
Looking for info on cliff strike at Kjerag??

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Saw this on the Austrailian BASE board Cliff Strike From what the post says the person was not hurt and was pulled off the cliff by chopper. Anyone got any more info?? From the pics it looks like it was rental gear, but that doesn't mean too much.

Nate :D:ph34r:
Base # 942
The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.

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Ok, I dont know anything about BASE, I'm just a skydiver newbie. This has been covered in the norwegian press, please take this with a grain of salt:

http://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/2004/06/28/401757.html (norwegian, but pictures included)

The jump was believed to be his first basejump ever. The article says he launced an unstable exit, and hit the cliff after opening. He slided down the wall for several seconds, before a big stone stopped him about 1 meter before a 200-300 meters drop.. Rescuers say that his luck could be compared to winning the lottery. He could leave the hospital the same evening..

Looks like pure luck this ended all good.

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