
BASE. . . .off of a porta-ledge?

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I'm a climber.

Haven't ventured into BASE. . . . .yet.;)

Everytime I'm up high on a very overhanging big wall I frequently wonder if anyone has ever BASE'd off of a port-a-ledge? Would it be possible to do this?



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Yes. I've used it a couple times to jump walls that had domey tops but vertical faces below them. Generally, you rap down until you find a good place to exit from, then set up the ledge to provide an exit platform.

I've considered trying to exit by rapping off the end of the line, which might allow some good extra launch velocity, if you used the line as a pendulum. I haven't summoned up the testicular fortitude to give it a shot, as yet, though.
-- Tom Aiello


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Hmmm. That's some pretty crazy shit Tom. I don't know if would ever have the balls to BASE off a rappell line. I would like to watch though. he he.

Sounds like a project to me.:P


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Hey if you'll do it I'll get video. B|B|B|

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From someone who knows F all about base, that seems like an awesome idea for one of you guys. Find a nice dome with exmpty space below it, repel down in reverse (australian repelling?), and you're in a perfectly flat position. Just let go the grip and you're on your way.
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I say this now since I'm currently safe here on the ground, ... Count me in!!!
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i am pretty sure i know of someone who has exited off the end of a rappeling rope!

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Ok, this is coming from someone who hasn't BASEd yet, but used to be all into reppelling off of shit...

That would be a cool ride! There are a good number of ways you could go down the line to work with different kinds of exit points. If you really really wanted to, I can see in my head a handful of ways to static line off the end of the rope, or more accurately discribed as repeling down your static line with break away cord at the end (which would be easy to weave into the end of most climbing rope).
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Have you done the pendulum off the "big stone" that is done by rapping off a short fixed line to the left of the anchor? There is something so primally wrong about rapping off the end of any rope that it adds tremendously to the rush of a full ropelength penji at 3K above the valley.


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Every time I stand at the edge of something these days, I have to remind myself if I don't have a rig on my back. It's tough. I'm not sure I'd really want to train myself to rap off the end of the rope. I might get the wrong idea on a real rappel someday. ;)


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Have you done the pendulum...

Nope. I've seen it, though, and it looks like fun. You can set up a similar one across the way, too.

Hmmm. Maybe I'll have to give this some practice...
-- Tom Aiello


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Why dont they try abseiling off of the rope at the famous one day a year event?

Tom - did you go belly first, or back first?

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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As a bungy jumper, I'm pretty curious of how will look a pendulum setting. Does any of you as a pic ?

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