
Mirage G3 Reserve Handle Velcro

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I just got my new Mirage G3, and as I was looking it over, I noticed that the reserve handle velcro was a bit odd. The "hook" side of the velcro tape is not sewn to the main lift web. The velcro tape itself is sewn to a ribbon tape that is sewn to the back of the main lift web.

Please see attached photo. Is this normal?


"Scared of love, love and aeroplanes...falling out, I said takes no brains." -- Andy Partridge (XTC)

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Ease of assembly? Ease of replacement?
We have a winner.

Ok, dumb question then. Why just the hook side? The loop side is sewn to the MLW as normal.

I would have thought the loop would wear before the hook.


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I stand corrected I was thinking both were on the tape when I read the post originally ... excellent observation.

So heres my guess. One side to the Main lift web for stability and the other side on the Wide tape for security. It's hard to explain why that would be more secure but I'll try it.

When the Velcro is on the Main lift web only, the top and the bottom of the velcro tends to wear out easier. When the lift web is stressed by the parachute opening, the pocket being part of the lift web is stressed as well. It tends to peel just a tiny bit every time as the lift web is stretched over the ripcord handle.

If one side is freefloating it should (at least in theory) remain secure. I'm guessing here but I suspect the handle in the picture is a small handle.

The ripcord pocket is pretty small. If it's a tight pocket and you press the handle into the pocket, the velcro will have a hard time mating and remaining mated.

Make sense? I just re-read that so It won't surprise me if it doesn't. :S
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I would guess that it is for a more fluid pull. If it is jammed in there on the velcro, it is very difficult to just pull tooth against pile. If the fabric gives a little, it seems like it would be easier to peel.

I know I just had a ride and the peel was very smooth.

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Some designs for holding the metal reserve handle in place (specifically when you sandwich the handle between two layers of the MLW) can result in the handle being kicked back out under opening stress. The MLW stretches, which forces the slightly "gapped" MLW halves together. Since the handle is "in the way" it is pushed out...thus putting pressure against the velcro closure and wearing it out prematurely. Eventually, the lower (usually) corner of the D-handle will start to pop out regularly. If it's not taken care of, the handle will start coming out more and more...as the velcro gets less and less effective.

If you leave some room in there and take the stress out of the system (by using a piece of tape that is not integral to the MLW) you aren't allowing the strain on the MLW during opening to kick the handle out, thus you're not wearing out the velcro. Generally, though, you would place the pile side of the velcro on the tape (for ease of replacement) and set the hook part just a bit back from the edge of the MLW so that it is totally covered by the pile and doesn't snag on your jumpsuit.

This isn't a problem with soft handles, only metal D-handles.

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The "hook" side of the velcro tape is not sewn to the main lift web. The velcro tape itself is sewn to a ribbon tape that is sewn to the back of the main lift web.

Please see attached photo. Is this normal?

Yes, that's normal. It gives your handle a more secure pocket when the harness is flexing.

When tension is put on the harness, the two pieces of webbing (and velcro) can pull apart. We have a customer who jumps a non-mirage container, with an extremely short harness. When she snugged down her leg straps, the webbing pieces would separate, opening the velcro and loosening her metal reserve handle. It freaked her out (rightly so), so Kirk fixed it by putting in some "floating" velcro, like on your Mirage. She hasn't had a problem like that since, and you won't either.

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