
Phoniex Fly lead times?

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Sorry you are right. I forgot the non-famous names that beat you at WWL I guess rex Pemberton was the one I was thinking of.

You are maybe in your own world about what brands is popular in the world ;-)

The only world you and me is both living in is where regular flyers wearing squirrel suits seem to always beat professional flyers wearing PF suits ;-)

Jarno we meet several times you can be a nice guy when you are not on internet but your constant insults to non PFbrands on facebook and forums gets so old and so sad. I came here to tell my good friend Chris something but i stay to tell you this. I hope you realize it one day. Best greetings and good luck, I don't try to change your mind about anything orange I just try to show you how tired and stupid this war is.

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This is like lending ears to soccer fans or hooligans. Who want to do that willingly.......... Come on guys this is so unwanted. And brings nothing good to the community. Just fly your nylon of choice from Slovenia USA Asia it doesn't matter. Okay? Grow the f..k up. Btw lead time at the moment for Pf is 15 weeks. High season. For the Squirrel guys who seem to be active in this thread don't know why it is also higher as it is 11 weeks. Now drop your cocks remove your fingers from the keyboards and go fly. For fucks.... sake. 15 weeks. 15 weeks :)

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Crace (and crace+)are specific speed races suit. Alpine or Sukhoi are not. I ll be curious to see if aura and colugo will play for the win.
And i don t remind to saw any squirrel suit winning accro competition.

What does "play for the win" mean? Race suits are being updated constantly by squirrel. The new stuff that works gets rolled into the new versions of each suit. Wasn't PF supposed to be the fast suit company? I thought that was the mantra for a long time, the whole "need for speed" thing.

They still do acro competitions? Is that before or after style and accuracy? When are we doing the next big way so we can stop this brand fighting and get back to grids and wars between organizing sky gods.

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