
hand held and pins

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I was wondering if there are any concerns out there associated with jumping a pin rig and going hand held? I had heard someone make a statement about this in the past but cannot remember the concern. I would assume that you would have to watch how much tension you put on the bridal before exit so you don't extract a pin prior to exit. If there are some concerns how are people out there going about preping their bridle and pilot chute before a jump?

I jump a velcro rig now and am looking into getting my first pin rig and I am wanting this info to think about before I get my rig.

I would have posted this to blinc but I am having problems accessing the new address. It worked earlier today but not right now.


Matt Davies

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I am awaiting delivery of my first pin rig! Most people I jump with have pins and most jumps we do are hand held. I have never seem a prem pin extraction (except someone climbing down an A with rig on and catching it on the cage!! hehehe!

hey Faber!!

As long as there is some slack then you wont pull the pins............ I will be happier jumping pins hand held / Low altitude.

Just my "awaiting" pin rig status thoughts...........

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You can tuck the bridle (about 1 inch of it) into the top (R) corner of your rig where the top flap and side flap meet. From there, the bridle passes on to your PC hand.

If you inadvertently put too much tension on the bridle it will just untuck from that corner instead of pulling the pin.

BTW I have mistakenly pulled a bottom pin out before an exit and due to circumstance had to make an immediate exit with only the top pin closed.

My Vertex is a "tight" rig and the canopy stays put even with the bottom pin pulled. (OK ...I wasn't jumping up and down to prove my point at the time)

Probably a good idea to pull the bottom pin at home and see what happens.

edit ~ the Vertex is a 2 pin rig made by Basic Research

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except someone climbing down an A with rig on and catching it on the cage!! hehehe!

hey Faber!!

Actualy i think i opened it on the way up,just as if you do the same by a velcro.

only the pc out:ounder climb down were my BIGconcern.We should have jumped it and fucked our self up:ph34r:B|:D

I have 1 stowed(funny,the same as 1 slider up:ph34r::D) jump the rest is handheld.I go handheld from 400-180ft, i tuck the bridal on all thouse jumps(i have velcro on now actualy),and i only tryed my harness has poped once and its the one described above.I jump a Vertex(2-pin BR rig by the way)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Having never jumped a Pin Rig, I was a little bit apprehensive about using a mate’s pin rig for the first time, off A 225ft A the other day. We didn't jump cause of the wind.

Are other people prepared to take pin rigs this height or lower ?


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Are other people prepared to take pin rigs this height or lower ?

yes i have been in 141ft by my pin rig,and i will take it as low as i would dare to jump anyway.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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nice to see ya!! One of the reasons I am buying a pin rig is that I am freefalling 210ft upward regularly.............

At these heights I would rather a pin then a velcro............

the pull forces are something like 20lbs for velcro and 12lbs for pins (but pins have more inconsistancy due to pack jobs)

to be honest when I am taking delays where I am under canopy at sub100 I would so much prefer a pin rig....................

I have watched a pin V velcro off the same 220ft tower with similar delays and similar PC's and the pin opened a lot heigher!

mate pin is the future for the objects we are jumping!!!


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I use 2-pin rig Atmosphere for low altitude/ hand held jumps. It works normal.
Several russian guys prefer another pins for low altitude jumps. There are the yellow cable pins (like the cut-away cables on the skydive rigs). They considered, that it may be several position for metal pins than the way out of the loops would be something hard and takes more time.
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I can understand their concern, but in order to avoid possible hesitation it is very important to place both pins in the middle of the loop.
Also, pin orientation should be bottom to top.

Robert Pecnik

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Hi there, some info of how we do that in germany. we have tested several things like tuckin´ the bridle under the right flap (as described in the other posting) but what our association recommends is: install 2 small pieces of velcro on the bridle and at the container (right flap). this will cover the fluttering of the bridle during hand held jumps (like the velcro does at velcro-closed containers). it also makes sure, that the bridle routing is correct and you can check it at any time prior to exit as you like. it also prevents pin extraction from checking the bridle (done by stretching your arm out), because the pulling force is slightly covered by the velcro tabs. We made this a must modification for our legal gear and it works pretty good.

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pin orientation should be bottom to top.

Hej robi, what do you mean with bottom to top? Pin eye on bottom? Why is this better?


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