
"new object"

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just cos you're bored:

what constitutes a "new object"

for example, you jump a bridge from the road, then you jump it from the catwalk. two different objects?
you jump a building from the parapet wall, then the same building from a window-washing cradle. two different objects?
you jump an antenna from 500', then from 700'. two different objects?
you jump a large scandinavian cliff band from exit point A, then from exit point C. two different objects?
or a small US cliff from the edge, and then from a truck... two different objects?
you see what i'm getting at? it's a complicated, "grey-area" sort of thing at times, i know. and there are people out there who would say that if you're two feet to the left of where you jumped from last time, it's a new object.
for example: bridge from road, or from catwalk, with a 180, you're still dealing with the same object (or not, cos it's a bridge).
building from wall, then from window-washing cradle? with a 180, you're still looking at the SAME OBJECT.
antenna from 500', then from 700'? same object facing you if you whip a 180.
cliff from edge, or from truck? same object.
cliff from exit A, then from exit C? DIFFERENT objects. related? yes. but completely different in terms of what you're dealing with after a 180.
anyway, i just wanted to post something, to see how the icon of my naughty dog came out. ;)

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or a small US cliff from the edge, and then from a truck... two different objects?

Using that line of thinking you also could argue that you jumped 4000ft. off a banana. ;)

Although if you jumped an A which was built on top of a cliff face (hmm...) IMO you only did the A.
I do see your point though, if it doesn't fit the word stick an O down or 'U' for unsure.

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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how about a crane on top of a building?

Depends from where you jump...

The only time I make a distinction about an object is when logging it. There's basically three sections dealing with the object:

B__A__S__E__O__ <---- I check one of these based on the traditional rules (except I still don't know if it has ever been settled whether going from the tip of a tower crane constitutes a Span).

Then the Object Name(as known by the BASE community or named by the FJ), Then the Location(City, State).

All of this really does nothing but remind me of where I've been and gives The Man evidence of my doings should the book fall into the wrong hands.

BTW, the log always stays in a safe place well away from The Man.


p.s. is a tower crane an "S" or an "O"?? The only reason I ask is because I am aware of certain state BASE numbers were claimed based upon a crane being a span. Where are the Old-timers???

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So there really is a condition described by the words "Adult Attention Deficit Disorder".

A new object is one you haven't jumped before.
Think hard. Grit your teeth, pull a funny face if necessary. Think...do you recognize the object from your log book? Too much brainwork...meltdown. Duuuuhhhhh!

If you go to Walmart on your bike for the first time do you claim to have been on an expedition?

I refer you Skinflicka's Five Year Olds rule. If you're unsure...ask a 5 year old. They'll tell you without a moment of doubt that you were on the same object. A different exit point maybe but the same object nonetheless.

Nice post if only to kill some time and confuse the skydivers.

Question: How many skydivers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Answer : Irrelevent since skydivers never get laid cos they're too busy wearing girly purple DaKine pants.

Who the fuck wears purple pants anyway?

Get back to the eighties where you belong, all of you.


Luv n hugs


Prizes to anyone who gets to read my posts before Mr Aiello's son, Tom deletes them.

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the crane on top of the building is a great example. if you're so far out on the boom that you wouldn't have to worry about the B with a 180, then it's an entirely different object, isn't it?
but say you went from one of those external "construction elevator" type thingies, attached to the building... well, you're gonna be looking at the B if you have a 180.
i agree with the B...A...S...E...O thing. the three most obvious "O"s being smokestacks, cranes, and dams. a tree? sure, why not? but a tree on top of a cliff? well, isn't that like the banana on the cliff? you'd still be dealing with the cliff if you had a 180.
that's why i think the "180 rule" is a good way of figuring out whether you're REALLY hucking a "different" object or not. you jump off a banana on top of a cliff, the banana won't be staring you in the face if you open 180, the CLIFF will.
i'll bet there are people out there who logged "bus" as a new object after BD 2002... not that there's anything wrong with that at all, more power to 'em! i don't mean to say "it should be this, or it should be that". i mean, really, who cares? as long as we're jumping something, safely, then all this stuff is just silly-bored-BASE-jumper-sitting-around-a-campfire-with-a-beer chitchat... (except i'm on a computer, with no fire, and no beer):)

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Personally, I don't really give a shit. Object classification only matters to me in terms of mitigating saftey factors of a jump. Jumping off things is fun. It could be a 300' pile of dead NPS rangers for all I care--[that might even make it more fun]

If forced to make a choice though, I'd say however the wind affects the jumper relative to the object;
over a cliff
through an antenna
around a building
not a factor on a bridge

This is only my opinion, so it's not open to debate.
I don't care if anyone agrees or not, as it works well for me.

going to make a jump now,

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going to make a jump now,

seek help;):ph34r::D or did you type a 0 too much...

about objects. i use this:
does it have the same adress? if yes then its the same object. i would even in a park of objects(cheers BASE813)call it for the same object even if its different structures(meaning same looking but placed different places whith in a smaller place..)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Ok, take a crane for instance. Lets say it's been jumped and torn down. 3 months later you find the EXACT same crane at a new location.

Now what? It's a new location, new landing challenges, and it's 30 feet lower than it was the first time you encountered it.

Any one?????????????
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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460 has opened the same object twice.

He opened an A when it was first built. It was taken down, rebuilt and he opened it again. B|

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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well, isn't that like the banana on the cliff? you'd still be dealing with the cliff if you had a 180.
that's why i think the "180 rule" is a good way of figuring out whether you're REALLY hucking a "different" object or not. you jump off a banana on top of a cliff, the banana won't be staring you in the face if you open 180, the CLIFF will.

The only problem with this theory is that I'm willing to bet someone, somewhere has or will be staring at a banana in FF after taking it off a cliff in a body cavity, then inadvertently "ejecting" said banana. Just guessing. :ph34r:

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Hey I wear purple pants, but I am a girl so that doesn't count, and I do get laid... As far as a new object or not, I would agree with the address being the same, same object different exit points.

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It's commonly accepted that girlies shouldn't wear pants at all least of all purple ones.

Freeflygodess? Are you related to Felix? Do you like cats?



Prizes to anyone who gets to read my posts before Mr Aiello's son, Tom deletes them.

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If I find this somewhere can I get my B, A, and E all in one jump?

See attached photo.

"Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."

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That's a scary exit. You have to clear the edge of the building, then the edge of the cliff. Your tracking had better be excellent.

Of course if this structure were on a natural land bridge, you'd get BASE in one.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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"Socrates wasn't killed because he had the answer.......he was killed because he asked the question."

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i would put on a crane on top of that structure... then you get rid of the tracing issue,and you´ll get your O aswell;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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...and if it was over a tunnel too. :)

-- Hope you don't die. --

I'm fucking winning

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does it have the same adress? if yes then its the same object. i would even in a park of objects(cheers BASE813)call it for the same object even if its different structures(meaning same looking but placed different places whith in a smaller place..)

although there are different aspects to take into account on each of these X objects (landing areas / hazards / wind directions and effect) I would still say they are all the same object..............

To be honest - object logging is personal - if you want to call an O an A or a B or a S then go ahead - but i bet deep down you really know what it is!! ;)

be safe always............


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