
does anyone base in france???{south}

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hi im really interested in base jumping, id like to learn crew and eventually learn to base jump, i have 100 skydives, i know not quite ready to base yet, ;)but thats why i got into skydiving, id really like someone who goes here in south to let me tag along to learn and be crew, im a girl, 21 and really a great laugh,:P just need someone to give me a break into it, just to learn thanks peacexxx

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Have you asked around? There are plenty of BASE jumpers in the south of France. If you fill in your profile information (particularly what DZ you are at) you'll probably get more help.

Edit: There are not many French BASE jumpers on this forum. I'd recommend posting to the French BASE Association Forum.
-- Tom Aiello


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thanks, yer didnt want to fill in any info really, but i jump at gap tallard, so there that should do it, thanks for the advice ill go there, peacexxx

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I just started with basejumping in South France, my DZ is Le Luc. We have tons of basejumpers here.


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hi fido, where is le luc???? im in avignon nr nimes and 2 hours from gap??? ive just tried the french base zone and its so hard think ive registered right but cant seem to post a forum message, just really want to get into base and learn everything, do you ever come down this way??? would really like to get into base its why i started skydiving, but first i want to learn everything starting with crew, thats why id like some kind person to let me come with them base jumping, so i can learn and watch thank you for replying peace and love melxxx:)

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In DZ map in Para-mag it's right bottom corner. BTW it's autoroute crossing. From Nice: Left to Toulon, straight to Aix. My email is pbla4024@email.cz, if you need more info.


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Hi Air Affair, from Avignon, there are places which are not very far.
Le Luc is close to marseille, direction St Raphael Fréjus etc...
Tu parles français ? rejoins nous sur le forum francophone.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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hi fido, i dont have that mag! as im not a french holder of a french licence, yet! im still on the bpa! oh not far then, where do you skydive???? i dont have a car unfortunately so not sure how i would get there, do you come through avignon or near, id love to come with you guys i also have a friend in england who base jumps and would like to come here and base, so getting to know you would be great! as not sure where to tell him to go????

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hi piis, or fish??? thank you for the reply, im really interested in base, esp learning crew then with a few more decent skydives id love to get into it! i speak a little french, learning at nite school! i went to the french base forum, and found it very difficult to get in! as id love to talk to you, where do you live??? i dont have a car, so not sure how id get ot the places???? i REALLYYYYY want to come, like i said to fido i have a base buddy who has base jumped for years and wants to come to base here in france, is there anyway i can come with you???? thanks for your reply be safe love and respect melxxxxxB|

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It's easy. You could use my way.
1) I moved to France one year ago to become basejumper
2) I found dropzone
3) I told them I'm not American
4) I found basejumpers (easy step)
5) I bought rig
6) I was driver and ground crew for few months


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ummmm, easy aye!? well ive done the fist step moved here! just need to ge the rest aye! just need to find the base jumpers to go with, ill ask at gap hopefully someone will be able to help me, thanks for the help though, remember if your jumping this way remember me, and my enthusiasm, id really like to come, stay safe
melxxxxand yer im def not bloody american

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ok i have met and have some great base buddies out here, i put this add up to find some other people for a friend to come and base jump with! as my mates suggested it, long story and far too complicated to get into!!! so no need for ohters people to contact me, ive learnt crew, and jumped, love it so that is it!

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Just note, there is a region in Southern France that some people feel is suitable to take newbie jumpers. This is not the case. I may be wrong, but I personally do not know of any places in southern france to learn to jump.

There are some very dangerous places to jump, and several places for very experienced people to jump....But not newbies. So don't be misled.
Mick Knutson
* BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."

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Are you talking about our canyon? One exit point is generally accepted as suitable for first jump. It's E, but huge overhang and excellent landing.


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Are you talking about our canyon? One exit point is generally accepted as suitable for first jump. It's E, but huge overhang and excellent landing.

The one with Venturi winds? The one with an entire 3' wide landing area surounded by bushes and a river? The one I am talking about is not _real_ overhung and does not have a huge landing area. I am not part of any "Generally" that would take a newbie to the place I speak of ever!

BTW, Since when is a 800' cliff that is not Real overhung, but ok, I will give you a few feet worth, terrible landing, unpredictable winds suitable for a 1st timer.

Hell, Bridge Day is not even suitable for _SOME_ first timers, let alone a cliff. Norway has cliffs I would deem suitable for 1st timers, but there have been incidences there as well.

The biggest screwup I have seen consistantly, is someone acting as an instructor, and greatly overestimating what they are capable of. Mentally and physically!

I don't know who you are, so no personal offens, but I see this happening often.

Most jumpers are quick to forget the actual memory of what they never saw or knew to look out for on their 1st jump(s).
The more dangerous the jump like lower cliffs/winds/landing obstacles, the more likely the jumper is to loose it when something like a simple 90 left happends. I saw this is Switzerland. A simple 90 left turned into a deadly cliff strike.

Why is it so hard to just _NOT_ be a BASE Teacher, and tell someone who really wants to jump to "Proove" how much they really want it.
Fly to Norway, BD, to a FJC. When you have the drive to proove it, you are going to be using your mind in that effort. If someone hands it to you, you didn't have to think, or earn anything. Then you are just spoiled and taking things for granted. Like that fact that you can very easily die, or worse......get messed up for the rest of your life.
Mick Knutson
* BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."

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It is misunderstanding. I did not expres my opinion, I just describe the situation. The site I'm talking about is 270m cliff with 20m overhang and 15m*50m landing area (beach). It's the easiest site in south France, even easier then bridges here (according to my mentor).


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It is misunderstanding. I did not expres my opinion, I just describe the situation. The site I'm talking about is 270m cliff with 20m overhang and 15m*50m landing area (beach). It's the easiest site in south France, even easier then bridges here (according to my mentor).

WOW, beach landing! Not the one I am talking about at ALL!
The one I am talking about is a goat trail at best. At least when I was there. That does sound pretty good. But, cliffs should always be elt with, with the utmost respect. They will bit you quickly and it will hurt when they do. But with the correct experience/training/mental state, cliffs are my favorite!

Take care, and always be safe!
Mick Knutson
* BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."

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It is misunderstanding. I did not expres my opinion, I just describe the situation. The site I'm talking about is 270m cliff with 20m overhang and 15m*50m landing area (beach). It's the easiest site in south France, even easier then bridges here (according to my mentor).

Mick Knutson
* BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."

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if you jump at Gap-Tallard, I know a bunch of people who BASE. Actually if u talk to the people at this DZ, you'll see that a lot of them BASE... I can't give you their names here but pm me and I'll tell ya.

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