
mt-1xx packing

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in response to this statement "You can flat or Pro pack that canopy, which ever is easier for you, but flat is easier if you have the space.
If you use the Pro pack method.....you won't use it long. It will hurt you eventually." which came from another post. Why is this with XX military canopies? What is the difference...i dont know how to pack but have observed the propack severals times. I do know these canopies will spank you though...had many a bruises to prove it. Im concerened since i bought one of these and everyone i talk to says to propack it. Can't you just use the propack and just roll the nose to slow the damn things down or does anyone else have a way making them open softer. And while we're at it a website showing the flat pack would be interesting too, havent been able to find one.

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Keep in mind the canopies are 370 square feet and it's a seven cell so Propacking is a bit challenging. I pack these parachutes for the 129th Para Rescue squad. I have no choice but to use the packing method as stated in the Manual.

The manual for the MT 1x shows a Roll and stack pack combination.

It's layed flat on it's side, nose to Riggers right. The nose is folded over. Then the A Line group is placed on the B line group and the whole A B group is flipped one more time over into the middle.

Essentially it's simplly rolled into the middle

The C line group then the D line group are placed on top and the tail flaked out in a usual manner.

The Tail is not pulled down to the grommets but it's wrapped around the whole bundle, then it's s-folded.

Rolling the nose in that way hides it from the air a little longer and helps slow the opening to a reasonable level.

I'm looking for an on line manual and don't see one available.

As for Rolling the nose, if you do a conventional stack pack and roll the nose 3 and 3 into the middle , be sure to close of the bottom of the nose. The A lines should roll inward quite alot ... emphasis on ALOT!

That parachute's nose opening is very large and catches air rather easily so Be careful. I've never jumped one so I haven't had the oppurtunity to test pack jobs. I've only seen them in action and the pack job in the manual seems to be quite suitable and consistant.
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I have never personally had a problem with Pro packing them but my friend Greg has and I can see his point and I quote.."Basically it is the same reason why people don't pro pack parafoils, the canopys nose is too large (the distance from the top skin to the bottom skin)" end quote. Some of the possible results are broken lines, blown cells and big bruises to the jumper.

Publications you might be interested in are:

FM 31-19 Military Freefall parachuting
TM -10-1670-287-23&p MC4 Ram Air Freefall Personnel parachute system CHAP 3 section 001400 covers packing the main with pictures and verbage
TM-10-1670- 288-23&p Direct Support Maintenance Manual fro MT-1XX, -1XR, -1XCCT
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I cannot fathom why someone would want to hoist a fucking 370 square foot canopy over their shoulder simply to say they PRO pack. I have a lot of jumps on a XX (and MC4) and there is simply no reason to do anything other than roll pack it or, like the instructions say, X pack it. An X pack is an only barely-modified stack pack. The only times I ever did that was when the unit's riggers oversaw us and mandated it. All the other times I simply roll packed it, making sure the nose was rolled tight.

The only major gripe I ever had with XX's and MC-4's was the lack of packing tabs. Very, very stupid.

MFFJM (among other things)

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The only major gripe I ever had with XX's and MC-4's was the lack of packing tabs. Very, very stupid.

But no packing tabs is less drag...less drag is a longer swoop...:P

Ok, seriously, why would pro-packing vs. flat packing (or anything else) really matter? Wouldn't it be like pro-packing a tandem? (I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I'm curious, esp since I've never even seen a military FF rig in person).
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Ok, seriously, why would pro-packing vs. flat packing (or anything else) really matter? Wouldn't it be like pro-packing a tandem? (I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I'm curious, esp since I've never even seen a military FF rig in person).


The deciding factor here is the thickness of the ribs. For example, a Strong SET 400 had thinner ribs making it easier to PRO pack than a Strong 425.

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The deciding factor here is the thickness of the ribs. For example, a Strong SET 400 had thinner ribs making it easier to PRO pack than a Strong 425

Thanks. I think I understand what you're saying...I'll get my local rigger to explain that to me.B|
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Have you ever seen an old picture of an accuracy canopy with cells you could park a van in and said "daaaaamn!!!! that's one obnoxious biaatch!" Well that is pretty much what we are talking about here. You really want to keep that nose closed up tight. And the size...well it's just not worth the pain of having that thing hanging over your shoulder. Peace.

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I don't quite buy into that theory. I think it wasn't done for the same reason many things aren't done on Military items, to keep cost and time building down. Having packed many a MC canopy and seen others pack them I can tell you that no one is looking at the cells when they pull each one taught. They are looking at the lines below the canopy to see them straighten out and if needed they look for a seam when lines aren't being pulled taught and a cell isn't quite in place.
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PRO packing an MT1-X or MC-4 is a pain in the ass, as previously stated because it is too tall.

Flat packing it on the other hand, is easy.

I have also been told that they did not come with packing tabs because laying the canopy out without them does require a cursory inspection of the material.

The newer MT1-X canopies I have seen do in fact have packing tabs.
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I have also been told that they did not come with packing tabs because laying the canopy out without them does require a cursory inspection of the material.

While canopy inspection is a step covered in the TM and is important, I find it hard to believe that not having packing tabs is to make people inspect the cells. I have not come across a new one with tabs yet but if they have packing tabs I know that it will make a lot of jumpers happy;)

John, I'm glad to hear the new ones have them as I was going to submit a SF 698(?) for a equipment modification.Saves me the hassle now;)
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I have also been told that they did not come with packing tabs because laying the canopy out without them does require a cursory inspection of the material.


Hee! Hee!
Sounds like the whole "inspection" concept is an alibi invented after the fact.

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I know this is an older thread, but I obtained two MC-5's and am getting back into the sport after many years. In looking for MC-5 packing instructions and a copy of the MC-5 Tech Manual, I came across the Para-Flite Roll-Packing instructions which specifically applies to the MT-1XX canopies. There is a NOTE stating those recommendations in the roll packing instructions, which can be found at: http://www.skydivestlouisarea.com/instruction/RollPackingInstructions.pdf Many thanks to SkydiveStLouisArea for the posted instructions!
Best Regards... John

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