
Radiation Safety Meters

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I have been doing some research to see how dangerous A's are.

So far I have bought a hand-held frequency counter to let me know if there is any high RF, but I wanted something more accurate and I came across this radiation safety monitor:


Does anyone bother with this sort of thing? I am particularly interested in opening up new stuff without getting cooked.


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So far I have bought a hand-held frequency counter to let me know if there is any high RF....

I'm curious as to how you are using this device. Are you testing different sections as you climb, or in the elevator as you ascend past a dish, or array. Or are you just testing your launch point?

And are you now backing away from A's you used to jump because of your findings with the counter?

"Always keep something between you and the stinger...like another jumper."

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This is mainly for opening up new stuff which has a lot of shit hanging off it. I want something which is hand-held and will tell me when its dangerous where-ever I am on the A (except in FF of course!)

I like the Narda kit because its designed specifically for engineers working on masts.

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There's some good links on a thread on the ABA site about the effects of Non-ionising radiation.

Most common effect of RF in particular, is thermal damage, but indirectly you can get burns and shocks aswell.

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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Rod Says: "Always keep something between you and the stinger...like another jumper."

HEY, did I tell you that or have you been doing that to me?

S wind sucks

I didn't invent skydiving, but I jumped with the guys who did.

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Thomas likes to use a portable CD player. when the CD stops playing, and fuzz is heard, Thomas is getting a healthy dose of radiation. When the CD player tunes into a radio station, Thomas is getting an even healthier dose of radiation.

There were some interesting articles on BLINC
such as

Everything you ever wanted to know about antenna radiation


Antenna Radiation

There are several more posts on BLINC which discuss this. It would be a great place to do some searching, and/or asking.


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The things to stay away from on an A are...

1. The stinger at the top.
2. Any 5-10 ft. rods that are hung out on the side (usually white).
3. Any array of curvy, sort of S shaped things off to the side.

These are the major transmitting devices you'll see on an A.

If you see them... keep climbing another 20 feet or so.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Cheers for the info folks. I asked for a quote from Narda for one of these devices and they were not prepared to quote me because I was a not a professional and could not probably afford one. $1800! True, but I just found one on Ebay for $160. Do a send a snotty email or not?

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