pringles 0 #1 March 11, 2004 In the area that I jump in, the base community is very small. Over the past year I have come to realize that our community needs to turn over a leaf. The problem is our group has needed a face lift right from the start. We were even told this from an old fart out at the dz that hadn't done any base in about ten years. We just kinda blew him off. What does he know, right? We had seen all the video of their group doing the same kind of stupid stuff. I would have to guess though that in his case hind sight is 20/20. Something my group needs to realize right now. I will give you one example of some of the crap that goes on. Mind you there are plenty of other crappy things going on. Things just seem to have gone down hill badly. One night last fall I called up a friend and asked him to go for a jump. So that was settled. Now I am on my way to meet up for the jump. My wife riding shot gun. When I get there I find out that we are going to have the best ground crew you could ever imagine (aka fucking circus). We have my wife... who I feel is very competent as ground crew. Then we have the rest of the group. Well they have had more than their share to drink. Their were two guys that have @ 5 base a piece that have no intrest in base any longer. Then there were to girl basers that have around 15 between the two of them. The other jumpers sister and her boyfriend. So that brings the total to 7 ground crew and 2 jumpers. This is an "A" by the way. So anyways while we are climbing the whole group is hooping it up on the ground. For some reason they think this whole thing is like a party. Drinking and smoking talking loudly. My wife felt very uncomfortable by the whole situation so she actually ventured off a short distance from the group and stood by a tree. We jumped landed and left, no big deal. So I decided to go out by myself the next night. Same tower. My wife came along for ground crew. After the jump we were on our way back to the car and my wife said to me "Those guys left a bunch of beer cans out buy the corner of the fence last night." So I asked her what she did with them. Then she told me that she just left them. So we turned around and went back and picked up around 6 beer cans some cigarette butts and a lighter. I finally came to the decision that something must be done. It is difficult though when you have been a part of what has been going on, to go talk with the group and tell them what is going on is wrong. I felt as though if I were to approch the group they would look at me the same way we looked at the old fart at the DZ. So I came up with my own scheme. You have to remember that our group is small. And I knew there were a couple of ways this could play out. I told one of the guys that I sold my gear when I haven't. It didn't take long for it to circulate. The way I looked at it was either they would believe it and they wouldn't jump much... because most of the group isn't super modivated. Or it would come out sooner than later and we would all set down as a group and discuss whats going on. My plan for this senerio is that the group will see how strongly I feel about this topic and give what I have to say a chance. Well I have a hard time lying to my friends so they were suspicious. Any way the jumper that I originally told about selling my gear also has some of the same feelings that I do about the situation. So after a week I let him in on the secret. He was pissed at me for involving him in the lie but understood why I was doing it. So to answer the PM i just got from a member of the group. Yes, I still jump. In fact 4 or 5 times in the last week and a half. Also I knew as soon as Jim saw the stash bag laying under the coat in the corner that my cover was blown. I spoke to the other jumper that was "in the know"and we are planning on setting down with everyone and expressing our concerns. So now everyone knows what a dick I am but Oh well. I hope to still be able to jump in the area for some time to come and it won't happen if things don't change. Like I said earlier our group is small and my actions wouldn't have impacted most base communities but I feel it probably will have stirred the pot to a nice simmer here. So flame away let me know what ya think. Maybe some input can help for our group meeting. Matt Matt Davies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base428 1 #2 March 11, 2004 As I mentioned in previous posts, I have no mercy for litterbugs, partiers, thieves, mid-day lazy jumpers, unstealthy jumpers, or any other butthole BASE jumpers who contribute to the demise of a good BASE site. The rules are simple and they are well known. I always tell it like it is. If you want to jump in my neck of the woods (and you're not another local), you better call me first. If you screw up, then you'll surely get a nasty phone call or email also. Don't drink, don't do drugs.....try not to ruin the site. Don't wear 100% camo, don't put SKYDIVE stickers on your car, DO carry a's pretty easy. No mercy for rule breakers. Kudos to Earl and Gardner for the first and only tar and feathering that I'm aware of!!! PS. Damn, I'm sounding like Motherhucker more each day! edit: mispelled Gardner's name...forgot the D.(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Faber 0 #3 March 11, 2004 first i dont like the "boogie thing"below an object,but i dont understand why you didnt just fronted them,whith your concernse instead of walking your own way..i think it might had sovled loads of the problems you´ll get out of this.. I have always said what i mean,no matter if people likes it or not.I have lost some "freinds"on that account,but i know the small group that likes to be whith me,likes that i tell a person if he/she does somthing i think is wrong... Im sure your fellas would had could seen that it wasnt cleaver to "party"under an object,and even leave more than footprints... Hope you guys make it work.. Stay safe Stefan Faber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gus 1 #4 March 11, 2004 It doesn't sound like you did anything that terrible. Maybe your little bit of deception will give certain members of your community the kick up the arse that it sounds like they need. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #5 March 11, 2004 Not knowing the personalities involved, it's sort of hard to say whether the direct approach vs/ the indirect approach was better. In any event, your concerns about site preservation and attitude are valid. Take only pictures, leave only footprints... and try not to leave footprints if you can help it. Anyone who's been to our site knows that it's huge, remote & has an elevator. I've been there on a couple of occasions where there were two groups and upwards of 10 people. 75% jumpers at least. We joke about putting speakers & a lazy-boy in the elevator and having a nice open-pit BBQ and keg at the bottom. But it's just that, a joke. Everybody (so far) takes care to make sure that the site is cleaned up & closed up properly. The closest thing we have to a "boogie" atmosphere is when I bring my tarp out for doing multiple jumps in an evening. But again, this site is incredibly remote, so hanging out packing at the base of the tower is no big deal. I probably wouldn't try it anywhere else around here. We know what we have and we all have a vested interest in preserving it. In your case I think you can be straight without being confrontational. Just express your concern about preserving the site and ask folks to be better about cleaning up & not making noise. If they don't listen, you can find good goose down pillows at Ikea... - Z "Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #6 March 11, 2004 Everything you've said I agree with but this line... QuoteDon't wear 100% camo ...kind of throws me. I don't wear 100% camo but I do like my camo pants. Are you thinking that lots of camo may make people think you're a terrorist, or is is just more along the lines of "suspicious clothing"? - Z "Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base428 1 #7 March 11, 2004 I can understand wearing camo pants if you are in a place where people normally wear camo pants (like here in WV). But wearing any camo in an area that doesn't normally see camo, like in a National Park or whilst riding the elevator to the top of a building in a big city, is just asking to get busted. I've seen guys with camo stash bags wearing camo pants and jacket and I just wanna tell them to go change their clothes. I think that jumpers should dress to blend in with society, not to blend in with the fall foliage. Black and dark colors are good, but too much camo or anything out of the ordinary makes you stick out like a sore thumb. Other things to avoid: -Using bolt cutters to remove locks. -Stealing "Antenna Radiation" signs. -Writing your BASE # or putting stickers at the top of objects -Leaving anything parachute related visible in your car (I once watched the NPS break into a car because of knee pads in the back seat!) Try to carry: -Radio, no matter what object or situation. -Water -Cell phone -Money -Small first aid kit (bandaids, gauze, etc.) if you can. -Flashlight (never leave home w/o never know how long you may be stuck in the woods). -Small poncho to protect you, or your gear, in the rain. QuoteI don't wear 100% camo but I do like my camo pants.(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomAiello 26 #8 March 11, 2004 QuoteEverything you've said I agree with but this line... QuoteDon't wear 100% camo ...kind of throws me. I don't wear 100% camo but I do like my camo pants. Are you thinking that lots of camo may make people think you're a terrorist, or is is just more along the lines of "suspicious clothing"? I know of several towers where wearing 100% camo is highly recommended. They are way out in the middle of nowhere, and the only other folks around are all hunters, all of whom wear--you guessed it--100% camo. I think it all depends on your environment, and the surroundings, and what the locals are wearing.-- Tom Aiello Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base428 1 #9 March 11, 2004 When in Rome....dress like the Romans I guess. I agree Tom. Whatever it takes to fit in. Unfortunately, even here in good old WV, you may get a 2nd look from a local if you have camo on in the wrong at one of our many bridges in hunting off-season. Just don't forget your rifle. Quote...and the only other folks around are all hunters, all of whom wear--you guessed it--100% camo.(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freakydiver 0 #10 March 11, 2004 Why not just take care of the problem before it becomes a problem. Why allow the crew to even come along at all if you know they are just going to be acting like a bunch of asses. That just seems to danged simple I guess. -- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." -- Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
motherhucker 0 #11 March 11, 2004 -Using bolt cutters to remove locks. there is a right way to do this...but you should know what it is BEFORE you snip -Stealing "Antenna Radiation" signs. stealing ANYTHING--why would you? -Writing your BASE # or putting stickers at the top of objects Oh my god! are there REALLY BASE jumpers out there that are THIS stupid? -Leaving anything parachute related visible in your car (I once watched the NPS break into a car because of knee pads in the back seat!) were you watching from nearby bushes, perhaps? Try to carry: -Radio, no matter what object or situation. -Cell phone -Money -Small first aid kit (bandaids, gauze, etc.) if you can. -Flashlight (never leave home w/o never know how long you may be stuck in the woods). -Small poncho to protect you, or your gear, in the rain. -a small Gucchi handbag -lipstick and rouge I agree with most of those 428, but the last two scare me. You've been hanging out with Donk too much methinks. mh Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base428 1 #12 March 11, 2004 Mamahucker, you are a crackin' me up today, yo! I have seen antenna radiation signs disapper, I've seen BASE numbers and stickers at exit points, and YES, I watched the NPS break into another jumper's car (I watched from a crowded nearby parking lot). As for the Gucci bag and lipstick, I'll admit that Donk's apple-pie and Subway sandwich humping sessions at the Turkey Boogie have really influenced me. Donk really knows how to bring out the woman in me......NOT! Peace to all you BASE freaks out there!!! PS. Bruce "Butt Bleeder" Kramer is coming to my house today to stay for a few weeks......he's helping me with doors and trim....God help us! PPS. Sorry this thread is slowly hooking in to the ground.(c)2010 Vertical Visions. No unauthorized duplication permitted. <==For the media only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #13 March 12, 2004 please explain Quotemid-day lazy jumpers, unstealthy jumpers, there are some day sites to jump, and you dont have to be stealthy on all jumps...........Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hookitt 1 #14 March 12, 2004 Quoteplease explain Quotemid-day lazy jumpers, unstealthy jumpers, Not much to explain really. Jumping most objects in the daytime hours screws the rest of the BASE jumpers. 2 people were recently busted on a local tower due to a wannabe BASE jumper taking his wife to watch him jump at 3 in the afternoon. Later that night the tower was under surveillance.My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto Share this post Link to post Share on other sites leroydb 0 #15 March 12, 2004 you said most... not allLeroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites hookitt 1 #16 March 12, 2004 Quoteyou said most... not all Oh come on now Leroy You know darn well what we mean.My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto Share this post Link to post Share on other sites leroydb 0 #17 March 12, 2004 yea..Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Hajo 0 #18 March 12, 2004 base-tags and stuff in the car. I´ve seen a car with the signs: "base-jumpers are no criminals" over the complete rear window and the guy was wondering why he got busted after a jump from a bridge at noon, caught by the highway police on the highway later on. I also can see tags at the base of a bridge with date and c-u messages, even at the place we are used to gear up before walking to the exit. for me, this is quite stupid and not the way I was introduced to this sport. I was always told: come-jump-and go away, without any traces left for no one. this is what I give to my students as well. you jump for your own pleasure, not for someone else. leave the site better than you found it. ´nough said -------------------------------------------------- With sufficient thrust, pigs just fly well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Faber 0 #19 March 12, 2004 QuoteJumping most objects in the daytime hours screws the rest of the BASE jumpers. i agree,but as said before there are objects out there that can be jumped day time Stay safe Stefan Faber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Zennie 0 #20 March 12, 2004 Regarding BASE gear being visible in a vehicle, again it depends on the situation. Yes, having BASE gear visible while pulling into Yosemete National Park would be sheer stupidity. However, given the site we frequent, 460 & I are convinced that having BASE gear in plain view... heck even telling anybody we encounter there what we are going to do... is the preferable route. Our sites are large television towers. The owners of these towers are INCREDIBLY paranoid of terrorism/vandalism post-911. When folks find out that we're "only" BASE jumpers they tend to be relieved. I know this from personal experience on two occasions. One worker was amused by the idea and let us jump. The other just gave me the "bad BASE jumper" lecture and that was the end of it. I'm not advocating being up front like this on every occasion. Just pointing out that in some circumstaces, just fessing up is probably the smarter way to go. - Z "Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites CrazyThomas 0 #21 March 13, 2004 Quote I'm not advocating being up front like this on every occasion. Just pointing out that in some circumstaces, just fessing up is probably the smarter way to go. Yes, in some cases that works better. I agree. Thomas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites base570 1 #22 March 14, 2004 Quotethere are some day sites to jump, and you dont have to be stealthy on all jumps........... Just make sure you know which ones are and which ones aren't. We don't want any more sites to get hot around here, if you know what I mean. Peace, 570 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites leroydb 0 #23 March 14, 2004 i knwo what cha mean bo.. heck i wana keep jumpingLeroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites base386 0 #24 March 14, 2004 NCBMSF3.... I've always wondered what the hell that means? Cheers 386 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites leroydb 0 #25 March 14, 2004 I was the 1st person in NC= North Carolina ON A Bm= Birdman SF3= Skyflyer 3 to have a cutaway (was almost a double mal) Have video... Le RoyLeroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 0
leroydb 0 #15 March 12, 2004 you said most... not allLeroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hookitt 1 #16 March 12, 2004 Quoteyou said most... not all Oh come on now Leroy You know darn well what we mean.My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #17 March 12, 2004 yea..Leroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hajo 0 #18 March 12, 2004 base-tags and stuff in the car. I´ve seen a car with the signs: "base-jumpers are no criminals" over the complete rear window and the guy was wondering why he got busted after a jump from a bridge at noon, caught by the highway police on the highway later on. I also can see tags at the base of a bridge with date and c-u messages, even at the place we are used to gear up before walking to the exit. for me, this is quite stupid and not the way I was introduced to this sport. I was always told: come-jump-and go away, without any traces left for no one. this is what I give to my students as well. you jump for your own pleasure, not for someone else. leave the site better than you found it. ´nough said -------------------------------------------------- With sufficient thrust, pigs just fly well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Faber 0 #19 March 12, 2004 QuoteJumping most objects in the daytime hours screws the rest of the BASE jumpers. i agree,but as said before there are objects out there that can be jumped day time Stay safe Stefan Faber Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zennie 0 #20 March 12, 2004 Regarding BASE gear being visible in a vehicle, again it depends on the situation. Yes, having BASE gear visible while pulling into Yosemete National Park would be sheer stupidity. However, given the site we frequent, 460 & I are convinced that having BASE gear in plain view... heck even telling anybody we encounter there what we are going to do... is the preferable route. Our sites are large television towers. The owners of these towers are INCREDIBLY paranoid of terrorism/vandalism post-911. When folks find out that we're "only" BASE jumpers they tend to be relieved. I know this from personal experience on two occasions. One worker was amused by the idea and let us jump. The other just gave me the "bad BASE jumper" lecture and that was the end of it. I'm not advocating being up front like this on every occasion. Just pointing out that in some circumstaces, just fessing up is probably the smarter way to go. - Z "Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrazyThomas 0 #21 March 13, 2004 Quote I'm not advocating being up front like this on every occasion. Just pointing out that in some circumstaces, just fessing up is probably the smarter way to go. Yes, in some cases that works better. I agree. Thomas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base570 1 #22 March 14, 2004 Quotethere are some day sites to jump, and you dont have to be stealthy on all jumps........... Just make sure you know which ones are and which ones aren't. We don't want any more sites to get hot around here, if you know what I mean. Peace, 570 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #23 March 14, 2004 i knwo what cha mean bo.. heck i wana keep jumpingLeroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base386 0 #24 March 14, 2004 NCBMSF3.... I've always wondered what the hell that means? Cheers 386 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leroydb 0 #25 March 14, 2004 I was the 1st person in NC= North Carolina ON A Bm= Birdman SF3= Skyflyer 3 to have a cutaway (was almost a double mal) Have video... Le RoyLeroy ..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites