
Videosetup for base?

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Hi, any opinions on the best video setup for base?
I have seen a lot of "topmounted" videohelmets. is this prefered over "sidemounted" when basejumping?

other things to have in mind when building a videohelmet for base?



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It doesn' matter. Just hang as much useless video machinery from wherever you want the only canopy you are jumping to entangle with.

Video cameras have no place on a BASE jumper. But, then, I never agree with anything anybody does these days.

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I prefer top mounts.

BASE risers are wider than skydiving risers, and BASE canopies open faster/harder. The net result is that a riser strike on a sidemounted camera can be quite brutal. I've seen two side mounts ripped off on opening. I've often wondered how bad that would have been if the mount hadn't broken. Talk about some serious whiplash...
-- Tom Aiello


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In general, I do agree that most BASE jumpers put too much emphasis on getting the video. However...


Video cameras have no place on a BASE jumper. But, then, I never agree with anything anybody does these days.

You might amend that to eliminate the "these days" part.

I know an old timer who tells stories about trying to sneak out and jump without his friend Carl, because Carl always used to make everyone wear a bunch of camera gear, and he and his brother just wanted to go jump.

The Carl in question? Yup, that'd be Carl Boenish. I'm guessing he'd be psyched to see the number of cameras festooning BASE jumpers these days.
-- Tom Aiello


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Hi Niklas
I used a sidemount once i lost the camera as the riser stroke it.i had a bad neck in a week.

I know that you might know of a jumper in our country that just have been out of the sport due bad neck becours of hardopenings likely becours he had a camera strapped to his head most times.

I know that by the place you live you will most likley get alot of slider ups,i only have 1 of thouse crazy jumps:ph34r::D so i cant tell the effect of that.

Thats one of the reasons i got myself a bullet cam now.

I will tend to think that topmount is the way to go,if you dont want/can effoert a bullet cam.its most likly also the easyest way to climb stuff whith whith out fear to hit anything whith it..

I never jumped a topmount myself through..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Video cameras have no place on a BASE jumper.

i dont agree,video is the perfect tool to find out what to change,that might even can bee seen from a video the jumper had himself...

besides,if we couldnt wear cameras what should we look at all winter long:ph34r::D

dude you seriuslu need to get out jumping;)

Niklas if your interested in bullet cam then talk to Bo W. he knows about them.

i just got pack4 from here http://www.rfconcepts.co.uk/helmet_cameras.htm

but this site is kind of cool aswell http://helmetcamera.com/products.htm

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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BASE jumping without video?

What's up with that?

If it didn't make DV, it didn't happen.

How else can you prove how cool you are to all the chicks?


Prizes to anyone who gets to read my posts before Mr Aiello's son, Tom deletes them.

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How else can you prove how cool you are to all the chicks?

what chiks??? thouse who rather go to the pub or disco instead of looking at us marcho guys:ph34r::D

we gonna hit UK same time this year???

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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BASE jumping without video?

What's up with that?

If it didn't make DV, it didn't happen.

How else can you prove how cool you are to all the chicks?

Right on, bruvva!





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I used a standard side-mount freefly helmet and I'm convinced it's why my video camera is now trashed. The riser strikes are brutal.

So if you're gonna do video, do yourself and your bank account a favor and go top-mount.

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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