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Okay so I knocked off work early today and was chillin' in the crib watchin' cnn and saw the army demo team's jump at rockingham racetrack in NC this past weekend. well, this past weekend the wind blew like STINK on the east coast. I guess y'all have already seen it but DAMN!


more ouch:

imho those guys were behind the curve when they left the aircraft. hope they heal well. (vibes)

on a slightly different note, Emergency Evacuation Systems has done a press release to the news agencies... manufacturers of Evacuchute...

http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/030221/laffns1_1.html pretty damn cool, actually. their website: http://www.evacuchute.com/ under "testing and certification"... at the bottom... there's a link to a building jump under it. ouch (although admittedly you can't see the jumper pound in... hrrrmmm).

and last, but not least, the Marines caught those sumbitches that cut the lines on all those military canopies at Camp Lejeune. (maybe this is old news for y'all, but I hadn't seen anything on it so I thought I'd share).


anyway... y'all be good now... y'hear?


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wow. good thing that bldg wasn't a little taller... or the wind a little stronger. would have been interesting to see the interaction between the jumper/canopy and that concrete thing (WTF is that?) that he nearly hit. bet the pucker factor was kickin' in.

I want to see them smash a 20th floor window out and foot launch it from the broken glass opening with the static line attached to a desk or something. sharky's machine with a twist.

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I really don't agree with the whole "escape parachute idea". I think it will cause more deaths than it will save. The normal citizen in a high stress situation like where these chutes are designed for, is bound to make the wrong decision at some point in the equation or mis-rig something that will cause them to die when they could have maybe fled the building differently (static-line, putting the harness on right, clearing the glass from the window (311), going to the other side of the building to jump so the chute doesn't keep slamming them into the building, avoiding obstacles, etc.) Yeah, that big ass concrete thing was just waiting to kiss the dude on the video!! Which supports my view. If he had not turned the canopy after opening he might very well have hit it. Plus, is a normal citizen going to know how to PLF? (Although the one on the video wasn't that good, so I guess they can get away with that;)) Also, how many buildings have grassy landing areas around them??? The tests that are being done are just not realistic. We all know the chutes will open and MIGHT save a life but add in all the other factors in a high stress situation that might go wrong plus throw in someone who has no experience with canopies and your just asking for a slaughter [:/]
BASE 570

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I'm impressed that they guarantee on-headings and drift away from the building...

Getting banned isn't that bad......

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I'm impressed that they guarantee on-headings and drift away from the building...

...completely random email I recieved today from some one who does not see blinc or dz.com too often sent me the same link and pasted that exact sentence into the message. :D
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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