
faber, 1 year

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IF i remember corectly it`s one year u got ur number mate
tell us about it
stay safe bro

"jump, have fun, pull"

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thanks alot,how did you rember that???
You posted me at pm aswell and i actualy corrected you to the 21 sept. but i just doubbel cheeked and YOU got the date correct:$B|

What can i say... (will tell the storry of this jump)1 year ago i still needed my completing letter to get the word.So at #¤#¤ in the morning,a mate and a freind packed the car,to make the 1 hour drive to a 143ft S,were another fellar waited under the S.
I would need a driver to get me up at the S,and a driver as "getawaycar".

This were my first SL below 300ft(had only made some test jumps to make sure that my setup were working),so under the S i desided to jump above water instead of the grassfeild,as this were a changing in the plans i had to strip off the clothes i didnt needed.

After that i cheched the gear,got into it,and then we took off whith the car to get up on the S.

This S is werry trafficated S,so no matter we would be seen,therefore we would be in a hurry up there(the guy that dropped me off would record the jump from above aswell).Soon as i got out of the car i started to huck up my SL,in the same time i were recorded.Soon as i were done i looked at my legs,i were shaking as #¤%#.But soon as i stood outside the rail i got the calm as i always get on a exitpoint.
I cleared the bridal did a last chek,looked at my freind,"3 2 1 fuck ya" off i went.
The sea were rushing towards me as i fighted the feeling that i might wanted to go head down just i case the canopy didnt open(which wuld have killed me),"Crack" and the canopy were open,onheadding.I released the toogles and found myself "high" undercanopy,so i desided to make a 90degreeturn and see if i could hit dryland,which i did.Not a pretty landing but i didnt got hurt or wet.

The GC on the ground had recoreded it all and quickly helped me out of the gear and off we went.

We hooked up to the GC from the S,to confirm evrything went well,and to look at the video before 1 guy had to go to work,and i and the guy from my city went the 1 hour drive back home.

Thanks guys,i couldnt have pulled it off whith out you guysB|

Yes i got my #,In 1 year i have now been BASE 850,i must say that im proud of what i have done.BUT as Mac says,its only a #,its a part of a history that i wouldnt be whithout,but also i found out its only a #.
I know serval people whith out a BASE# that i far greater than me,and they still have their history aswell.

Would i have gone for the word today as i know what i know? Probaly yes,but only to be a part of that history.At the time i got the # i saw it as a licens,people whith a BASE # often can say they know somthing(which often is true),but also there are people as me,having a # and still aint Quallifyed to anything else than throughing them self off objects(lucky thats what i love).

Again thanks both of youB|
Ohh and Shunkka Happy Bday,i now understand how you could rember the day for my BASE#:ph34r:

EDIT:Were did Macs post go?This post looks like it talks drunk as you dont see Macs post[:/]

Who ever moved it i can only say why?I saw nothing wrong in that post....(unless that the fact that Mac care more about me than about my # is wrong??).

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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EDIT:Were did Macs post go?This post looks like it talks drunk as you dont see Macs post[:/]

Who ever moved it i can only say why?I saw nothing wrong in that post....(unless that the fact that Mac care more about me than about my # is wrong??).

yeah mate i moved it, sorry......... The reason I moved it is as I thought people may think i was slagging off the BASE numbers - but i was not. What I was trying to say was that although its cool to get a number, once you have it it actually means nothing to you as you realise you have no reason to have it at that point of time. It attaches you to the history - but thats all.

I only wanted to post this again to explain your post to me.

BASE numbers are cool - but its strange that once you have one........... mate I love you as Faber - your not 850 to me, you are Faber!!!

And Faber does his own thing and his own shit - he dont need to be 850 to do it!!

sorry to delete posts..................

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no worrys mate i just didnt saw it as you explain now...

Oh yes im more Faber than im 850,but then again im a dane and i would move to UK if i could(how mad is that..hehe)

alls coolB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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u r right Mac... a number is just a number
my congrats was like... "congrats man for complete the WORD or for ur 1000 jumps, for ur first or somthing
maybe my poor english is 2 poor to post on english language forum
i remind the date coz he got the number on my birth day...

"jump, have fun, pull"

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i did get it mate and i thank you.
Mac also understands it,But as he explained then soon as you get the # its value some how aint as big as before(but its still there)

No worryes i think evry one understanded what you wanted to do,and im honnored that you did so.:)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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