
Newbie Taking a AFF student BASE jumping!

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Personaly i think we have too many yahoo-mentors,and if you were so once i can see why people has/will blame you,however thouse people might also need to open their eyes and look forward instead of only behind.

I think most here will agree that prober instruction from mentors whith loads of experience all around will lead to less injuryes and burned objects...

Guys this is just like an soap-oprah,i couldnt miss the chance to be in it:P

by the way,is it a bugger on that finger;):ph34r:

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Man this is just the funniest god damn thing now! I started by defending my best friend with my own experience and it has become a one man bash John Fest by 570. Well now you have it. People with a couple BASE jumps aren't the ideal instructor and still John is a good guy. Go fig.

Nobody has any use for an ego-stoking, self-righteous BASE/Sky god. If anyone that has pertinent input to this original post it would be great to hear it. I have put in my "two cents" but here is a little bit to tell you that I have a little more experience than a "whuffo" or "newbie"

BTW- All of the very experienced BASE input from the masters of BASE is what we seek in this sport and way of life. I will see you at bridge day and hopefully will get to talk to you. Nick, Jason, Tom, John, beer's on me.
Tom I am the guy who sent Joy and Rick the Ghetto like editting film for our numbers.
Thank you all, good night.
BASE 860/861

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I wouldn't necessarily characterize it as a one man bash John Fest. For sure the first paragraph of 570's first post on this thread was a major dig at John, but if (and that is a big IF, as I don't know either of these guys personally) the events described in that paragraph are accurate, 570's point that it is ironic that John would now be posting this kind of message about another newbie is accurate--that is, it is pretty ironic.

That being said, it doesn't seem to make much sense to make that point in a thread about the original subject matter on a public forum for a couple of reasons. First, even if the history described in the first paragraph of 570's first post is accurate, it is also HISTORY. The mere fact that John would be here posting his original message indicates that, regardless of how he got his own start, he now understands that inexperienced new guy running around doing the things he has been doing on his own is fairly reckless and not the preferred path to get into BASE. And as long as John gets that now, what good does it do to dredge up the past in a public forum?

Second, it is entirely possible that this newbie will read this thread himself. And if he does and he sees 570's post, he may well completely disregard the last paragraph, which did appear to contain some constructive advice (albeit surrounded by a couple more digs), as well as the other helpful posts that preceded it, and instead take from this thread only the idea that if, notwithstanding all of John's cautionary admonitions, that's the way John actually did it and everything turned out okay for him, it should be fine for this guy to carry on as he has been. Thus, ironically enough, 570's message could actually make matters worse by merely solidfying this guy's resolve to ignore the counsel of more experienced jumpers and continue running amok.

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I take solace in the fact that no matter what happens (base being outlawed, objects shut down), the only person standing in the way of me tossing on my rig and climbing up and jumping off of something is myself. That's the ultimate freedom.

Wery nicely put.....;)

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Look at it this way. All one needs to BASE jump is the desire, a rig, and an object. Those three things will always be available. No, local, state, or federal agency can ever shut down BASE jumping. No one person could do it either. If you say it’s for the good of the sport, it doesn’t wash. You are really saying it’s about your convenience. No one can own, rent or parcel out BASE jumping. And that, right there, is the beauty of it, it’s the freedom. We are starting to monkey with that to the point, that well, you know . . .


I take solace in the fact that no matter what happens (base being outlawed, objects shut down), the only person standing in the way of me tossing on my rig and climbing up and jumping off of something is myself. That's the ultimate freedom.

* One thing for shure is, even when there is a pile of Shit to wade threw.
Shit being, 90% of all posts.
You can still find a couple of good things that are not covered up by
The Smell. ;)

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I would like to also Apologize for using the words....
Satchel : for, Nut-Sack
Asshat : for, Ass Hole

Satchel and AssHat do not fit my Personality :)

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If people are telling you that you're certainly going to get hurt, its probably for a reason! Whilst its certainly a slap to your ego, perhaps they're seeing what you can't- that your enthusiasm/ego/ideas are not matched by your ability, prehaps you're going too hard.

Everyone has some story about how they or someone they know, pushed it too hard and got "reminded", got hurt or ended up on "Nick's list"...and there are worse things than being dead...

ps the prob isn't confined to the US or europe, we got it too.

"I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with the earth...but then I wouldn't recommend picking a fight with a car either, and that's having tried both."

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Ok have you even met Jason? He in my opinion is a very humble jumper. If you thing he's an ass just because he won't take you to every object out there then you don't understand the work that he Eman, 515, 516, and countless others have invested in the BASE in the Carolinas. I was there for Johns 1st jump off the oblect over near 700's house and afterward he seemes to go off on his on trying to get BASE in a weekend on some technical objects. And I thinl that's were570's concerns come from.
John seemed like a great guy from the small time I spent with him and I've heard good things about his dz and some iffy thing about some of his BASE prodigies.
Anyways I'm totally hammered right now so my point is.... 570 isn't bashing john just to be bashing john, and he's not bashing john. 570 has done more for base in the carolinas than most of you young'ns will. And if he or some of the older jumpers don't take you out to an object it;s to take care of the object and not your or their ego.

Now go out and fucking jump you fucking pansies.;);)

PS not respnoslible for this post I'm toooooo drunkkk!!!!

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>>>If you thing he's an ass just because he won't take you to every object out there then you don't understand

--Don't think he's an ass.
>>>John seemed like a great guy

--No Shit
>>>I'm totally hammered right now

--Great! That's how I see the world totally sober
>>>570 has done more for base in the carolinas than most of you young'ns will. And if he or some of the older jumpers don't take you out to an object it's to take care of the object

--As I said before. He can have that piece of the world, I don't care and don't need anyone to take me anywhere. I just BASE to muffle the voices. Its a very small portion of my mental recovery program. Plus I stopped being a youg'un a while back.
>>>Now go out and fucking jump you fucking pansies

--Ok, stop yelling! Christ!!
Edit to add not take away

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Reference you and all the other window lickers in this thread, JUST GO AHEAD AND KISS JOHN! JESUS CHRIST YOU FAT BASTARD, SHUT UP AND HAVE A KID FOR "GOD'S" SAKE!

And to all of you who don't think 570 was making a personal attack on John, I hope we meet sometime when I am in a really bad mood so I can just rant and berate you and then we can just be great friends and share each others wives or something fun like that! Get a grip!

After asking John and several other base jumpers, (that I consider to have quite a vast experience base) about this thread, I can't believe how badly the dicussion hasdegraded.

In the future, it might do us all in the sport to simply stick with the issue and maybe help somebody out and quite possibly keep them alive!

Hey Matt, how the hell did you get two BASE #'s? Maybe it was a typo or something! (Or was she standing over your shoulder!!!!)

Much Love, Arlo

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John hayes Gave my pet sheep the clap, I'll never share anything with him ever again!

May we live long and die out

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um.. speaking of the clapp, I am not gay but you can't help BUTT notice, that your ass is showing...

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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i think both John and i really dont want to kiss each other,however i would think it would be fun to huck an object whith him once:ph34r:



All the pics i saw of Jesus he looked really slim,your sure it were Jesus you saw?



I have 2 kids and if i shut up they become terroists..B|



im an atheist i dont belive in god...:)

Now could we go drink some beers or jump some objects,becourse all this bashing aint good for anyone.. ;)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Hey Faber I think he was refering to me with the fat comments. he is kind of mean when it comes to that.
John isn't much for kissing I guess since he took a swing at me the last time I tried but TRGV2000 is game.
I am an Athiest too so maybe we could go huck something in the name of John or something.

Now I am going to have me a Becourse Light;). Later

edited to add: Both my wife and I have numbers. She got hers before me:( go fig. Now however, she is limitted to stuff that won't shake that belly up.:D

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BASE 515, I was the one who gave your sheep the clap. John just took the blame. Thats what I get from spending all that time in the desert around all those hot assed goats.
BTW- your whore ass sheep gave me herpies. So she isnt as pure as you think.
NICE ASS though!!

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I think he was refering to me with the fat comments. he is kind of mean when it comes to that.

so your Jesus:P:Dwow he he

aslong we dont huck John,then its cool by me:P

congrats whith the belly thing,i have 2 blond tyrans(well skydivers usaly say so go figure:ph34r:)They really love the world of BASE(they only saw on the tv and the pc),usaly i call them the minidudes(3 and nearly 5 years old),both of them learned to say yahoooo yeeehaaaa 3 2 1 c ya and BASEjump before they could walkB|(dads cool girls..)

Perhaps ill sell them for a rig as they get teenagers:o:D

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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aslong we dont huck John,then its cool by me:P
SLI,IADI,AFFI.TIE.FAA Rigger, Single & Multi Commercial Pilot,CFI, CFII, MEI

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<<This coment truely shows who is trying to get their ego stroked!! Think about it if a person chooses to go BASE jumping they will go with people that they know. Why would someone travel to another place looking for someone with more jumps or experiance when they dont even know you. Why would they trust you with their lives? The same in skydiving, does someone choose a DZ based on the experiance of the people or is it the VIBE? Maybe if you gave off a better vibe instead of always lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce on someone for posting on here maybe people would search you out. This has strayed way far from the original post. We were concerned about a newbie taking an AFF student BASE jumping remember! Then it wasnt long before you pounced on me! If you are looking for your ego to get stoked here you go, "yes you have more jumps than I do" Yes you have been jumping longer than me". But some people were just not born to teach what ever the experiance. I dont take people Base jumping because I am worried about loosing revenue at the DZ. I go with people that are gonna go whether Im there or not. I have never tought someone how to BASE but rather tell thim what I have learned through my experiances, Sharing the knowlege from jumpers past is how people learn not to make the same mistakes as the older jumpers. By doing this makes BASE safer and safer so that people dont continue to make the same mistakes.
I have never jumped with you, but I have jumped with several people that jump with you often, For some reason you dont like me, and I truely dont care.

Hi John,
I'm not the one who needs my ego stroked John because I'm not the one who is trying to teach everyone who comes to me and says "wow BASE is cool, I'm going to jump are you going to show me or what??" I have turned down dozens of people because I felt that they didn't really want to learn BASE they just wanted an amusement park ride. I have even turned down close friends because they couldn't or wouldn't take the proper steps to learn the skills that are needed in BASE. I try to steer the people that ask about it in the right direction by telling them to take their time getting really comfortable with flying and packing a big 7 cell canopy, to learn tracking skills, to take a class with the manufacturers, to put forth the effort to learn as if their life depended on because IT DOES! Most people that want my help get the same curriculum and I can say that almost all have said "oh, it's to much work" or "it's too time consuming" or it will "cost too much money" In my opinion, these people don't need to be BASE jumping because they have little regard for their own wellbeing and safety and can't bring themselves to do more than a half assed job. Most of these people have forgotten about BASE because it wasn't easily attainable. Sure some still have that desire but at least they have all the facts and have some sort of idea of what it takes to to be as safe as possible in the sport and what it would take for me to help them. I strongly feel that if you would have the same discretion when choosing students that you would not be in the situation your in now with your new student. The new student would see how meticulous you are in choosing, preparing and planning for every jump and they in turn would do the same and they would know that they don't have the knowledge yet to teach anyone. I think you have set the bad example by taking everyone who asks and, as you have seen, your students have and will do the same as their teacher.
Also, your statement "Why would someone travel to another place looking for someone with more jumps or experience when they dont even know you [them]?" fails to make sense. So are saying that people wanting to learn shouldn't go to manufactures courses because they don't know them?? This is ridiculous! What I said was that he failed to get other OPINIONS on the safe path to BASE jumping and choosing a mentor. I wouldn't have taught him to jump anyway, I don't need that kind of reassuring, I would have given him some skills to practice and some phone numbers to call to get set up with a course.
I guess we are just different in this aspect. You believe that it's a big amusement park ride and I KNOW it is not.
Once again good luck in talking with your student, I truly hope that you are able to get the point across and get this issue resolved.

ps-Thanks for posting the first picture it pretty well sums up your attitude now, just as it has been all along.
pps- A good "vibe" won't do crap for you when the shit hits the fan, but good skills can.

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Maybe it's just me, John, but I distinctly remember you advising me several times to wait for quite some time before I started BASE jumping. In fact, I seem to remember hearing you turn down many people who simply weren't ready or had extremely low skydive numbers, etc. And I believe that we had discussed this over the phone as well: it's one thing to take experienced jumpers with reasonable jump numbers for a BASE when they plan on going without you anyway, but quite another to take an AFF student up for a BASE when you are just starting out in BASE yourself. Seeing as how THAT was the original point that was being made, along with how to approach that situation conversationally with the jumper, and not this verbal vendetta that some here are turning this into, I'm glad that actual answers from reasonable people have surfaced. I'm also glad that this issue has seems to have been resolved at the personal level. It makes all of the blatherings of some here seem that much more ludicrous, as the original point is lost in seemingly angst-ridden tirades against you.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Please! Please! Please! will you teach me the oh so metiphysical and all encompassing artform of BASE? I truly wish to be a Jedi Knight! How much and where do I send payment for the B.I.M. (BASE Imformation Manual)?

Do you really take yourself seriously?(Not just BASE)

Good luck with the really tough things in life and please quit flexing for hours in front of the mirror!

Not so much love, Arlo!

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I am officially tired of this thread.
-- Tom Aiello


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