
Fox or Flik

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Just curious now that the Flik has been out awhile how people like them as compared to the Fox. Although my Flik out flies and lands better than my Foxes I'm still a die hard Fox fan. I think it's a security blanket issue. :|
"When it comes to BASE, I'll never give advice, only my opinion"

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Better Flare than Fox!!:)

Just my opinon.
Base # 942
The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.

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has anyone else had mostly good results with Flik except for just once or twice?

I jump Fox & Flik, and cant tell much difference. I think i like vents but I am not sure. I land softer under my Fox. It is hard to tell the difference between vented and non-vented canopy openings accept that you gotta slow the vents down terminal. I can't decide which to get for my next canopy and I need suggestions from heavy users.

I got a heinous opening with my Flik once... a corked surging line twist 180 on a normal slider up cliff deployment. That is the reason I dont try another Flik immediately.

has anyone had any strange openings with the Flik?

We parachute geeks are just thinking too much and just need to jump any seven cell base tested parachute. It has got to be just luck of the draw and skill.

I think lots of jumpers graduate from Fox to Flik or Mojo to Ace and think the new parachute is better but really they just have learned to base jump better and flare better and their parachute is new instead of old and flies true and their body position is better so openings are more on heading


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I have 500+ jumps on Fox's and 350ish on fliks. Hands down, the flick is the better canopy. I'm a big guy and the Flik lands me very nicely. Much better than the Fox ever did. I have noticed zero difference when it comes to heading control. Hope that helps

P.S. I am not a sponsored jumper. I'm a paying shmoe just like you.

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I can't decide which to get for my next canopy and I need suggestions from heavy users.

Why not try something else and see if you like it? There are lots of options in the latest and coolest. On the other hand, if you're not too worried about the canopy, and think (I'd tend to agree) that the jumper makes a much larger difference than the parachute, why not just grab something cheap and used?


I got a heinous opening with my Flik once... a corked surging line twist 180 on a normal slider up cliff deployment. That is the reason I dont try another Flik immediately.

I doubt that one opening was the canopy. It could have been a lot of different things (my first guess is wind at opening), and the canopy itself is just about last on that list.


has anyone had any strange openings with the Flik?

I've heard reports of strange openings, but no more than the reports for any other canopy. There are always rumors that this/that/the other canopy opens poorly, but as far as I can tell the Flik has no more or less of them than any other canopy.


It has got to be just luck of the draw and skill.

Not entirely, but in general I'd agree with you. User skill has a lot more to do with this whole thing than gear used.
-- Tom Aiello


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I were thinking on all thouse landing reports on Flikshere,were they by 4 or 5 controlines attached(5th line is as the Flik will be delivered from BR).

Im looking forward to get my Flik aprox next week(Thanks Kmonster,Dexter and BR),and will give it a shoot whith the 5th line,but i might remove it as i did after serval jumps whith 5th line on a vented Fox...(thanks Jason,removing that line on your surgestion sure did help)...

Just thinking out loud...

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I'd be interested in hearing more about the pro's AND con's of removing the 5th line... I jump a heavily loaded Flik 322.


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Did both the Fox and the Flik have the multi or just the single attachment point?
"When it comes to BASE, I'll never give advice, only my opinion"

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They're both options, but I believe that most if not all of the stock (non custom orders) canopies that they are producing have the multi on it. All of my jumps have been with the multi and I don't have anything bad to say about it, the idea just makes sense to me. Some people think that the multi is black death b/c they feel that it is another component that can hang up and cause a problem.
This topic has been heavily debated on the base board on blinc. You can probably find some info about the pros and cons if you do a search over there.
Base # 942
The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself.

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I normally take my multi's off for slider off. I have not noticed any better preformance with the multi on for the short delays. I know Per Flare had some issues with the multi a while back. Curious on what his thoughts are on the multi now.

Per Flare are you out there?
"When it comes to BASE, I'll never give advice, only my opinion"

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