
Some questions about a Wings container order

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There is no set policy at Sunrise Rigging that states to take into consideration the possibility of downsizing. I was actually referring only to the customers that will most likely step down like customers with < 100 purchasing a new container. I don't want to see customers waste their money either (as brought up in an earlier reply). That doesn't mean that I'm going to place them in a container that is impossible to pack. Nothing makes for a more miserable day in skydiving than fighting to close your container for an hour after every jump.

I would never try to predict anyone's canopy progression. I do, however, go by what my customers and I discuss thru phone conversations. A lot of people are spending a lot of money and don't desire to spend that much again any time soon. Some jumpers want a container that will hold a range of about 3 canopy sizes. For example, just today, someone called and wanted a rig that would hold a 190 all the way down to a 150. It could be done but that's tough. When a rig is built for that large a range of canopies, the end result could be an impossibly hard pack job. I suggested that a range of 170-190 would be much easier to build, and PACK.

I find that sizing containers is probably the most difficult part of my job. Customers that want a tight pack generally request it. Most customers let us know upon ordering if they're gonna be stepping down soon or ever (the exception to this is a new jumper). If the canopies a customer has listed to be jumping is boarder-line between one container size and another, I'll make contact to them to get direction. I won't say that some Wings containers are not just tight by nature but I try my best to give every customer the best container possible.

Sometimes, the problem is the difference between the size of the main and the size of the reserve. Some people jump reserves that are big in number but pack with such a tiny pack volume that there's almost not a main tray available to suit the main this customer is jumping - thus a tight pack.

I agree with your in reference to defining "downsizing". I know more than one person that this has happened to. Depending on the canopy, downsizing could definitely be upsizing when taking the container into consideration.

Why does Wings chest strap hardware have to be the one that's backwards? I've never owned anything but a Wings so to me, everything else is backwards. It's all relative ;)

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I had a custom made Wings container made for me last spring. It's a perfect fit and I really love it. I have spandex BOC and a hackey. It was originally made for a 150 but after a few jumps I decided to upsize to a 170. The 170 is a tight fit but it works and I haven't had any problems - even with a new ZP canopy. I can't find a negative thing to say about my rig or the customer service staff at Wings.

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For example, just today, someone called and wanted a rig that would hold a 190 all the way down to a 150.

I asked that of you 6 months ago:ph34r:

I wanted it built for a 170 and able to take a 150. I was open about the fact that I was gonna put a 190 in it initially but I also made it clear I was happy to take responsability for that decision my self and the pain in the arse of packing it would be mine.;) Hey my big ass ZP pilot chute only hesitated once on me.:P

Worked great, and now I have a nice 170 in it. Packs up great and I know its tight enough to take a step down if I ever want to go that small.

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Does anybody have any pics of what the handle looks like?

I've seen a few "freefly" handles that were just a pud instead of a hackey, and at least one (I think it was a mirage) that took me a little while to figure out how get the PC out ('twas pretty rock solid)
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I'll see if I can post some closeup pics tonight.

The pud is about twice the size of the ones I've seen on other rigs with a protruding stiffened edge down one side. It looks much more like a cutaway pad by comparison to other designs in this respect.

This stiffened edge is pushed tightly under the bridal routing flap so that the pud is held firmly in place over the mouth of the boc.

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