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Faber 0
Quotewhat are you gonna do, arrest me?
nope just make sure not to jump whith you as it looks like you dont care S### about peoples places,and i dont want to be a part of that..

"If you're gonna be stupid, you'd better be tuff!"
i guess your one of the tuff onces...
Pleace respect the sites arround,thanks
Stay safe
Stefan Faber
base698 20

outrager 6
QuoteQuotewhat are you gonna do, arrest me?
BASE is about people. Pissing off the people is a really bad way to start.
What Tom said. In extreme cases people went as far as physical violence directed towards obviously misbehaving jumpers. I would be very careful about pissing off a bunch of law-breaking nutcases such as base jumpers

McDuck 0
As soon as I get word back as to when this meeting might be, I'll let everyone know. From what I understand, this is not a chance to get together and gripe about people and develop new animosities. This is a chance to come together and agree that BASE jumpers in the area and beyond need to do as much as they can to preserve the sport and sites as long as possible and not kill it for everyone. Attitudes and animosities won't play well in this setting, so please don't come if you plan on championing the "who cares" camp or the "back off my BASE territory" one.
Again, I know I'm just a neophyte and only have one jump to my name, but I'd like to be able to take it slowly, learn the way I feel is necessary without feeling as if the jumpable objects will be nil in my area by the time I'm ready to huck for myself. Anyone who truly cares about this sport and the PEOPLE who share that interest will see some validity in this position.
As of now, the meeting is tentatively scheduled for Saturday the 9th of October after 6pm at Skydive Parkton. But that's just an estimate, and not worthy of its own post yet. More info as details congeal.
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.
McDuck 0
QuoteAwesome, anyone want to come over for a beer? My address is in the article.
Yeah, I wondered out loud about that as I read the article at home last night. Is that even legal? The printing of your address like that?
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.
PhreeZone 20
Can we talk about what caused this wire ride and what can be learned from it? How much experience did this jumper have before this jump? What were the winds doing? Did he have an off heading opening or did he lose sight of the wire and fly into it?
And tomorrow is a mystery
base698 20
QuoteCan we talk about what caused this wire ride and what can be learned from it?
It was a dark and stormy night, Bryan decided he was going to do his first BASE jump alone in the pouring rain and thunder. I decided that if this was the case I would go supervise in case something happened. We proceeded to the tower with a driver when Bryan remarked on how scared he was. I told the driver to pull over and get a case of beer, so Bryan could calm his nerves. After Bryan swilled down 10 or 12 beers I noticed the winds were probably not going to be cooperating. It seemed from their current trajectory that Bryan would be facing a 45 mph crosswind into the wire. This wouldn't do well for a large BASE canopy, so luckily we had a 65 SQ FT VX to pack carefully into his BASE container. After arriving at the tower with a thoroughly intoxicated Bryan and fixing the canopy situation, I told him to gear up and start climbing, since he was going to freefall solo, he didn't need any help. I told him his exit was roughly at the first light, and when he was ready to radio down. As he was approaching the light with winds howling and lightning striking, he radioed back and said he was terrified. I responded back that since he was being such a girl about the whole ordeal he was going to have to do a gainer to make up for it, otherwise his mates were going to make fun of him. He agreed. He did his climb out and radioed back down that he was ready. 3, 2, 1 CYA! I saw him complete the gainer flawlessly and open in 4 line twists. He climbed above the twists on the VX 65 like he was instructed, getting the canopy to fly straight, he was lining up to do a hook turn when he lost sight of the wire and blamo!!! He wrapped 6 times around, which was luckily tight enough to keep him there for the terrifying and heroic 10 hour rescue! In retrospect it was lucky we had the 65 VX and not a larger 103 Velocity, perhaps then it wouldn't have wrapped tight enough and he would have fallen to his doom!
In a serious nutshell, BASE jumping is dangerous and jumping guyed antennas poses additional risks if you fail to avoid guyed wires. Additional risks include shitting yourself, partial to full canopy collapse, and severe body damage if your body, not the canopy, impacts the wire. It was merely a bad spatial awareness of the situation. Due to the current legal situation that is all the information that can be known. In the end if you don't want to entangle a wire, check the sticky topic in the forum, or DON'T JUMP GUYED ANTENNAS.
PS If you couldn't tell the whole situation outlined was highly dramatized, and is hardly factual at all.
It looks like to me that your a TROLL looking in all the search engines looking for accidents and shit.Waiting for an oppertunity to post.QuoteSince names are out...
Can we talk about what caused this wire ride and what can be learned from it? How much experience did this jumper have before this jump? What were the winds doing? Did he have an off heading opening or did he lose sight of the wire and fly into it?
Justin you ROCK!!!!! Nice post.....but you failed to mention that I was giving all the instruction over the phone while you guys were out there.Dont forget to get me involved so I can get some bashing.
Sonic Beef
SLI,IADI,AFFI.TIE.FAA Rigger, Single & Multi Commercial Pilot,CFI, CFII, MEI
PhreeZone 20

I have been lurking the BASE fourms for a while learning more about it so that I can make an educated decision on it when or if I decide to BASE.
And tomorrow is a mystery
i'm not even going to waste anymore of my time arguing about nonsense.
but if somehow anyone feels that i am a person that is damaging the BASE community and needs to be threatened... my full name and home town is and always has been posted in my avitar. pay me a visit.
also as a side note, if trespassing BASE jumpers are the big law breaking criminals you're making them out to be... come see the outstanding citizens i hang out with here.
oh and Faber... it's not that i don't care about "peoples places", my whole point is no BASE jumper owns these objects. they didn't want any here in the first place. so what's to change about the object if it happens to be the victim of a blazing jumper? if BASE jumpers are so good at not letting anyone know they were there, than keep going without getting caught and shut the hell up.
and again if you think you know me from a few snotty lines i've posted here in some forum, all i can say is have a nice life... i wasn't ever begging anyone here to take me jumping.
John Hayes
SLI,IADI,AFFI.TIE.FAA Rigger, Single & Multi Commercial Pilot,CFI, CFII, MEI
TomAiello 26
QuoteIt looks like to me that your a TROLL looking in all the search engines looking for accidents and shit.Waiting for an oppertunity to post.
Someone with more than 12,000 posts who helps to moderate parts of this web site can hardly be called a troll.
TomAiello 26
Quoteso what's to change about the object if it happens to be the victim of a blazing jumper?
Setting up other jumpers to get arrested is generally considered bad form.
Increased security on objects due to your actions is usually viewed as something along these lines.
base698 20
QuoteAfter Bryan swilled down 10 or 12 beers
Well here's the problem. This incident never would have happened if you guys hadn't neglected to smoke some bowls full of that wacky-ta-backy to go along with those beers of yours.

But shouldn't he have been on a VX-39 instead of the VX-65 you speak of? I mean there's less chance that the smaller canopy would have gotten snagged on the wires.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over
base698 20
SO LET IT BE!!!!!!QuoteHe picked Wired Beef. Wouldn't that be sufficient?
SLI,IADI,AFFI.TIE.FAA Rigger, Single & Multi Commercial Pilot,CFI, CFII, MEI
Perhaps another thread...
-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --
TomAiello 26
QuoteI understand the rule about personal attacks, but - playing devils advocate here - would you perfer that regulation of BASE make those personal attacks - or would it be better if the self-policing that base is extremely well known for be allowed to live online?
I am uncertain. However, this forum is not my property. Nor is it yours. The gentleman who is nice enough to let us use it has laid out a few simple rules. "No personal attacks" is the first one.
The ethics of BASE must interact with the community which is When they run afoul of this communities ethics, rules prevail here. We have plenty of other places to talk.
Since you posted about it does this meen I can say how funny this shit was.
Sonic Beef #1
SLI,IADI,AFFI.TIE.FAA Rigger, Single & Multi Commercial Pilot,CFI, CFII, MEI
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