
Earning your altitude

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Back in the day when I was cycling quite a bit my friends and I would spend hours and hours climbing uphill knowing that each stroke of the pedal would get us that much closer to the view at the top. More importantly, it would get us that much more time and speed on the downhill side of the ride.

Every now and then while riding up a forest service road or even a paved summit road a pick-up truck full of guys and bicycles would pass us only to unload the gang at the top so they could bomb down the easy side of the mountain without putting in the work to get up there. This would anger us. I'm not sure why. Maybe it didn't really anger us, maybe it was more of an annoyance to see "those poseurs" getting a lift to the top. "They're not really a part of the scene." "They don't understand the meaning of cycling."

Whatever it was, the hardcore cyclists looked down on those who didn't "earn their altitude."

Is there the same sort of attitude in BASE? Should you have to hike or climb to the top of the object to be hardcore? Or is taking a ski lift, gondola, elevator, or even getting a lift to the top in a car sneered at? Anyone ever climbed an antenna that had a working elevator?


PS - Of course, this attitude of ours didn't stop us from going to Sandi Peak Ski Resort one summer to ride the lifts to the top with our bikes so that we could bomb down the hill without putting in the effort. It was a seriously fun day with about 4 hours on the bike... all downhill!

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If I never had to climb another A, it would be perfectly alright to me. The best jumps are the ones you DON'T have climb. Free altitude is the best altitude. Elevators for B's or A's are the way to go. I don't mind hiking at all, but if the coice is to caatch a ride or hike... all the quicker to the next jump, or to the bar.

Its all whatever yoiu like in your jumps.

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I do have to admit that when I say the title and when I was first reading this, I was thinking that it was going to end with a flash your boobies to get a ride in a helicopter to the top instead of hiking... I was hoping...

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As a fellow rider - I'm split because not only do I do alot of uphill climbing in Colorado, but sometimes we just shuttle each other. As a climber and rider, the uphill can only make you better and stronger, but shit, if there's a lift, I'll take it ;)

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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I'm too new to answer all those questions, but I'll answer that I've climbed an antenna with a working elevator. Just for the hell of it.


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Is there the same sort of attitude in BASE?

Among some people. I personally don't share it. I'd rather spend eight hours hotwiring the elevator (so I can ride it forever), than two and a half hours climbing.


Anyone ever climbed an antenna that had a working elevator?

I've seen crews who insisted on climbing, even though every one else was riding the elevator. They saw it as a test of manhood. Personally, I just think it increases your exposure time on the object, and increases the likelihood of burning it. But, then again, the manly climbers pretty much despise me as a soft weakling. :D
-- Tom Aiello


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I'll take a helicopter, winch, Unimog, inclined railway, boat, or carpool any time. If I want to hike or climb, I'll take some combination of a lighter pack, more food, more water, and climbing gear.

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[reply I'd rather spend eight hours hotwiring the elevator (so I can ride it forever), than two and a half hours climbing. :o

Hypothetically. Right Tom? I'm sure you're not advocating the vandalism of property or suggesting the use of B&E to gain access to an object on a public forum.;)

Lets keep it legal, right kids?



PS If anyone finds a wrap of coke in a crack at the top of Stinky Sock then please retrieve and mail it back to me.[:/]Appreciate it. Thanks, S.

Prizes to anyone who gets to read my posts before Mr Aiello's son, Tom deletes them.

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Newbies should have to climb at least long enough to realize that they hate it (which isn't long in most cases I've seen). That way they can fully appreciate any mechanical form of lift (on any object). Most newbies haven't the faintest clue about the lengths to which some people will go to get off of an object until they've witnessed it first-hand, and been dragged along in the process.

Sometimes the approach to the exit point is way scarier than the jump. :D


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If you ask me it's ok with a ride as long as you keep in mind that an easy access doesn't equals an easy jump.

Stay safe.

// percy

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Is there the same sort of attitude in BASE? Should you have to hike or climb to the top of the object to be hardcore? Or is taking a ski lift, gondola, elevator, or even getting a lift to the top in a car sneered at? Anyone ever climbed an antenna that had a working elevator?

Yup we are called lazyboyz;)some of us climb A´s whith a perfect elevator,but then again we dont climb that high:P

If i had the oppertunety to use my local A´s elevator whith out waking up the entire island,i would use it each time... even if its only to 400ft:ph34r::DBut im just me,im here for the jump not so much for the hard work....

to that point some places really need to be hikede/climbed to get the best weivB|thats why i so far only had 1 elevator ride in my jumping carre,and then it only worked to 240ft:ph34r::D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Here's a Quote from a friend of mine who has ridden an elevator several times. This was after he climbed the first 100 feet of a 400 footer.

" No fuckin way am I climbing the 1700 footer"

I'm all over the short climbs. I'll do my best to pass up on the big ones but if it's necessarry, then bring water and some energy bars and an extra pilot chute in case you can't make it to the top for some reason. Call me soft but you won't find me climbing any thing big too often ... or yet for that matter :$

For hiking, bring refreshments and something to dine on like a chicken pot pie and some bubbly.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Call me soft but you won't find me climbing any thing big too often ... or yet for that matter

Your so welcome in DK;),now i thourght i were the only one in the world that climbs max 400ft on a local 900ft er he he(one time in top that were then.. no way my a## can climb that again:ph34r::D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Faber, I think you and I would get along very well!

We have a 750 footer nearby that I have only jumped from either the platform at 260 feet or the platform at 180 feet.

Maybe one day I'll jump from the top! :)

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I think you and I would get along very well!

We have a 750 footer nearby that I have only jumped from either the platform at 260 feet or the platform at 180 feet.

I think,we would get along werry wellB|Now you has an object that has a platform were i also would like one(270ft),i only have a dish in 300ft,were theres a (really)small platform just above it.i never jumped it as im not sure the structure can hold me(looks like a floore just groving out of the A,whith no help to hol it up)...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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A friend of ours once said "the downhill will be earned", it was her motto. I think people who have the drive to earn the downhill have incredible strength of character, determination, and guts. Now I'm not saying that people who take the easy way up don't have those characteristics, but I'm sure that if I was asked point blank who I respected more, it would be the people who earned the downhill.

Personally, if I had a choice between climbing a ladder or taking the elevator, I'd take the elevator! If I had a choice between the helicoptor or the hike, it would depend on the cost of the heli-ride and how fat my wallet was. Typically I love the hike and would feel I missed something if I didn't have to do it to get to the top. The only time I'd look down my nose at someone using a helicopter would be if they were completely disrupting the environment and their fellows who were trying to enjoy the serenity of the landscape, and I was having to hike while they took the easy way up. Besides, I'm one of those freaks who loves biking, or hiking up a hill just to see the view. It's a great workout for my body, clears my head, and gives me a sense of accomplishment.

To each his own: it takes all kinds to make a world, and there's room enough for everyone here.


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I think newbies should climb there first couple of Ant's. i've climb to 1300 once, to a grand, a half dozen. I seldom climb higher than 320 now at my local 1400ft. i do climb it twice when i'm there though(2 rigs) I'm all for getting the vator to run also. Why use muscles if intellengence will get you better results? Newbies should climb just to get a feel for how bad it does suck and to appreciate the vators all the more/ A simple intitation into the club. Why once i made a couple of newbies start the climb, and then passed them in the vator about halfway up. lol It's the small pleasures in life that make it so worthwile. ;-)

May we live long and die out

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Newbies should have to climb at least long enough to realize that they hate it (which isn't long in most cases I've seen). That way they can fully appreciate any mechanical form of lift (on any object). Most newbies haven't the faintest clue about the lengths to which some people will go to get off of an object until they've witnessed it first-hand, and been dragged along in the process.

Sometimes the approach to the exit point is way scarier than the jump. :D


Of course I've been told this numerous times, thats why I went ahead and climbed the damn thing even though there's an elevator. Actually, I really don't mind the climb to 600. Done it a couple times now and its got a rewarding feel to it. Although, I'm not going to pass up an elevator ride (if available) any higher than that ;)


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I've climbed a ladder to between 1200ft and 1300ft on 3 occasions. Went all the way to 1500ft once. And, of course, a bunch between 400ft and 1000ft, so I think I've put my time in. I can only think of 3 times that I got a ride on that object type. Now that I think about it, those big climbs were when I was using a modified 2-canopy airplane-jumping rig. Ah, those were the days...


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It really depends on the situation. Earning your altitude can be interpreted in a couple ways. If I bust my butt for months at work, and then have a surplus of cash, and a shortage of time, then by hiring a helicopter to get multiple jumps in Norway for the very few days I have there, that's earning my altitude. If I have lots of idle time, and less funding, I can spend more time in the LB valley, where I hike my butt for days, just ask anyone who spent time with me there, that is earning my altitude. If I walk into a hotel with a rig, and catch an elevator to the roof, which I previously scoped, and secure access, that is earning my altitude. Of course, if I have to walk up all thirty-two flights because the elevators have cameras, then, once again that is earning my altitude. Bridges are easy access, usually, but there was one bridge I jumped where I had to climb DOWN 200' from the road to the pier to get into the tower, and then UP 400' to the top to flick, that's like time and a half, a well earned flick. In regards to antennas, I once rode an elevator, but got off at 500', as I was still just a slider-off jumper, and a ride to the top would have been a waste of time. I have since climbed that same 500'. On a regular basis, I climb 400' to 500' Power Towers. I'm old, busted up, made over 500 jumps from over 100 objects, whatever I get from here on, I earned. Your mileage may vary.

I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton


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Why once i made a couple of newbies start the climb, and then passed them in the vator about halfway up.

Sounds strangely familiar...:S:P


"Don't worry, if it doesn't work you won't feel a thing."
You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

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Of course I've been told this numerous times

Awww c'mon, what kind of jerk would tell you that? :)


thats why I went ahead and climbed the damn thing even though there's an elevator

Geeee.... where might that be? ;)

My hightest climb is 1900' (on the aforementioned elevator tower when the elevator *wasn't* working). I've done 1500' with rfarris & regularly climb 1100'.

C'mon guys, it's good exercise! Just don't eat a bad batch of chili beforehand or you'll wind up hurling halfway up the tower like one person did. :S

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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"I think newbies should climb there first couple of Ant's."

This is to say that only new people should have to exert effort and without reference to the object of the exercise. It's kind of like when I was at VMI and it only mattered that you shined your shoes or maintained your appearance when you were a 1st year cadet, just because you were the new ones. This the opposite to playing on the lacrosse team where you maintained the respect of others by being a good athlete.

In reality, in this situation, I'd think a new jumper is exactly who you don't want expending all their energy on the way up, then feel forced to jump because their feelings over the effort they put into it will overpower their decision over the conditions.

Climbing is to base jumping as driving is to my career. I can get here by several means but what's the point. I'm not going to create a better product because I walked on nails to get here.

The people who like to climb can climb. The ones who shit on others for not climbing are meat heads.

The difference is that the object of biking is exertion, you're a wuss if you don't take your medicine.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Why once i made a couple of newbies start the climb, and then passed them in the vator about halfway up.

Sounds strangely familiar...:S:P

Thankfully that wasn't the start of a tradition ... was it?

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