
stowing your stash bag

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When stowing my stash bag last week I noticed something that you might keep an eye out for. I have a pocket in the back pad of my container. I normally fold my stash bag up and cram it in the pocket. The other night part of the draw string fell out. It was pretty dark and I could have easily missed it. It doesn't pose much of a problem on my container because the opening for the pocket is on the left side. I took a quick look at my partners gear and his opening is on the right side (same side as the pilot chute). His rig is an old vision. Newer rigs may have addressed this (not that its a problem if you pay attention). It would really suck to have your draw string or even one of the shoulder straps go around your pilot chute when pulling it out. Just a heads up if you have never seen this.

be careful out there

Matt Davies

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Not directed at Pringles, just a general heads up...

You should also keep in mind that stowing the stash bag in the back pad has the potential to dramatically change pin tension. So, if you're jumping a pin rig with a back pad pocket, be sure to have a friend check your pin tension _after_ you are all geared up.
-- Tom Aiello


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i thought it common practice that the "opening" of the stash bag was folded into in the middle and covered over by the other folds?

I thought this was common practice? (and also obvious practice???????????????)

oh well!


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I fold my stash bag in this manner also but somehow part of it snuck out (like I said it was dark and I very well could have and probably did miss something). I know some people even roll their stash bag up and stuff it in the opening at the top of the padding on the leg strap. I didn't have the pouch in the back pad on my previous rig. I would just put down my shirt or in my fanny pack.

Matt Davies

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I would just put in down my shirt or in my fanny pack.

I tend to stuff it down my pants, with the handle sticking out a little. It makes it quick and easy to get it out on a "jump and run" kind of jump, and I've just gotten into the habit on all my jumps for no good reason.
-- Tom Aiello


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Heh heh... fanny pack...heh heh...

Ps. Note to moderator: This reply adds no constructive material or views to this discussion. It was merely an attempt to poke humor at a friend's word usage.

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funny thing i thourght of the same,thats one of the reassons i DONT use mine.I used it to stow my 46 underclimbs,were i dont use my stashbag...,Sad thing is that your bridel then will be expozed to wind and other "shit",so to me its there for no reasson now:P

get a pair of "army pants" or just some of thouse whith pockets on the side on the legs,they are grreat to fill up whith stuff like stashbag or gloves;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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What do you guys think is the fastest way to stash a canopy?

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through it in the room behind the car and drive;),otherwise hug the canopy so you have less air in it and then just trash it down...:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I just put the stash bag on the ground next to the canopy. Then I put my foot in the mouth of the bag and hold up on the other side of the mouth with my hand. Then I start cramming fabric into the stash bag. Once i have the canopy and the lines in then I take off my container put that in and then my helmet follows.

Matt Davies

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On Crank.


Prizes to anyone who gets to read my posts before Mr Aiello's son, Tom deletes them.

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Then I put my foot in the mouth of the bag and hold up on the other side of the mouth with my hand. Then I start cramming fabric into the stash bag. Once i have the canopy and the lines in then I take off my container put that in and then my helmet follows.

Don't you look a little silly running away with one leg stuck in a stuffed stash bag?

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> the "opening" of the stash bag was folded into in the middle and covered over by the other folds?

This is EXACTLY what I do with my stash bag. B|
Stay safe out there
Blue Skies and Soft Walls
BASE #689 - base_689AT_NO_123_SPAMyahoo.com

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