
Any recommendations for AFF courses in Adelaide area?

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Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone could recommend any of the DZ's in the Adelaide area for learning how to skydive? I'm in the situation where I have recently completed a tandem jump and have found myself thinking I may be a little hooked and have decided to get myself into a course so I can go solo.

I've narrowed it down to 2 options, Adelaide Tandem Skydiving or SA Skydiving. Given work restrictions and availability, ATS is looking a little more convenient, but I'm keen to hear from anyone about experiences with both parties. In particular their attitude, professionalism etc.

Happy to hear of any other suggestions as well, although, like most I'm kind of time poor- so I wouldn't want to be travelling much more than an hour from Adelaide.

Thanks in advance,

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Hey Adam,
Come over to [/url]http://www.skysurfer.com.au/forums/index.php?[url] and fire away, might get more speedy reply than on the US forum mate!
FWIW I did my AFF at Lower Light many years ago, loved it. From others that have been to the other DZ you can't go wrong either way, you'll be very well looked after by either camp. There will be more current individuals that can fill you in on SS.



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