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Laraine 0
Bless your cotton socks. 'Grow up' sounds quite endearing when voiced by a 20year old. As Skinflicka remarked, it is not compulsory to read anybody's posts, nor is there a requirement to play the role of 'protector' and control everyone's level of interaction. I'm finding this thread really informative - not to mention entertaining - even though I am a highly experienced BASE jumper myself, (having done one jump off an un-named bridge).
I'm sure you have a lot of good things to contribute to any topic, as we all do. My concern is the level of hypocrisy I see in your communication.
QuoteOh for f**k's sake!
Grow up!!
My mother is a grown-up and does not use this kind of language. Also, men never grow up. (This is not a criticism, just an observation.)
QuoteHaven't you all got better things to do than sit at your 'puter and bitch incessantly about who is/isn't part of Tom's cool group?
Speakin' of bitchin'....
QuoteInstead its personal attacks galore, back-stabbing left-right-and-centre and a whole lot of good-for-nothing sledging.
Backstabbing is only back-stabbing when it is not voiced publicly. Personally I think a bit of sledging is quite good fun and not necessarily good-for-nothing.
QuoteHow pathetic are all of you??!!!
Posters, grow up!
Moderators, do your jobs!
The forums are meant to be for discussion, not for insulting one another's intelligence or lack thereof!!
Labelling people as pathetic, and then berating them for insulting others is a somewhat questionable technique.
To pinch, Skinflicka's line again, don't take it too seriously.
Personally I think you're all stark-raving mad (BASE jumpers that is), but I have the utmost respect for you as well and I look forward to reading some more juicy stuff.
RayLosli 11
Yo... can you give me a AHHHHH..Men
Brutha, or (sister) on that last post.
This is only Airing-out everyones thoughts
about the topic.
I am learning a crap load of info.
Eiley 0
QuoteI am learning a crap load of info.
Agreed. This is probably the best thread I've read to truly explain the reasoning behind keeping all BASE sites a secret. I was one of the people who never really understood the thinking behind censoring the names of the well-known locations, but base689's post (among others) was an excellent explanation.
nothing to see here
Jasmin 0
Yeah, it was a bit of rant. Apology for the extent, there's some good stuff in this thread I agree, but I ain't never seen no bitchin' like I have in this forum over the last couple of months. So I still stand by the sledging and the back-stabbing comments. (In between the Malaysia threads, the PM's about it and the posts deleted, its coming from posters and moderators alike).
It doesn't help those learning, it doesn't add to anyone's knowledge, and the post deletion without consulting pisses a lot of people off (J.Utah).
The point I'm trying to make is, afford each other a little respect and we'll all be a lot better off (and yes that one should be hit at me too).
"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."
base311 0
Quotejasmin said, in part: ".... but I ain't never seen no bitchin' like I have in this forum over the last couple of months."
additionally, she said, "The point I'm trying to make is, afford each other a little respect and we'll all be a lot better off (and yes that one should be hit at me too)."
What you've seen here ain't shit compared to what BASE jumpers are capable of... just browse the archives over on Blinc for starters. This is lightweight stuff. Bitchin' and arguing and backstabbing and shit-talkin' is the stuff of BASE.
Ever tried to herd a pack of cats? Good f'n luck.
sangiro 25
QuoteOh for f**k's sake!
Grow up!!
QuoteHow pathetic are all of you??!!!
Posters, grow up!
Moderators, do your jobs!
Jasmin, pipe down. You're starting to burn bridges. (excuse the pun!)
You don't have to post.
Some times during a rock fight a stray stone knocks fruit from the tree and everyone around gets the benefit.
Maybe a useful thread will develop. Maybe steam gets blown off. Maybe someone has some fun in the process (please don't remove the post due to this contentious idea).
Maybe none of this has any real value since we're hardly the UN trying to figure our world peace.
Don't take it too seriously.
Love n hugs.
Prizes to anyone who gets to read my posts before Mr Aiello's son, Tom deletes them.
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