
Twin Falls Fatality

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I was jumping with Jason Corcoran from Perrine when this tradgic event occured. We (7 of us) had all made a jump the previous day and then 3 each that morning. Jason was the first to jump after our lunch break. He launched a gainer and pitched his pilot chute. We have video of his jump and the pilot chute was out in 3 seconds. The pilot chute then towed for a bit. I am vague on this point because from a wide angle lens at that distance and the perspective, it is very difficult to see when the canopy was extracted. We only know it was because the the boat driver said he saw canopy and lines being extracted. The pilot chute did not appear to be rapped around anything and looked to be at full extension. Preliminary inspection of the pilot chute did not show anything faulty.

The rig has been sent to Anne Helliwell for inspection and I hope the video (which was given to the Police) will also be passed onto her to help assist in the matter.

Jason was a very proficient skydiver and base jumper. He was a great friend and an inspiration to many. He will be missed.


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Do you mind telling us what brand and size of pilot chute he was using?


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