
Popular site being burned

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Why? you didn´t answer on that thread. I am being totally fair IMHO. discuss the points if you have an opinion as I asked you please, here is a repost on this thread of the points.
" So you never responded to my question in "point c." or responded to "b" or "d.", Jason.
I´ll briefly outline it again, as I would like to ask your opinion on these points.
Point b. Felix opened his site to the world.. What do you think about this? Privately owned and you and all others have permission to jump there. Is this a future of legal BASE?
Point c. How is one to know who did the highest, lowest, longest etc if it´s not documented in an accessable manner? How does one document it in an accessable manner? (Felix does have documentation on his jump). What about the johnny-come-lately record breakers, even you didn´t know about the last 2 that were since year 2000. How would one rectify this lack of info?
Point d. Read the starter post again. What makes people jump to conclusions faster than exciting journalism? You got taken in by it too. Why are people so gullible to the media´s entertainment? McCordia seems to me like he is objective in stating what he saw on Dutch TV. How do we prevent this, Should we? Do we need to have a figure to poke fun at as Manbird said?

Jason, you are highly experienced in not only the sport but adminstration of it also. What would you do? I respect your opinion and am interested in your ideas.
take care,

I just did a mission with Stuntmonkey in Greece, He asked that documentation of the lowest jump be provided to him and he will back off on his claim. fair is fair. If you want to check out the most realistic version of his jump in the other thread, then check this site out.
His age and jump dates are incorrect.
take care,

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Personally, I am going to write RedBull and tell them what I think of their sponsored pussy ass jumpers running around and doing things that endanger access to the premiere object in the US. I've already sworn off Red Bull and suggest everyone do the same.

I was planning on doing the same... though I was also going to tell them I'm boycotting Red Bull, and telling as many people as I can to do likewise, until the people they sponsor act in a responsible and respectful manner.

Why on earth would you discourage one of the very few Corporate Sponsors to quit dumping money into your sport?

Don't you think that sponsorships and Event Hosting is a positive thing for the sport of BASE?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a legal day off a big bridge in Cali, for example. It's possible, and has happened, but it takes bank to sponsor that kind of event.

Red Bull is one of the very few companies outside the industry to put money into the sport. Do you really want to blow that scene?

Put down the pen. Get off the keyboard, and go flick with these guys, then sort it out face to face. Man to man. Hate breeds hate, but love is contagious.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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Don't you think that sponsorships and Event Hosting is a positive thing for the sport of BASE?

Not necessarily. Sponsorships, money, corporate influence... All of these things have influences on sports they touch. Those influences can be both positive and negative. I would definitely not say that they are universally positive.
-- Tom Aiello


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If anything, that jump with skis looks stupid anyways. Granted I'm no skygod or anything, but a nice aerial is imho 100 times more impressive than some bullshit ski jump that looks stupid.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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That does not matter at all!
You have no idea how much hate and devil mail I got from various relideous groups for the Jesus jump.
Just because you didin't jeopardize a legal site, you still showed the world what _ALL_ base jumpers are like.

When 1 person does something negative, we all look bad. Like it or not, what 1 person does effects the entire community.

As far as RB, bad publicity is _STILL_ publicity!
Just like when RealTV was ripping huge b-holes in many jumpers for a while. They did not care if it was negative, it was still publicity. Finally many people stopped giving them material.


AFAIK and I know pretty far, Felix has never jeopardized a legal site. If this is the case with the others, I believe you have a legitimate complaint with RB. Please get statements from the authorities stating the complaint and the probable impact and i will pass it on directly to the chief of sponsorship of RB. Just make sure that this is the case. Talk to the guys first find out their side. Let me know when you wish to proceed with this route.
take care,

Mick Knutson
* BLiNC Magazine "Everything you ever wanted to know about Parachuting, but didn't know whom to ask."

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"Various religious groups". Do you mean like these guys;)
[url"http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0903/redbull.html"] Clicky[/url]
Take care,

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"Various religious groups". Do you mean like these guys;)

Oh all right, I fixed the clicky.. (put a space before and after the quotation marks.. the marks aren't necessary by the way)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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WOW! :oThat link is only the beginning! If you haven't already done so, you should really check that web site out. Sorry to get a little further off the original topic here, but that web page would be hilarious if it wasn't real. (Is it actually real?) The quote that really stands out was:

"This so-called “energy drink” is carbonated bull urine, with lemon flavoring and enough crystal meth to get a whole housing project full of Negroes tap dancing up and down the streets until dawn.":S

I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I can't believe I live on the same planet as these people! Remind me to stay away from Freehold, IA!

"Ignorance is bliss" and "Patience is a virtue"... So if you're stupid and don't mind waiting around for a while, I guess you can have a pretty good life!

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Hey guys,
Are we still talking about burning "popular sites" and egos and why one or just a few people act as though they are above "the law" therebye ruining it for everybody?

Because I heard that a well known base jumper, although not sponsored, was jumping different exit points really close to our most favorite legal site. These other exit points are not legal and draw the authorities attention.

I'd say that if you want to jump an illegal exit point, do it far away from the legal one.

I don't know. Just a thought.


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it is a joke....a some what subtle, but very good one....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Jimmy I love ya bro, and I don't disagree with what you wrote above, however, I did want to inform you that the PT's are fenced in now as a direct result of day blazing and packing under the tower to the headlights and such.

You didn't pack there but you know who did.

The last person (John whatshisdefiancethreathenedPeteName.) was the last person I'm aware of to jump that object during the day. He was the final straw and people got busted later because of it. The PTs are still accessible but it's a stealth mission now.

You know my views on our local objects. I didn't have any issue about what time we jumped the Big "A" however, our easy objects are not so easy any more. Part of that is because of your video. People saw you do it ... and you know the rest.

I like the vids and everything but man, keep it low on the objects that every one uses. Those are some of the Safest and fun ones around.

See ya soon.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Oh and I believe that the illegal jump in question isn't actually illegal. I believe you just need to inform the sheriff.

They aren't suggested though and most probably will cause injury if frequent jumps are made. At least one of the sites is very unforgiving. Get a 90 right and you're pretty much screwed.

I didn't jump it in case you're wondering.

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Thanks Hookit!
In retrospect, it seems that "a space" is the problem". Hmmmm. Just joking.... I think.
take care,

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it is a joke....a some what subtle, but very good one....

Doesn't qualify as remotely subtle for me. But maybe my sarcasm detector is better than most. :)

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we are getting waaay off topic, but i think the extreme depth and detail they have taken the site to fools a great many people, i know christians who have actually apologized to me for that chuch's beliefs... rotflmao...

that is sort of what i meant by 'subtle'
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I did want to inform you that the PT's are fenced in now as a direct result of day blazing and packing under the tower to the headlights and such...
The last person (John whatshisdefiancethreathenedPeteName.) was the last person I'm aware of to jump that object during the day.

>>Cowboy blazes day because PS called him out in front of everyone and embarassed him. I'm not defending him for threatening at all but that situation was handled badly...praise in public and criticize in private. Now he's got a F you all attitude and instead of bringing him into BASE as a brother he's been pushed out to the fringes. But it's over now in fact on Sunday they were polite to each other. And it wasn't him who packed in the headlights, that was the Venezualian.

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And it wasn't him who packed in the headlights.

I know that. The Venezualan has more of an excuse than any one. He was shown the headlight trick by a local that believes it's ok. We've discussed this amongst each other already.

I don't know the entire situation, but I do know that Cowboy does have an attitude. Dude, I was in Malaysia working and got a phone call inquiring about him. I would be glad to help out but he has not been nice. If PS handled it poorly then bad on him. Cowboy is an adult and he's a bit defiant if you know what I mean.

If he's nice we will be too. That's all.

By the way, you and I have a climb to make fairly soon.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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but I do know that Cowboy does have an attitude...
...Cowboy is an adult and he's a bit defiant if you know what I mean...

>>Yes you're absolutely right about that...he's a bit, how shall we say...abraisive. But I'm working on him! ;) I don't like hopping fences at the PT's either.


By the way, you and I have a climb to make fairly soon.

>>And climb we shall, my friend :)

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It's not the least bit subtle.
The trouble is that there are so many genuine nutballs out there that the Landover Baptist Church seems plausible anyway.
If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive. -Me*
*Ron has accused me of plagiarizing this quote. He attributes it to Douglas Adams.

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I heard that a well known base jumper, although not sponsored, was jumping different exit points really close to our most favorite legal site. These other exit points are not legal and draw the authorities attention.

Feel free to name names and give specifics.

The cliffs in Twin are all legal, at least they were the last time I asked the Sheriff if I could jump from one of them. The cliffs away from town are on BLM land, so they're pretty much in the same legal areas as the cliffs down in Moab.

That said, I agree with Hookitt that jumping the cliffs around there is scary, and silly, and you're way better off to find some safer and easier cliffs, further away from such a nice legal span.
-- Tom Aiello


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