
Oregon/N-Cali Jumper SEARCH

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FYI-I'm not looking for a mentor!

As far as I know there are no active Base jumpers living in Southern Oregon. I HOPE I'M WRONG!! I do travel up to Bend, Eugene and sometimes Portland area, but dont know were the best sites are.
So far I have only jumped bridges, with little interest in other objects. I would still like to see what the options are.

I'm really hoping to find someone that has jumped the 350' span on the coast.

I will be at Perrine for the memorial boogie, we can chat there.
Or e-mail me at imagethisphoto@lycos.com
Josh Morell 541-261-6681

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That particular photo is owned by Vertical Visions. Josh was my hired photographer for Bday 2003 and he did a great job. You can only order enlargements through Vertical Visions at THIS WEBSITE
(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only

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i'm from the SWOC (southwest oregon coast) area. Most of oregon is uninhabited... so jumping would be easy, minus the weird winds I have been told about. But there might be a 600+ft "B" close to cali on the coast....

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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I'm really hoping to find someone that has jumped the 350' span on the coast.

I have. PM me. I also know a Southern Oregon jumper. I'll see if I can dig up a phone number for you.
-- Tom Aiello


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on the west coast, as a skydiver i never wanted to be an experienced base jumper so much as this last weekend, I was in the area on a fishing trip and I took a stroll accross the bridge. beautiful, just an amazing visual of the ocean, it looks like the trail to hike out might be a bit harry for the walk back out. other than that it looks perfect

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I'm one of the Portland jumpers, and I've taken a trip down the coast with BASE 350 and Guppie Skydiver #1 to the Span you're referring to. It was a fun adventure that involved a great jump in the wind and rain... unfortunately the climb out was far more epic than the jump. I lost my radio, but the gods blessed me by giving me a hammer I found sticking out of the mud. It came in handy as I used it to grab tree roots and pull myself up. :-)

I'm planning a trip back to that span when the weather changes.
find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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