuration? dynamic corners? unstitched? any thoughts about these mods? enlighten me,.. :-)

Regards, B.

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