
Tail Gate Positioning (installation)

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From the line burns thread:

We were discussing the proper location for the tailgate. I emailed BR to ask for confirmation.

Todd at BR edited my response to read:


The tailgate should be mounted as high as possible on a center 'C' line. So, when your canopy is in it's deepest brakes, the lowest (on most four line canopies they're all the same anyway, but on most five line canopies there is a lowest) control line attachment point should be just above the tailgate. The idea is to constrain the tail as closely as possible. The farther down the C line the tailgate is installed, the more "wiggle room" the tail has to expand prior to the tailgate blowing open (and hence before the nose is open, and hence out of sequence).

I added a few things that I think may make it easier to understand.


Thanks BR!
-- Tom Aiello


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Adam at Consolidated Rigging added this:


Ideal positioning is just below the line attachment points at the tail.  In our experience up to 8.0" below that is equally functional.  Much more than this and the tail can drift as well as potentially experience premature inflation.

Control lines tend to shrink through time so its best to position the TG about 4.0" below the Tail. That's where we position them on new canopies.

-- Tom Aiello


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when my Mojo arrived, the tailgate fingertrap had not been installed. CR told me to just put the tailgate through the C-line attachment. it seemed a bit scary at first, but right away i realized it was an awesome place for it. it constrains the brake lines perfectly. many jumps with this configuration with no problems.
just my couple o'pennies...

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...tailgate through the C-line attachment.

I've put tailgates there as a field fix before. I had to wrap a rubber band around it to hold it in place. It worked pretty well for me.

It's important to remember, though, that the location of your tailgate is going to vary depending on your (customized) brake settings (which will move the control line attachment points up and down relative to the C line attachment).
-- Tom Aiello


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What do you think of running a length of Dacron in and out of the "C" line to make multiple locations for the tail gate depending on brake setting and allws for steering line shrinkage?

Edit: Would this be a problem for slider up deployments?


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Disclaimer: I am not a rigger, so please forgive me total ignorance of rigging, proper rigging terms, etc.

Would each of those loops still snug down tight when you pulled on the line (like a regular tailgate placement does)?

If so, I can't see how it would create any problem for the slider. If not, then it looks great to me.

Of course, many jumpers are too lazy to even customize their DBS, so asking them to switch tailgate placements may be too much.

Will you put it on mine, though? B|
-- Tom Aiello


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Would each of those loops still snug down tight when you pulled on the line (like a regular tailgate placement does)?

Right, the revised drawing is more accurate. With tension on the line, there wouldn't be any space between the suspension and tailgate line.


Will you put it on mine, though?


I wonder if manufacturers should make the tailgate installation this way............


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