
What type of job outside of BASE?

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I have been selling various computer related items on eBay and wholesale since I was 19, I am 25 now... Self-employed. My business partner is a skydiver too, though has no desire to BASE.

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I'm not sure it matters what we do to get our money...Tell your dad that by making judgments about people based on their career or occupation is probably going to be misleading more often than not! He'll end up judging me to be XXXX, when he's never even met me, it's just too narrow minded - there are all kinds of people in all kinds of careers!

Regardless of our jobs, what most BASE jumpers really DO is:
  • LIVE our lives to the greatest extent, the best we can!

  • Actively work to pursue and overcome our greatest fears!

  • Ignore people who tell us, "You can't do ________"!

  • Appreciate the natural beauty of the earth!

  • Support CHANGE instead of hiding from it.

  • Trust in the power of BELIEF

  • Know that just as much as everything matters, to the same extent NO-THING matters!

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im a metal factory worker(Quickdraw could you explain if needed,cheers mate)
Im not getting payed well thats why im a BASEjumper,also i use all my energy at work,thats why i usaly dont climb anything higher than 500ft...

K-monster if you let your dad meet me this summer im sure he will see were just as "normal" as the rest of the crowd out there..oh that is if you dare:ph34r::D

Looking forward,only 3 months from now he heB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I am actually in one of the most mundane and boring professions - I am an accountant.

Sadly (or gladly), I dont meet that many other accountants that share my passion for certain things...........

well, except a certain Italian fellow that has grown from spawn............... B|

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atomic physicist. yes, really!
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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I own my own medium sized HVAC business. We do repairs, replacements, and new installations of heatung and cooling systems.

I'm also a HVAC Engineer and I work for a big swiss company in Mexico. The company I work in is for sale since this week, so I ask you if you need a HVAC Engineer... :-)
Michi (#1068)

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industrial designer; currently finishing my mech engineering degree

one career wasn't enough to keep me from getting bored while engineering will pay the jumping trips

the ground IS the limit

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I work at a climbing gym. It's totally, inexcusably lame.

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BTW, I may be back in TX in june, guys...;)

Sweet, we'll be here... and possibly with some new (to you) objects ;)


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Add F-14 and F/A-18 pilot to the list... sucks having to keep it on the way-down-low all the time!

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Damn, you pretty much described my outlook on life perfectly... nicely done!:)

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Hi Katie :P...

I voted Engineer (database engineer), so I guess I fit into two categories, Engineer/High-tech type stuff.

But as far as life goes, I have definitely been around the block. So I definitely feel your father is way off on what type of people BASE jump.

Not to mention, every time you stand next to Chad at an exit point, you are standing next to the type of people who represent BASE.

Do me a favor… To help explain your point of view to your father, simply print out the page that you’ll find at the below website:


Don’t tell him why he’s reading it… Then once he’s done reading the Bronze Star definition/history, tell him that this is the kind of person that you BASE jump with... Tell him that you have the honor to jump with this person often. Your father knows that Chad is a Bronze Star recipient, so he’ll quickly connect the dots whether he wants to or not.

Chad, and you, are awesome examples of what kind wonderful people we share exit points with. With that said, it would be awesome if your father eventually gets your point of view. But just remember, it is not your or our mission/responsibility to ensure that people understand why and how we live life the way we do. That’s an impossible mission [:/]


P.S. I hope you and Chad are doing well... I miss you SUCKERS ;)...

BATMAN - (A.K.A. SBCmac ...)

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I work here...(see picture)

I do abseiling and inspection here and I can tell you that it's very frustrating looking at this beautiful flare stack every day.

Fortunately that's only 2 weeks a month, which gives me 2 free weeks left to play...:D



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Add F-14 and F/A-18 pilot to the list... sucks having to keep it on the way-down-low all the time!

Mm tell me about it [:/] cargo over here

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I'm the Captain of a ocean going tug working down here in the Caribbean Sea. I don't know too much about these here computers or politics. However, when it comes to top-shelf liquor, BBQ's, and the worlds oldest profession, I consider myself an authority!B|

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For the last three years, my tax returns have listed my occupation as "BASE jumper." I'm considering a career change to "industrial gravity tester" as per Jay's suggestion.
-- Tom Aiello


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Not gay "but willing to learn".

eh? :P

find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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"are you gay? No but willing to learn"

line from Chevy Chase when joining the Army in the movie Stripes.

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Ahhh got it.

find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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Damn what a dumb ass your right. That was one of my favorite lines in the movie! Big Fletch fan too just got a bit confused!

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